The Storm God

Chapter 3408 Artificial embryo!

After a while.

Bai Cass confessed everything to Bai Xiaofei.

"never mind!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled helplessly.

Children, they just love to play and be very naughty!

Let them go.

As long as it doesn't make a big mess.

not to mention……

The two little guys did a pretty good job, not only didn't make trouble, but they also helped a lot, so Bai Xiaofei naturally wouldn't blame them.


Bai Xiaofei looked at another file.

Frowning, he said, "Are you going to let those people from the earth enter the world of the deity to study, so as to break through their own shackles and bottlenecks, and hit a higher level?"


White Cass nodded.

Explained: "According to the analysis of the Hongmeng Dark System, this world has been set with certain shackles. No matter what system you cultivate, there will always be an upper limit."

"If you want to break this limit, you have to leave the earth."

"The Tongtian Tower is the best choice."


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

To be honest, there was nothing wrong with Baicus's proposal.


The deity world is at stake.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei couldn't just let anyone in. If one of these guys was an undercover enemy, wouldn't he be in trouble?



Bai Xiaofei had an idea and thought of a place.

Then excitedly said: "Bicas, what do you think of the experimental planet I retreated before? It should also help them break through?"


Bai Cass was slightly taken aback.

Obviously, I didn't expect that there was such an option.


Experimental planet data.

Baikas doesn't know much, so he can't give an accurate answer for a while. It must be determined after personal investigation and statistical analysis.

"no problem!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "You know the coordinates, you can go there immediately and take a look to find out. The changes there will definitely surprise you."


He just left.

He left Bai Cass where he was, and smiled wryly.

have to!

Sir, this is the shopkeeper again.

But forget it.

Who is to say that this proposal was made by myself? If you suffer a little bit, you can suffer a little bit. Isn't it just an experimental planet, just go and have a look.


White Cass went to the test planet.

As for the shopkeeper, he came to another special laboratory.

There are many technical creations similar to plants, covered with sleeping bag-like nutrition warehouses, which look very special.

That's right!

This is what Bai Xiaofei took from the Genesis Vault inside the Kryptonian spaceship.

And the purpose of his coming here is to see if he can use his own genetic DNA, combined with Diana's and Nie Xiaoqian's genetic material, to artificially synthesize a living embryo.

Bai Xiaofei also had no choice.

During the "retreat" these days, Diana and Nie Xiaoqian pressed him on the bed every day, constantly creating life, but Bai Xiaofei was about to die, but in the end it still ended in failure.

Without any choice.

In order to appease Diana and Nie Xiaoqian, and for the sake of his own life, Bai Xiaofei could only try to see if he could use the Genesis Bank to create offspring of himself and his second daughter.

Big deal...

After being created into living embryos, they were transplanted into the stomachs of Diana and Nie Xiaoqian, allowing them to experience the joy of being mothers.

Come before this.

Bai Xiaofei has also prepared some experimental "materials"...


Genesis library started working.

Bai Xiaofei's genetic material, Diana's genetic material, and Nie Xiaoqian's genetic material, three different materials, began to carry out matching and experimental fusion conception according to Bai Xiaofei's request.


Everything is going well up front.

But whenever Bai Xiaofei's genetic material enters any of the latter two, a problem arises, and the new genetic material after fusion starts to decay quickly.

This happens every time.

The reason?

Feel sorry!

The brain of the Genesis Bank could not give an answer.

However, Bai Xiaofei's Primordial Eyes could see something tricky, most likely it was the genetic material of Diana and Nie Xiaoqian, whose level was too low.

In other words.

Bai Xiaofei's genetic material is too strong, and the result of fusion can only be that the latter two are ruthlessly blown up by the former, unless the latter two can reach almost the same level as Bai Xiaofei.

"its not right!"

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt a little contradictory.


Shirahoshi's birth was very special.

Gaia in the earth world was not very strong in the first place, and it was only with the help of Bai Xiaofei's world seed that he could successfully integrate...


Seed of the world!

Bai Xiaofei was startled suddenly, and thought of a possibility: "If you put all your genetic material into the Seed of the World, and use it as a living tadpole to fuse with the genetic material of Diana and Nie Xiaoqian, the result will be How about it?"

Do whatever comes to mind.

Bai Xiaofei has never been an inkblot person.

And similar world seeds, Bai Xiaofei has also stored them before, so there are many ready-made seeds, so there is no need to prepare new ones.


The Seed of the World with Bai Xiaofei's genetic material was treated as a "little tadpole", and then sent to the Genesis Bank to be combined with two genetic materials...

The end result is...

It worked!

visible to the naked eye.

A brand-new life embryo appeared in the cultivation warehouse of the Genesis Bank, and developed rapidly, marching towards life.

at the same time.

They are like terrifying black holes, and they start to devour and absorb all the energy around them crazily, causing the brain program of the Genesis Library to almost shut down!

"not good!"

Bai Xiaofei's expression changed immediately, and he immediately realized that this might be due to the insufficient nutrition of the living embryo, so he began to absorb the surrounding energy by himself.

Bai Xiaofei had never seen a similar situation before.


That kind of devouring and absorbing is not ordinary energy, but absorbing the scattered information of Gaia's consciousness, as well as the power of laws and so on.

Now this is simpler.

after all.

The Genesis Library is not a real mother's womb, but a technological creation.

Although it is awesome, the genetic material of Bai Xiaofei, Diana, and Nie Xiaoqian may be even more terrifying.

In order to prevent accidents, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to use his strength immediately, and set up two support barriers in the Genesis Vault.

And all the sources of strength come from Bai Xiaofei.

That is.

From the moment the barrier was formed, the two life embryos that were successfully conceived, the power they absorbed and devoured was Bai Xiaofei himself.

The little energy in the Genesis Library is simply not enough for them to absorb.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei was awesome enough.


For a normal physique.

I'm afraid that he could be sucked into a fuck by these two little things on the spot.

"Depend on!"

Bai Xiaofei was suddenly depressed.

Shocked and speechless in my heart, I thought to myself: "When Bai Xing was born on the spot, it wasn't so scary, so what's going on?"

"Even I find it a little troublesome. With the strength of Diana and Nie Xiaoqian, how can they withstand such a perverted devouring?"

"What a crime!"


He suddenly regretted it.

But now that things have happened, it's too late to regret.

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei could only inform Diana and Nie Xiaoqian.


The two daughters also came to the Genesis Library.

Diana and Nie Xiaoqian were overjoyed when they heard Bai Xiaofei said that they had successfully used the genetic material of both parties to create a living embryo.

Then completely ignore Bai Xiaofei.

The two women were immediately dazzled by the great joy of being a pregnant woman and mother, and their eyes could not wait to plunge into the Genesis Bank.

Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

Then he explained: "I originally planned to let you conceive it yourself after finishing it, but looking at the current situation, I'm afraid it won't be completed."


Diana and Nie Xiaoqian were stunned when they heard the words: "How could this happen?"

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed: "It's because I thought things too simply, and underestimated the potential of our offspring and the ability to do things..."


"While they are not fully completed, directly send them..."


Bai Xiaofei hadn't finished speaking yet.

The two women directly and flatly refused: "Absolutely not, these two children, no matter what you say, you can't get rid of them, they are our children!"


Bai Xiaofei was completely speechless.


What are you thinking?

What I mean is, since the two of you can't conceive yourself, it's better to hand it over to the deity planet to take care of all these matters.

After all, I still have a lot of things to do, I can't stay here forever, and be absorbed by the two little guys as energy?

It is undoubtedly the most appropriate to hand over to the deity!


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