The Storm God

Chapter 3412 Expand the Fox Clan!

"What a cute baby!"

When Diana saw the baby, her eyes lit up immediately, and she directly hugged the baby in the gorgeous place, completely ignoring the existence of someone.


Bai Xiaofei looked at Diana speechlessly.

I really forgot my father when I had a son. Now I can't help but wonder if I made a mistake in adopting Da Chao?

Isn't this just getting someone out of thin air to share your love?

It's just looking for abuse.


He coughed lightly and reminded Diana, "That... this child is a bit special. Although there is no problem with the origin of the Kryptonian family, there is no guarantee that there will be any tricks, so..."

"Come on, baby, mother feed you milk!"

Diana didn't listen to Lu Wuxie at all, and immediately got out a bottle of Ice Phoenix holy water from the storage space, soaked in special milk powder, and fed it to the baby Dachao.

This wave of operations left Bai Xiaofei speechless.


That is the holy water of the Ice Phoenix.

And it's an advanced version, Diana, you actually used it to make milk powder to feed Dachao...

Do you want to be such a prodigal?


We have as much ice phoenix holy water as we want, but Dachao is still just a baby, will you overdo him by doing this?

Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But at this time...

He was surprised to find out.

After the baby Dachao drank the special milk, his small body actually absorbed the terrifying power contained in the Ice Phoenix holy water.

It was as if, it was not a baby, but a human-shaped black hole.

As much energy as there is, absorb as much energy.

No stop at all.

at the same time.

Baby Dachao's physical development seems to have accelerated a lot.

Although it didn't increase immediately, the strength of its physical body was changing at an astonishing speed.

According to the speed, I am afraid that within a few months, Baby Dachao will have the terrifying strength and ability comparable to the adult version in the future.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised and speechless.

Xin said: "It's really worthy of being the seed and hope of the Kryptonian family. The physical fitness and blood are amazing. There is such a terrifying potential at a young age. If we carefully cultivate and become a golden superstar, I'm afraid it will be too late." It's not impossible..."

well known.

There are many versions and eras of Superman.

What Tian Guochao, silver super, gold super, mechanical super, thinking super...


And so on.

Ability and strength are also different.

The most powerful among them are undoubtedly Jin Chao and Si Chao. With Bai Xiaofei's resources and ability, he is confident that he can raise this baby to the level of Jin Chao.

As for thinking super?


That depends on the good fortune of his son.

And just when Bai Xiaofei was thinking wildly, Diana had already come to her senses, looking at Bai Xiaofei who was in a daze, she couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you so dazed?"


Bai Xiaofei regained consciousness instantly.

Looking carefully, it turned out that the baby Dachao had fallen asleep after eating and drinking, and his small body was also rapidly absorbing the terrifying energy. If it wasn't so, I'm afraid Diana would have to cling to Baby Superman and continue to ignore Bai Xiaofei.

He gave a wry smile.

Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to tell Diana again about the origin of Baby Superman and the possible dangers.


Diana frowned when she heard this.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei with deep meaning, and said with a smile: "So, you sent him to the League of Legends under my jurisdiction because you wanted to brainwash him since he was a child. Thoroughly imprinted in the bones and soul?"


Diana is Bai Xiaofei's wife.

Therefore, he naturally would not hide it, and told the truth: "This is just in case, and I think there is nothing wrong with it."

"Or, do you have a better idea?"


Diana was silent.

She had to admit that what Bai Xiaofei said made sense.

No matter which side you think about, doing this is undoubtedly the best choice for Baby Chao, otherwise all that awaits him is the fate of being abandoned.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei's burden is not his own alone.

But a lot of fate.


In the end Diana agreed to Bai Xiaofei's plan.

Then he tilted his head, looked at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Where is Sister Xiaoqian? Did you tell her, she might be the first one to send it to me, right?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Reluctantly said: "After all, the headquarters on your side is fixed, but not necessarily on the other side, and the personnel are mixed, they are all selected from the civilians of the earth, and the core and purpose of the team are not in line with the growth of Baby Super... ..."


Diana smiled and nodded, expressing her understanding.

Then he said: "Then you should tell her the news. Even if Sister Xiaoqian can't officially take care of the baby boomer as a foster mother, it's good to come over from time to time to have a look!"


Bai Xiaofei said: "That's exactly what I mean. Didn't you just see Baby Chao, you were too involved, and I'm too embarrassed to bother you, that's why it's delayed!"


Diana was embarrassed immediately.


But Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "Since the matter here has been explained clearly, then I should go too, you should take good care of the child!"

The words fell.

The whole person has disappeared.

When Bai Xiaofei reappeared, it was in the main god's core room somewhere in the capital of China. According to Bai Xiaofei's induction, Nie Xiaoqian was here at the moment.

"Xiao Fei?"

For Bai Xiaofei's sudden arrival, Nie Xiaoqian was very surprised.

She waved.

The other subordinates in the room retreated very discerningly, either to carry out the task or to avoid suspicion.

"What's up?"


Bai Xiaofei had no ink marks.

I directly told Nie Xiaoqian about the matter of Baby Chao, and finally explained: "I hope you can understand my decision. I did this not to favor anyone, but Diana's side is indeed the most suitable for Baby Chao's growth... "

"I see!"

Nie Xiaoqian is naturally not an unreasonable person.

Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Xiao Fei, you came here to find me, maybe it's just to tell me about this?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled wryly.

Then explained: "Besides, there is another thing, that is, with the acquisition of the Code of Life, the ability of the Genesis Library will be fully unlocked soon, if anyone among your fox clan wants to give birth to offspring , you can say hello to me and become the first batch of experimenters..."

When Nie Xiaoqian founded Qingqiu, there were more than ten thousand fox clans under his command. Although they experienced the World War and suffered many casualties, the number of clans was still large.

And the Fox family has a fatal weakness, that is, their fertility is very low.

If you use the ability of the Genesis Library, you can perfectly solve this problem. In the past, the cost was too high and there were too many disadvantages, so it was not easy to do it in batches.

But now it is different.

With the code of life extracted from Baby Chao, the abilities of the Genesis Library will be fully unlocked and developed.

At that time, coupled with the assistance of Bai Xiaofei's black technology, the effect that can be exerted will definitely be the Plus level of the original power of the Genesis Library!

As the saying goes, "Fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields."

Since it is useful, of course it must be used by your own people first. After all, the current number of foxes is really pitiful.

at the same time.

This can also reduce some of Nie Xiaoqian's sadness.

At that time, there will be a lot of little foxes from the fox family around, wandering around around Nie Xiaoqian, laughing and playing, I believe it will definitely make Nie Xiaoqian very happy.

Even if these little foxes are not her own children.

But after all, they are her people.


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