The Storm God

Chapter 3407 The strongest earthling!


"It's really scary!"


Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

After witnessing the infinite optimization ability of his precious son, he felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

The so-called wishing for a son to become a dragon and a daughter to become a phoenix are nothing more than that.

As for Diana and Nie Xiaoqian, seeing how good and terrifying little Arthur is, their inner desire for children became more and more intense.


The two looked at each other.

Afterwards, completely ignoring Bai Xiaofei's feelings, he was forced to take him directly to the bedroom, and set up an isolation barrier.

It's clear that it's not just about letting Bai Xiaofei out.


Little Arthur was taken aback for a moment.

Then she asked her elder sister Bai Lei in complete confusion, "Sister Lei Lei, what are the two mothers doing? Why did you take Dad away and not let us follow?"


Bai Lei was speechless.

Although she is still a young girl, she already understands a lot of things.

Seeing the little brother asking, how can she ask?

at last……

Bai Lei could only pretend not to know.

Then he changed the subject and said, "Okay, leave father and mother alone, let them deal with it by themselves, we finally got out of customs, why don't we just go around the earth."

"Go to Earth?"

Little Arthur immediately frowned and said, "Now? But didn't Dad say that we should stay in the real world honestly, and it's best not to enter the earth easily, because it is undergoing upgrades..."

The baby boy is still very obedient.

Very well behaved.


Bai Lei was a little rebellious.

The more you don't let her go, the more she will go to have a look.

"you are stupid!"

Bai Lei said flickeringly: "Daddy is trying to scare you, don't be afraid, go out to play with sister, nothing will happen!"


Little Arthur was helpless.

In the end, I could only follow Sister Lei Lei and leave the world of the deity together.

To this.

Although Baicas knew about it, he didn't stop him.


That's the prince.

There is also an extremely naughty little princess...

How to stop?

Whoever stops him is unlucky!


White Cass didn't want trouble.

Besides, isn't it just running to the earth to play? What could be the danger? After all, the entire earth is now under Bai Xiaofei's control.

Let them go!

Although they are both children, their strength is not low at all.

A god, a god emperor.


Here comes Steppenwolf.

You have to kneel directly, and you'll be caught in an instant!

In short.

Bai Lei and little Arthur.

In this way, under the acquiescence of Bai Cass, he left the real world unimpeded, and then came to the earth world that is being upgraded.


All kinds of chaotic things erupted in an instant.

For example, the remaining elite demon-like forces in some areas were directly overthrown by two little guys, and even destroyed a city...

The scenery of certain countries, because they do not conform to the aesthetics of the two little guys, has been forcibly reversed and replaced by some extremely abstract paintings...

The most outrageous thing is undoubtedly that the two little guys were misunderstood once, and they directly singled out a group of Green Lantern Corps soldiers.

Although it did not cause any major casualties, it severely damaged the morale and confidence of the Green Lantern Corps.

It is said that...

After this battle, many of the Green Lantern Warriors lost their will to fight, and the Green Lantern Rings in their hands were all detached automatically, and ran to find new owners.

When he saw this data report, Bai Cass had an ugly expression.


He deleted the report completely.

follow closely.

With an idea, Bai Cass issued an order through the main god space, and even directly listed Bai Lei and Little Arthur as the ultimate bosses.

Code name: "The Demon King of Confusion!"

Whoever can defeat any one of the two, or even survive a few tricks in the hands of the two demon kings, will be able to get extremely amazing rewards.


Bai Cass is completely treating the two of them as free training partners.

To this.

Bai Lei and little Arthur didn't reject it either.

On the contrary, I still find it very exciting and fun, although the strength of the Green Lantern Corps, the Yellow Lantern Warriors, and the Lord God Squad are too rubbish.

But the victory lies in the variety of tricks and tricks.

Almost every battle is not repeated, which brings them new excitement and feelings, just like playing a game, full of freshness.


Neither of them had any other fun.

In the days of the earth world, it is almost not abusing food, being a sparring partner to train various superheroes, it is on the way to have fun.

While the two little demon kings gained great satisfaction, the super fighters on Earth also benefited a lot. Although many people quit and left, more people got a huge improvement because of this.


The super fighters in the League of Legends, the strongest realm, and even super players at the level of the king of the gods appeared.


If this were left in the past, it would be almost impossible.

But with the intrusion of Bai Lei and Little Arthur, and the help of Bai Cass, the boundary that was difficult to surpass before was broken so easily.


This also has an inseparable relationship with the various resource support behind the Hongmeng Dark System, otherwise, it would be hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

According to the statistical results of the data, Baikas found that among the various training systems, the one with the fastest improvement speed and the most obvious effect is undoubtedly the power system of the Dragon Ball world.

That is, the practice of qi.

Even the most ordinary blood of earth people, as long as they are willing to work hard and pay, have the spirit and will not to be afraid of death, through unimaginable struggle, they can cultivate their qi to a very amazing level.

Just like a Chinese monk named Kulin.

He was originally just an ordinary little novice monk in Shaolin Temple, but after he came into contact with the cultivation system of Dragon Ball Power, he seemed to be on the hook.

In just a few years, he quickly rose from an ordinary person to the level of the main god. In the end, relying on the main force of the high-level version of Ice Phoenix Holy Water, he broke through the final boundary and stepped into the realm of the god king.

Converted into the system of the Dragon Ball world, it now has at least a super 2 level. With such strength, in the world of Dragon Ball, he is simply the strongest human on Earth.

And some people with special bloodlines have different amplification and promotion effects. However, due to factors such as personal will and hard training, there are very few Dragon Ball warriors who can reach the level of Kulin.


In all cultivation systems.

Dragon Ball Power is undoubtedly the hardest one for the cultivation of qi.

Compared with other superpowers, magic, genetic mutation, Tiejiaman system addition, etc., the effort and suffering required are almost the most.

This also makes many people reluctant to choose it.

Even if it is the fastest cultivation.

In short.

After several years of development.

The earth today has undergone tremendous changes.

Especially after the intrusion and mischief of Bai Lei and Little Arthur, the promotion and spread of super fighters undoubtedly played a catalytic role beyond imagination.


In League of Legends.

The masters of the God King Realm have already broken through more than a thousand people.

Among them, the seventy strongest captains and regiment leaders are at the level of the peak Dzogchen, and they are only one step away from breaking through the God Emperor Realm.


Because of the special limitations of the power level of the world.

At this step, they have been unable to break through for a long time. Unless they can leave the earth and enter another dimensional world, otherwise the special shackles of fate will remain firmly on them.

"Why don't you recruit them into the deity world for further study?"

White Cass thought thoughtfully.

At this time.

Bai Xiaofei finally "exited".

The whole person looked a lot more sluggish, but Di An and Nie Xiaoqian had ruddy complexions and looked quite good, and even their strength had improved a lot.

White Cass: "..."


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