The Storm God

Chapter 3409 The big super is here!

"So you..."

Knowing that they had misunderstood the two girls, they immediately looked embarrassed and embarrassed, and then they were full of reluctance and unwillingness.

"Xiao Fei..."

Diana gritted her teeth: "Is there no other solution?"

Nie Xiaoqian also looked at Bai Xiaofei fixedly.


Bai Xiaofei sighed.

Tell the truth: "The most direct way is for the two of you to improve your strength as soon as possible, let alone become as good as me, but at least you can't be too bad."


"With the food intake of these two little guys, I'm afraid they can suck you dry."

"At least until the basic standard is reached, you cannot, as mothers, transfer them into your own body for gestation."

"I don't think you need to be too persistent."


Bai Xiaofei comforted him.

Although the effect is not great, what needs to be said must be said.

Otherwise, because of this matter, the two girls will definitely have all kinds of worries and wild thoughts, which will seriously affect their cultivation and future work.


In order to appease the two girls.

He also directly moved the deity out.


The deity is also quite speechless.

Unexpectedly, this good corpse that I have differentiated can do things so well, and even dare to use technological means to integrate such important things as future generations...

He is also drunk.


Who made the deity's current state not good, and he couldn't transform into shape for the time being, so he could only grit his teeth and wipe his avatar's ass.

"Diana, Xiaoqian, don't worry!"

The deity comforted: "With me here, the two of them will be fine. You can just practice and work with peace of mind..."

"In the future, when the opportunity arises, I will fulfill the wish of the two of you to be mothers."


After speaking.

Program equipment for the entire Genesis library.

All of them were absorbed into the core of the planet by the great power of the original planet, managed and cultivated by themselves.


Among them, there is also the possibility that Bai Xiaofei, the avatar, will mess around again. In short, Diana and Nie Xiaoqian finally stabilized with the help of the deity.


the other side.

Bai Cass also used the fastest speed to survey the situation of the experimental planet.

After returning, he immediately found Bai Xiaofei, and affirmed: "Sir, your proposal is quite good, as long as there is a little construction and renovation there, it can also meet the requirements..."


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Since that's the case, then I will give you the greatest authority, how you want to modify and design it, it's up to you..."


Bai Cass was speechless: "What about you?"


Bai Xiaofei took it for granted: "I'm the boss, and of course I'm responsible for coordinating the overall situation and the main key things, such as providing the experimental planet with the source of laws and the tower of comprehension, as well as the experience environment, etc..."


Bai Castan was speechless for a moment.

Because everything Bai Xiaofei said is very reasonable, even if Bai Cass wants to do those things, he really can't do them...


It's not that it can't be done.

With the help of the Hongmeng Dark System, Bai Cass can also use the source of law and other powers to a certain extent to inject into the brand new cultivation building.

The key is, what is this familiar formula?

Anyway, Bai Cass felt that he had been fooled.

And when he wanted to discuss with Bai Xiaofei more about the transformation plan of some experimental planets, Bai Xiaofei had already disappeared.


Baicasta suddenly realized.

Depend on!

I was being used as a donkey again.


earth world.

On this day, the entire League of Legends was completely shaken.


Dozens of the strongest players in the alliance will leave the earth today and ascend to another world for further study and promotion.

Regarding their own shackles and shackles, these people are not stupid, most of them have already guessed and analyzed, but they have no idea how to solve and break through.

But today, Baikas told them a possibility.

As long as you leave the earth with yourself and enter another world, you can get promoted and step into a new level of domain.


Leaving does not mean not coming back.

Just like studying abroad, whether you come back or not depends entirely on your own wishes. However, there is a high probability that he must come back, because Bai Xiaofei doesn't like too many outsiders in his own small world.

Now it is a special situation, so it is forced to let these people from the DC earth world enter, and they want to live for a long time?


Naturally, it is impossible.

In short.

Responders gathered.

Soon, in front of countless superheroes and fighters, Baicas left the earth world with dozens of masters who were at the peak of the God King Realm.

And as the protection of the League of Legends, Bai Cass also sent some masters to temporarily help with the management and take charge of the overall situation.

The most critical core figure is Diana.

As for the name...


Or the original Wonder Woman.

Nothing has changed.

Including clothing and weapon props, the only thing that is different from the original is that Diana at this moment is super powerful!

She alone can overthrow the entire League of Legends!


the other side.

Except League of Legends.

There is another superpower on the earth. They are the tight-fitting fighters under the command of the Lord God Space, forming a system and calling themselves a faction.

Does not count towards the League of Legends organization.

after all……

The mechanism of the main god space is different.

The team members under their command pay attention to tasks and rewards.

Most of the members of the League of Legends are generating electricity for love, which is too incompatible with the system of tight-fitting fighters.

The waters of the well do not violate the waters of the river.


Sometimes they will join forces with each other to deal with the enemy together.

As for the main god's space team, this day also ushered in a new boss—Nie Xiaoqian, Emperor Qingqiu.

Of course, this was not what Bai Xiaofei asked for.

In fact.

Whether it was Diana or Nie Xiaoqian, they were the ones who insisted on going out to make a fuss, Bai Xiaofei couldn't stop them.

Add guilt and guilt.


Just let the two girls go out and make a fuss.

Anyway, there wasn't much danger. Instead of making the two women feel uncomfortable in the real world, it's better to let them go out to relax.

As for Bai Xiaofei?


This guy is not idle either, he has been trying to contact Bai Xing who has entered another DC multiverse world for the past few days, and wants to ask how the situation is over there.


There was no news.

Even Bai Xiaofei couldn't even locate the opponent's coordinates.

Bai Cass analyzed: "Sir, could it be that the Infinite Earth Crisis over there has erupted, and all the multiverse worlds have completely disappeared, otherwise our coordinates will not have problems..."

"It should be like this."

Bai Xiaofei frowned and said: "After the crisis on Infinite Earths broke out completely, the only safe place in the DC Multiverse over there is a barren wreck at the end of time..."

"I don't know if Bai Xing's plan is going well or not?"

"One by one is really worrying!"


The voice just fell.

The Hongmeng dark system issued a warning and reminder, saying that there is a spaceship coming towards the earth from afar.

According to the system's detection and analysis, the style of the spaceship is very similar to that of the Kryptonians in this world, and there is this child inside...

"I rely on it!"

After seeing this information.

Immediately, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help swearing, and said in shock: "The spaceship on Krypton, plus the current time period... I'm afraid that kid won't be a superstar in the future?"


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