The Storm God

Chapter 3403 Modify the rules!


Somewhere in the void.

The real body of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, realized that he had lost control of the earth, and his face suddenly changed, becoming extremely gloomy.

this moment.

He realized that something had happened to his avatar.


How could it be so on the other side of the earth?

But what's going on? I didn't even have any sense at all, until I completely lost the sense and control of the earth, and then I realized it later...

Is the opponent so strong?


"No matter how strong the surname Bai is, he is just like me. They are all outsiders. It is impossible to interfere too much with the origin of this world..."

"Could it be that there are other strong people intervening in this matter?"


Morpheus, God of Dreams, was puzzled.


the other side.

Uncle Da, the dark lord, was also shocked.

The earth is gone?


It's lost!

Just like that, it disappeared without a trace under my own eyelids!

What is going on here?

It shouldn't be!

He was puzzled.

As for the so-called uncle, Steppenwolf's safety, Uncle Da didn't care at all, all he cared about was the truth.

But it's a pity.

No matter how Uncle Da thought about it, he couldn't find a clue.

And this time.

An inexplicable connection suddenly broke into his mind, "Dark Seid, Lord of Darkness, I am Morpheus, God of Dreams, maybe we can cooperate..."


And regardless of the external situation.

This side of the earth.

Bai Xiaofei also sensed the tremendous changes that had taken place on the earth, and he was shocked. He also had a new understanding of Bai Xing's comprehension ability and potential.


In terms of hard power.

Bai Xing may not be his opponent, and he is not enough to look at in front of strong men like Darkseid and the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus.


She has an unparalleled advantage.

The earth has a very special meaning in this world, just like the core of the world, it is of great importance and irreplaceable.

And Bai Xing.

It is the master of the earth, not one of them.

Even if the strength is weak, it has great authority to mobilize the power of the earth and many laws of the surrounding void.

This is awesome.

Just like just now, Bai Xing used the insights Bai Xiaofei imparted to him, as well as his immense divine power, to mobilize the power of laws, strengthen himself, and the barriers of the earth...

It directly let the earth escape into another dimension and space.

Stronger than Darkseid and Oneiroi Morpheus, they couldn't find any traces, as if they were blind with their eyes open, there was nothing they could do.

Even if it was changed to Bai Xiaofei, if he moved from place to place, there would probably be no exceptions.

in short.

In a sense, Bai Xing is equivalent to the strongest saint of heaven like Hongjun.

At the very least, on the three-pointed land of the earth, she has absolute control and management authority. Without her permission, the rest of the outsiders, even if they are stronger than her, will not be able to enter, and they will be turned away in the end. There is nothing they can do.

Even if it's only temporary.


Do it all.

Bai Xing couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Then he smiled sweetly at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Dad, I did it. I have hidden the earth now. Although it won't last long, it should be able to meet your requirements, right?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He smiled and said, "It is enough, as long as there is no intervention from those outsiders, with our ability, it is enough to restore the earth to normal in a short time..."

"Even more..."

"It is not impossible to educate the world, collect enough will power, change and sublimate everything, and turn the earth into an indestructible fortress."

"Then you do this..."


He began to attack again.

Originally, Bai Xiaofei planned to do it himself, but with the appearance of Bai Xing, he suddenly discovered that the effect would be better with Bai Xing, the Lord of the Earth, executing it.


The premise is that I have to give her enough help.

For example, the supply of power, the supplement of props, and the guidance of strategies, etc., are like supporting a prince to ascend the throne and manage the dynasty.

And Bai Xiaofei is the operator who hides behind the scenes.

"I see!"

When Bai Xing heard the words, he immediately understood.

Then, without any hesitation, she immediately followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions and began to change something with the power of the earth.


Certain rules within the Earth.

Couldn't the army of demons transform other creatures by relying on fear?

Then block this concept directly.

Back from the dead?


Feel sorry!

On the Earth managed by Shirahoshi, such a thing absolutely does not exist.

Don't ask why, I just want to.

In short.

The whole earth is the embodiment of Shirahoshi.

Naturally, she can do whatever she wants, just some rules, if Shirahoshi wants to change and reset, of course there is no problem.

It is like a dynasty overthrowing the old law and re-promulgating the new law code.

Everything is determined by those in power.

And Bai Xing...

He is the only king.

For example, Bai Xing said that apart from her, Bai Xiaofei, and her own people, other creatures cannot fly...


Once the rules are established and activated, they will take effect.

The ensuing result is that all creatures on the earth now no longer have the ability to fly, even bird creatures that are born with wings.

Because the rules don't allow it!


This kind of thing is naturally not for fun.

The only purpose is to limit the mobility of demons. Aren't you numerous, fast flying, highly maneuverable, and fearless?


My aunt is directly banned from flying!

Fundamentally depriving the other party of their ability to fly, so that countless demons can only fly by relying on their legs on the ground or flying aircraft.

On the contrary, the local rebellious natives on this side of the earth are not subject to such restrictions at all.

Under the ebb and flow, the impact and influence on the demon-like army can be imagined.

Coupled with the relics of other corresponding laws, the demon-like army has been directly weakened to the extreme, just like some god-level characters in some games are directly turned into sewer garbage. Without the breeze, they can almost only be passively beaten.

Steppenwolf awesome?

There are also some elite monsters that are also very powerful?

It doesn't matter!

The great ones are often only a few.

Without the assistance of the demon-like army, even if they all add up, they won't be able to make any waves, because the earth side has been fully strengthened.

Bai Xing said to himself, all of them will be strengthened by ten times, and those with strong aptitude, even a hundred times, will be enough to form a crushing and sweeping momentum.

in short.

The GM of the game directly helps some players to hack, and even modifies the data by himself. How can you let other players and monsters fight against it?

This cheating is too thorough!

at the same time……

A psychological hint.

With the power of modification, inexplicable imprints have been imprinted on almost all life on earth who resist foreign invasion, allowing them to know the existence of Gaia consciousness on earth by means of dreaming or obvious induction.

follow closely.

The monstrous power of wish was directly concentrated on Bai Xing.

It can be regarded as fundamentally cutting off the influence caused by Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, and Bai Xing also made his strength more stable and solid because of the gathering of countless wishes.

Seeing that Bai Xing has gained a lot, and that the demons of Apocalypse, Steppenwolf and others, were beaten up by the rebels like dogs who lost their homes, and they were in a terrible embarrassment.

Bai Xiaofei also smiled happily.

"very good!"

"Next, after defeating and disposing of those invaders, it will be the overall transformation of the earth, as well as the new establishment of the ecology and system."

"You must not stand still!"


White Star doesn't make any sense.

As for what my father said, he was almost following the horse's lead, without any doubts.


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