The Storm God

Chapter 3413 Target green light!

as expected.

Hearing that Bai Xiaofei wanted to support the expansion of the Fox Clan, Nie Xiaoqian's eyes lit up and she said happily, "Really? If it's possible, that would be great!"

"Naturally it is true!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and said, "Can I still lie to you? Of course, I'm just telling you in advance now."

"If you really want to implement this plan, I'm afraid you have to wait for some time, because the code of life has been encrypted by Krypton, and Baikas is trying his best to crack it now."

"I see!"

Nie Xiaoqian nodded and said: "I will explain this matter to the Fox Clan under my command. Let them submit a list for the time being, and then get ready. Once the creation library is completed, I will send them there immediately... ..."


Bai Xiaofei said: "I have already told Bai Cass about this matter. After the list is completed, you can send it to him directly."


Nie Xiaoqian nodded.

Immediately, he turned his eyes to Bai Xiaofei, and said with a smile: "I hear what you mean, I'm afraid you're going to be the shopkeeper again, aren't you?"


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

Followed with a wry smile and said: "Yes, you can see all of this!"

"Of course!"

Nie Xiaoqian raised her head and raised her chest and said, "I don't even look at who I am. I just think about your little thoughts. Tell me, what are you going to do this time?"


Bai Xiaofei sighed.

Then he explained: "Forget it, since you have seen through it, then I will tell you. The earth is too small, and we may not be able to resist the strength of the enemy on our own, so I am going to other planets in the universe. Some reliable teammates..."


Nie Xiaoqian was taken aback when she heard this.

As far as she knew, although this cosmic world was vast, there were not many people who were qualified to be Bai Xiaofei's teammates, right?


Bai Xiaofei also understood Nie Xiaoqian's doubts.

He smiled and explained: "Indeed, generally speaking, few of them can fall into my eyes, but strength doesn't mean everything..."

"Green light, you should know, right?"


Nie Xiaoqian nodded.

But the doubts in my heart grew even bigger.

Could it be...

Xiaofei's goal this time is the natives of the DC universe—the Green Lantern Corps?


Bai Xiaofei saw what Nie Xiaoqian was thinking.

He nodded and admitted: "My main goal is the Green Lantern Corps. Since they can become the managers of the universe, they naturally have their strength and value."

"Although most of the green lights are role-players, their potential should not be underestimated. My idea is to integrate those green lights with the source of my own will as much as possible..."

"In this way, my own strength will also be greatly improved, and all those who believe in the green light will also become my believers!"

"Those who believe in me will also receive rich gifts!"


Bai Xiaofei talked eloquently. Although the plan was simple, Nie Xiaoqian was shocked and amazed by the profound meaning it represented.

"I support you!"

In the end, Nie Xiaoqian could only smile and say: "Xiao Fei, you can go at ease. On the earth side, Diana, I, and Bai Cass will take good care of you!"


Bai Xiaofei kissed Nie Xiaoqian affectionately, and said with a smile: "Then it's hard work for you, don't worry, this time is just a short trip to expand business, and I won't make you wait too long!"


After a while.

Bai Xiaofei returned to the real world.

After confirming some things with Baikas, there was no problem.

He turned into a green light, left the world of the deity, and flew towards a special area in the starry sky of the outer universe at super-light speed.

As for Bai Xiaofei's going out, except for Nie Xiaoqian and a few insiders, it didn't alarm anyone else, including Bai Lei and Little Arthur.

no way.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to tell the two children.

The key point is that the two little guys are really capable of tossing around, if they know that Bai Xiaofei is going to other planets in the universe, maybe something will happen.


It's better to have one thing more than one thing less.

Anyway, it won't be long before Bai Xiaofei will return, and the time flow rate of the deity world and the real world outside are not the same.

Don't worry about any problems at all.


The premise is that a certain limit is not exceeded.

Otherwise, if Bai Xiaofei stays in the outside world for too long, even with a super high time ratio flow rate, he still cannot hide the truth for too long.

Not to mention the situation in the deity world and the earth.


Bai Xiaofei's speed was extremely fast.

In almost a blink of an eye, he flew over to a completely unfamiliar universe of stars and galaxies, and all around him were unfamiliar galaxies and stars.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel lost.


There is intelligent life on the nearest planet, so Bai Xiaofei plans to land temporarily to see if there is anyone selling star maps on this planet. If there is no star map, it is easy to get lost in the vast universe and starry sky.

Bai Xiaofei only roughly sensed the area where the Green Lantern Corps is located. Where is their main planet oa?

Feel sorry.

He really doesn't know.

But Bai Xiaofei is such a person, instead of making a move when he is ready, it is better to ride a donkey to find a horse, come out first and then talk.


Bai Xiaofei landed on this huge khaki planet.

The environment here is very special, full of red and yellow strange rocks, and a desert-like area similar to Gobi.

Towns exist only in a few areas.


It looks very backward.

And along the way, the alien life forms that Bai Xiaofei saw were no longer rare, and most of them were not in human form.

Even if there are intelligent life forms similar to human beings, most of them look very strange, not like human beings, but like some goblins.


These extraterrestrial intelligent beings don't seem very surprised or shocked by Bai Xiaofei's existence.


People on this planet are backward and backward, but they still have a lot of knowledge.

They were not surprised by an outsider like Bai Xiaofei, the only explanation was that they had seen similar existences before, so they were not surprised.

after an hour.

Relying on the ability to communicate with all things in the mind, Bai Xiaofei basically learned the native language of this planet, and also understood some situations.


Most of the people here like to go clubbing.

If Bai Xiaofei wants to inquire about some news, the bar is undoubtedly the best choice, because those outsiders will basically go there to have a good time, or trade to buy information and the like.


Bai Xiaofei was very grateful for the guidance of the alien uncle, so before leaving, he generously gave him an obsidian coin as a reward.

The obsidian coin is the currency in circulation named Yellow Star. The currency type is mainly distinguished by its size. The smaller the volume, the lower the value.

Like the piece that Bai Xiaofei gave away, it was the size of a fist, even if it was a very rare currency with a large denomination.

Closer to home.


Bai Xiaofei came to the famous local "Honghu" bar.

As a result, as soon as I entered, I saw two octopus-like intelligent life forms, holding seats and other weapons, bullying an alcoholic who had drunk too much.


A red-skinned, humanoid alien stood out.

The most important thing is that this alien is actually wearing a special ring - the green light ring.


The Green Lantern Warrior opened his mouth to persuade the fight.

At the same time as he opened his mouth, the green light ring in his hand immediately released a burst of emerald green energy, which directly materialized and turned into the shape of two palms, respectively holding the two octopus-like alien life forms together. The body was caught aside.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up immediately: "Sure enough, he is a serious Green Lantern Warrior. This is really hard to find. It doesn't take much effort to get here!"


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