The Storm God

Chapter 3404 Target another world!

Bai Xiaofei was very happy.

At any rate, I can be regarded as someone who has been here, and I have a lot of experience, so I can handle the transformation of the DC Earth world with ease.


He really can't do it.

Of course, Bai Xing, this cheap daughter's efforts and great contributions are also indispensable. Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sigh, it's great to have authority!

Don't care about any messy things, it just seems to come as it comes.

This gave him a sense of accomplishment.


For a moment.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help thinking, if Bai Xing could also incorporate this world into his small world camp, how powerful would he become?

Will the sudden increase make him directly break through the realm and step into the realm of the venerable?

to be honest.

He was looking forward to that scene.

But considering that Bai Xing was already his daughter, so Bai Xiaofei's thought was only fleeting, and then he completely forgot about it.

"That's all!"

"It's my own daughter after all, how can a father steal things from a child, besides, it's not like we don't have one!"

"I'm awesome, too!"


This is absolutely true.

Although it seems that Bai Xing has benefited the most from all this, in fact, the big boss Bai Xiaofei is undoubtedly the one who has benefited the most.


Bai Xing has become his daughter.

The daughter's is almost equal to his, right? After all, we are a family, what could be better than this?

no more?

in addition……

With Bai Xing's display of various abilities and various transformations of the earth's world, Bai Xiaofei, the instigator and bystander promoter, also learned a lot from it.

Even through the light of Bai Xing, many secrets of this world have been glimpsed.


This is just one of DC's infinite multiverses.


Just one of them.

And it's a very important one.

Just like the DC world that Bai Xiaofei encountered before was suffering from the crisis of infinite earth, it is also a relatively special and powerful multiverse world.

And there seems to be a certain connection between the two.

And the key is The Flash.

Barry Allen!


This special superhero with Speed ​​Force as a plug-in is a special link between the two multiverse worlds.

Even on the surface, the two worlds don't seem to have any intersection, because at a certain moment in the long river of time, the Flashes of the two worlds have already had contact and dialogue.

It was precisely because of this special meeting that Bai Xing's future became even more limitless. Because she can steal the power of other worlds from it...

Just like the Infinite Earths in Crisis on Infinite Earths, every time the world is destroyed, Shirahoshi can increase his own strength.

If all the multiple worlds are destroyed, Bai Xing may even touch some of the most essential special things in that world.


The beginning of time!

Antimatter universe!

The Infinite World repeats itself!


Etc., etc.

And these, for Bai Xing's help, are undoubtedly extremely huge.


The premise is that she can survive this crisis.

That is to say, from the covetousness of Darkseid from this world, and the malice of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, the current hiding is only temporary after all.

To completely resolve the crisis, she had to rely on herself!

And Bai Xiaofei's help.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei's suggestion is to transform the Earth as a whole, and then accelerate its evolution, so as to thoroughly lay the foundation for its subsequent development.

Is it the technology side, the magic side, the comprehension side, or the hybrid side...

It depends on Bai Xing's mood.


Bai Xiaofei will not interfere.

And no matter what Bai Xing's final choice is, as a father, he will spare no effort to help Bai Xing, do everything well, and become stronger and stronger.

"Mix sides!"

After Bai Xing pondered for a moment, he finally made a decision.

However, among the choices given by Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xing also put forward an additional hypothesis and possibility: "Dad, can I also split myself, just like the earth in the multiverse world, and create many clones?" , and then let these earths go to different routes..."


Shirahoshi was not satisfied with the current situation.

After all, the framework of an earth is still too small, how can there be countless earths developing together with the refreshment and speed.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

Apparently he didn't expect Bai Xing to have such a personality, it's a good thing, it's his daughter, he immediately nodded and said: "It's okay..."


Bai Xing is also able to differentiate infinitely.

It's just that in this way, it will undoubtedly share a lot of her strength, thus reducing her body strength to an outrageous level.

And in such a state, it is impossible to deal with the threat of Darkseid and the two big men, Morpheus, the Oneiroi.


Bai Xiaofei thought of a possibility.

Isn't another DC multiverse world suffering from Crisis on Infinite Earths? So what if we take the opportunity to break through the barriers between each other's worlds, and then let Shirahoshi lurk there?

Bai Xiaofei clearly remembered that during the crisis on Infinite Earths, Oliver the Green Arrow sacrificed himself in the end and ignited the flame to re-evolve Infinite Earths.

Now that he knows how to operate, he can completely replace Green Arrow and let Bai Xing be the one who restarts that multiverse world.

And this help to Bai Xing is undoubtedly beyond imagination.


If restarted.

Bai Xing integrated some of his own power, or special laws, into it, which is almost equivalent to that Bai Xing used the power of that world to complete his goal of dividing countless himself.

in short.

It's another version of borrowing a womb to give birth.

Once successful, Bai Xing's strength growth, as well as his pursuit and understanding of the Dao, will reach an extremely astonishing level.

after all……

She is not alone.

Instead, there are countless herself, helping to explore and develop together to become stronger. Such an opportunity, let alone Bai Xing, even Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being envious of it.

This means that Bai Xing is Bai Xiaofei's daughter.


Bai Xiaofei did it himself.

But as a father, since his daughter has spoken up and wants to take the road of diversification and becoming stronger, Bai Xiaofei can only bear the pain to help her.

Who told Bai Xing to be his own seed?

Doesn't hurt who she hurts.


All of this is easy to say, but there are still many troubles and difficulties to achieve, and the biggest of them is undoubtedly the anti-monitor.

To know.

That guy is a multiverse powerhouse at the same level as Darkseid.

It is definitely not that easy to deal with him and accomplish one's own goals. Fortunately, Lu Wuxie knew the plot over there and could do some manipulation and speculation.

With the assistance of Super Girl and other seven sages of destiny, the difficulty of Bai Xing's strategy will undoubtedly be reduced to the minimum.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He told Bai Xing about his plan, and the latter was immediately excited, his eyes lit up: "Okay! This plan is great, Dad, don't hesitate, let's start right away!"

"Don't worry!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile: "Before you act, you must first arrange the earth in this world. After all, you are the master of the earth. Without your approval and support, it will be much more difficult for others to reform... "

"Then it's fine if I hand over the authority to you guys!" Bai Xing suddenly interrupted, leaving Bai Xiaofei speechless.


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