The Storm God

Chapter 3411 Adopt a big super!


While Bai Xiaofei was excited, Bai Cass also brought a group of robots, as well as various technological equipment, and everyone felt a rising star.

And Bai Cass' eyes immediately fell on the children in the Kryptonian spaceship, his eyes were full of scrutiny and exploration.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

It means, I have already checked this child initially, and it is indeed, as we expected before, the future big super Kal Eyre.


Baicasta was silent for a moment.

Although he had expected it, Baicas still felt a little unbelievable seeing this with his own eyes and witnessing the result.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, didn't even intervene?

It shouldn't be!

Could it be...

What deeper calculations does the other party have?

It doesn't matter, anyway, you have to be extra careful anyway, and you must not let the other party take advantage of the loopholes. I must pay extra attention to this child!


The baby-like Dachao fell into the hands of Bai Cass.

Baikas was not in a hurry to do it, but directly put it on a specially made crib, surrounded by testing equipment.


Chief among them.

Or those decryption instruments built with Kryptonian technology.

Using these instruments, supplemented by the powerful computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System, and the unparalleled energy supply, the code of life in Da Chao's body can be easily extracted.

As for the decryption thing?


Don't worry about this.

To be on the safe side, let's get out the code of life first.

As for the baby-like arrangement, that's not important. Regardless of whether it is placed on the earth or anywhere else, it will be discussed after the test results come out.

after all……

It is not yet known whether this little thing is an undercover agent or a spy.

Before figuring it out, neither Bai Cass nor Bai Xiaofei will give the little thing too much freedom.

"How about it?"

Bai Xiaofei asked anxiously.

Baikas smiled bitterly, and replied: "Sir, please wait a moment, because it is not the body of the Genesis Library, but just a cloning instrument for extracting technology, so the efficiency will be slower, but it is safer."

"About an hour or so!"

"Just taking advantage of this time, we can also conduct a more serious and detailed inspection scan on this child to see if there is any problem with him!"

"How about we start with the brain?"


White Cass asked.

What he meant was to see if there were any spiritual imprints or brainwashing devices planted in this child's mind...

Anyway, he won't let his guard down just because this person is a child.


Bai Xiaofei felt that what Bai Cass said made sense.

So he nodded and agreed, "Let's look at his memory first. Although he is still a baby, his cerebral cortex should be able to imprint something through his eyes, even if the baby doesn't remember it..."


Bai Xiaofei directly launched his mind power.

The tyrannical mental power directly invaded the baby Dachao's mind and consciousness, and unscrupulously flipped through and browsed the other party's memory.


One document after another appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei quickly browsed through it, and found that these are really the memories imprinted by the subconscious brain of Baby Dachao.

And most of the memory content comes from a woman.


That woman is Da Chao's mother.

The second one was a man with a somewhat familiar face. Bai Xiaofei almost recognized the identity of the man at first glance - Kryptonian scientist, Joe Al, the biological father of Dachao.

And through Dachao's imprinted memory, Bai Xiaofei also probably knew what happened to the Kryptonian family, such as the outbreak of the world-ending disaster, the injection of the Code of Life...

Etc., etc.

Pretty much the same as shown in the movie.

The only difference is that before the Kryptonian spaceship left, the little guy actually saw many similar monster-like horror creatures, plundering the resources and population of the Kryptonian family.

at last……

It is a picture of the Kryptonian family being completely destroyed and exploded into fragments.

Then there was darkness.


After reading.

Bai Xiaofei's face suddenly darkened.

Apocalypse's demon-like, actually reached out to the Kryptonian family? What's the situation? It doesn't seem to be in the movie, does it?

Is it because of the mutation caused by our intrusion?


Why is Apocalypse arresting the Kryptonians? Could it be to use the bodies of those Kryptonians to create a more powerful army of demons?

If Apocalypse really intervened, and even directly led to the destruction of the Kryptonian family, how did this baby escape safely?

Is it luck?

Is it fate?


Or is it intentional?


Why does it always feel like a conspiracy?

If you don't wait to extract Da Chao's code of life, just throw him out and let him die on his own.

Lest you betray yourself in the future.


This seems too cruel.

The key is that we are not that kind of person, how could we attack innocent children?

But if you don't throw it away, you can't raise it yourself, right?


Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei was suddenly taken aback: "Raise by yourself? Be good! This idea seems to be quite good. Didn't Diana and Nie Xiaoqian always want to be mothers?"

"It's all right now, having a ready-made baby directly can satisfy their desire to be mothers to a certain extent!"

"Is it okay to raise Da Chao as a son?"

"That's it!"


The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei simply made a decision. If the baby really can't detect any problems or problems, then he can take him here and raise him.


Bai Xiaofei even thought of Da Chao's new name.

It's called Bai Yu!


Superman Bai Yu!

It's really a coincidence to say it.

This is the name that Bai Xiaofei used to create the Zhenjin avatar before.

Unexpectedly, one day in the future, Bai Xiaofei would become Da Chao's adoptive father, and named Da Chao Bai Yu.

It really is a prophecy!


Time flies.

An hour passed in no time.

And after Bai Xiaofei, Bai Cass, and Hongmeng Dark System's various detailed scans and inspections, no one found anything tricky about this baby.

In view of this.

The question of the ownership of Baby Dachao finally fell into Bai Xiaofei's hands. As for Baikas, he was only responsible for the extracted code of life.

The encryption program of the code of life is very complicated and profound.

Even with an artificial intelligence such as Baikas, coupled with the assistance of the Hongmeng Dark System, it will take a certain amount of time to completely decrypt its information.

The point is that this thing is too fragile.

Must be handled with care.


If it is broken, the consequences will be disastrous.

In view of this.

Bai Xiaofei's suggestion is that it is best to take it directly to the Genesis Library for processing. After all, the two parties share the same origin, and it might be much easier to decrypt it together.


Baicus also agreed with this proposal.

After saying goodbye to Baikas, he left Feisheng star directly, returned to the deity planet, and then directly asked to see the deity, and went to the creation library to decrypt the code of life.

The deity did not refuse.

Just put Bai Cass in.

And Bai Xiaofei, taking the baby Dachao, left the real world and came to Earth, and then directly found Diana, the president of the League of Legends.

Obviously, it is necessary to instill the super positive three views and consciousness in the baby Dachao from an early age, so as not to accidentally grow crooked and crippled when they grow up.

Diana was instantly overjoyed.


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