The Storm God

Chapter 3414 See you again!

Bai Xiaofei was very happy.

Although the Green Lantern Warrior is average in strength, not very good-looking, and even a little ugly (looking at the beauty of a normal Earth person), the Green Lantern ring on his hand is genuine.

Immediately, Bai Xiaofei felt a huge energy fluctuation from it.

This kind of energy is very special, it can be said to be spiritual power, but it is mixed with some other things, it can be regarded as an extremely complicated mixed type of energy.

at the same time……

This energy is still very pure.

It's like some kind of special fuel, and the fuse is the spiritual will of the creature. The tougher and stronger the spiritual will and the ability to imagine, the more powerful it can be.

The two sides are proportional, even geometrically increasing.

That is.

The same energy, put on different creatures, because of the strength of spiritual will and the difference in fantasy ability, the formidable power that can be displayed is also different.

Just like now.

The red-skinned Green Lantern Warrior used his mental will to imagine two big hands, and adopted a very gentle method to stop the chaos in the old bar.

If another Green Lantern Warrior comes over, the result may be another form of expression, such as using violence to control violence or something.


Bai Xiaofei didn't mean to meddle in other people's business.

After coming in.

He was not in a hurry to strike up a conversation with the red-skinned Green Lantern Warrior, but planned to see first, how would the other party handle this matter?

"It's the Green Lantern Warrior!"

"Well, this is not a good show, I can't fight..."

"What a disappointment!"


Among the onlookers next to him.

Most of them showed a very depressed look.


Those were some guys who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and some of them even made a bet. As a result, the Green Lantern Warrior came over and got involved, and the fight was over.

Of course they are not happy.

If it were other ordinary people, maybe things would get worse and worse.


Green Lantern is different.

After all, in this cosmic starry sky, the Green Lantern Corps is a well-known cosmic policeman, and they will be there wherever there is trouble.

Each of them is not only extremely noble, but also powerful beyond imagination.

Not to mention these gangsters and bullies, even some high-level officials in the country will lower their stance when facing the Green Lantern Warriors to save face.

as expected.

The two octopus-like alien intelligent life forms saw that the person intervening turned out to be a Green Lantern Warrior, and they were so frightened that they sobered up a lot.

One of them even said again and again that he was confused.

Never dare to make trouble again.


The red-skinned Green Lantern Warrior is also good-natured.

Seeing this, he immediately believed the other party, and withdrew the energy of the green light, and the two octopus-like aliens also fled the bar tremblingly.

"Are you OK?"

The Green Lantern Warrior helped the drunkard to his feet, and said with concern.

"Go away!"

Unexpectedly, the drunkard didn't appreciate it at all. On the contrary, he was so angry that he threw off the support of the red-skinned Green Lantern Warrior and stumbled away from the bar.

The people who watched the excitement around them were very happy.


"I told you before, that drunkard is a waste, there is no need to sympathize with him, he is completely to blame!"

"Now you should believe it?"


After the drunkard left.

A man with rock-like tan skin, who looked like a stone man, and was about 2.5 meters tall walked over.

He seems to be with the red-skinned Green Lantern Warriors, and they seem to be familiar with each other.

"You can't say that!"

The red-skinned Green Lantern Warrior, who was called Haniya by the rock man, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "No life can be ignored!"

"Protect the weak and rescue the dangerous, this is our duty!"

"No matter what the identity of the other party is..."


Haniya speaks righteously and speaks with eloquence.

As a result, before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by the rock man: "It's alright, alright, my ears are almost covered with calluses!"

"Don't worry about those messy things, come here, come over and have a drink with me, brother, I'm not here to talk to you about these things when I came here today."


Haniya was speechless.

However, for the sake of his friend, he finally stopped talking, and silently made a corner with the rock man.

Bai Xiaofei was beside him, watching silently.

The two ordered a lot of drinks, sat in the corner and drank happily, and talked about some past events from time to time...


Bai Xiaofei eavesdropped openly, and got a lot of useful intelligence and information from it. For example, this one named Haniya, who just became a Green Lantern Warrior, is a typical rookie.

It is also his first time to go out on a mission.

I just heard that my friend Cleo, that is, that tall rock man, happened to be mining ore on this yellow star, so I came over to meet him.

Will be leaving soon.


Haniya still has work to do.

Although there is no strict time requirement for the task, Haniya thinks it is better to complete it as soon as possible, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

It's also a coincidence to say.

The task Haniya is in charge of happens to be to investigate the true idea of ​​the destruction of Krypton.

The elders of Planet OA seemed to have sensed something, thinking that the destruction of Krypton was not normal, and might have been invaded by a powerful evil force.


Hania, who is responsible for managing this sector of the universe, was sent to investigate, and he was accompanied by two senior Green Lantern fighters.

Those two people are currently on other planets, not here.

Because Hania's meeting with friends was a private matter, the other two didn't follow, but went to handle other matters.

The three of them agreed that when things were almost settled, they would round up on a planet numbered A05414, and then rush to the galaxy where Krypton was located.

Hear here.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly brightened.

Then the corners of his mouth swayed slightly, and then he took the wine glass and came directly to the seats of Hania and Cleo.


For Bai Xiaofei's arrival, both of them felt very surprised and surprised.

"Sir, have you gone to the wrong place?"

"We don't know..."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and shook his head.

Looking straight at Haniya, he said, "I'm here to look for you, because you are the Green Lantern Warrior, and I am a survivor of the Kryptonian clan!"


Someone started fooling around again.

But Haniya and Cleo were slightly taken aback when they heard the words, and their expressions became very strange, especially the former, who was shocked, but still had a hint of vigilance and vigilance.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Bai Xiaofei overhearing the conversation between the two of them.

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei pointed to his ear, and explained: "You know, we Kryptonians, when we go to certain places, we will have some superpowers..."

"About your conversation, I didn't intend to eavesdrop. It's really the word Krypton, which really makes me very concerned, so I can't help but..."

"after all……"

"Not long ago, my hometown was destroyed."

"I'm here for help."


have to say.

Bai Xiaofei's acting skills are still very good.

This eloquent performance, coupled with the exaggeration of emotions, immediately dispelled the vigilance and vigilance of the two, and even aroused their sympathy.

Haniya was filled with a sense of justice. When she thought of her mission, she immediately became stunned and said seriously, "Sir, just tell me what you need. As long as I can help you, you will never stand idly by!"


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