The Storm God

Chapter 3415 Return to star oa!


Bai Xiaofei secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Speaking of this cute rookie, it's really easy to fool, he can be fooled by just acting in a play, if it's another Green Lantern Warrior of his own, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.


Bai Xiaofei started his statement.

From Baby Chao's memory, everything he saw, coupled with his own artistic processing and embellishment, weaved a tragic and tragic story, and told it to Haniya and Cleo.

Not only that.

In order to completely win Haniya's new appointment, Bai Xiaofei even specifically pointed out the civil strife that broke out when the Kryptonian family was in danger.


General Zod's mutiny.

Some deeds of the famous scientist Jo Al and his wife...

Etc., etc.

And Bai Xiaofei wove an identity for himself.

It was a scientist under Jor-Eyer who was sent to other planets for a certain investigation mission, and thus survived the destruction of Krypton.


When Krypton was destroyed, he received a message from Jor-El, and only then did he understand the true intention of Krypton's destruction.


The so-called information is naturally false.

It was completely a special film that Bai Xiaofei used the Hongmeng Dark System to deceive Haniya after special editing and processing.


Because the characters and many contents shown in the film are too real, so even if they are entangled in some false contents, they can't be seen at all.

After reading the information displayed by Bai Xiaofei, Hania and Cleo also completely believed in Bai Xiaofei's identity as a Kryptonian survivor.


Haniya asked: "Then Mr. Baicus, what exactly do you want to do? Could it be that you want the Green Lantern Corps to help the Kryptonians get justice?"

This is human nature.

After all, it is the hatred of the extermination of the clan, and it is irreconcilable.

And the Green Lantern Corps, as the peacekeeping police in the central area of ​​the universe, naturally became the object of help of many people.


Usually something like this.

The Green Lantern Corps will not agree and agree, because their identity and responsibility is to maintain peace, not to wage war.


There is no need to report to the elders of the OA star.

Haniya can figure out the answer by himself, if the real intention of Baicas (Bai Xiaofei's pseudonym) is to use the power of the Green Lantern Corps to take revenge...

That is absolutely impossible.


But what a dream.

To the surprise of the two of them, Bai Xiaofei shook his head directly, and said with a wry smile: "I know the responsibilities of the Green Lantern Corps, they will not take the initiative to start a war..."


The two were stunned when they heard the words.

Haniya asked with doubts on her face, "Then what do you mean...?"

"I want to know the truth!"

Bai Xiaofei said seriously: "Our Kryptonian clan did not take the initiative to provoke others, but was invaded by those demons. I want to know why?"

"But the enemy's power is too strong. I know I can't do it alone, so I want to seek help from the Green Lantern Corps."

"As for revenge, I will handle it at my own discretion."


In the end.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes were already filled with infinite anger and killing intent.


He is not acting.

It was Bai Xiaofei's true feelings, but this hatred was not because of Krypton, but because of Murphy, the God of Dreams.


Hania and the two didn't know.

They just felt Bai Xiaofei's anger and killing intent firsthand, and then they felt more and more sympathy for this Kryptonian survivor.

Cleo, the rock man, even helped to persuade him: "Haniya, why don't you help him? The Kryptonian family is too miserable!"

"This Mr. Baicus may be one of the last survivors of Krypton."

"Only you can help him."


Haniya was silent.

To be honest, he sympathizes with the experience of the Kryptonian family very much, and wants to help Bai Xiaofei, but this matter is very complicated and involves a lot.

It is definitely not something that a newly promoted Green Lantern Warrior can easily make a decision on.


The final result was that Haniya decided to take Bai Xiaofei to meet his other two companions, and then return to OA star to report everything.

As for how the elders will decide?

Feel sorry.

That is beyond what Hania can intervene.


Of course Bai Xiaofei had no objection.

His purpose was originally to find the core OA star of the Green Lantern Corps, and the demise of the Kryptonian family was just a casual reason.

follow closely.

Haniya bid farewell to her friends, then took Bai Xiaofei, left Huangxing, and went straight to the planet numbered A05414.

in flight.

Bai Xiaofei also saw the powerful function of the green light ring.

Among other things, just being able to pass through wormholes with this power is quite awesome. After all, this thing involves the laws of super high space.


Everyone is a Green Lantern Warrior.

Traveling through wormhole space or something is completely a common basic skill of others...


This is scary!

But thinking about it, the Green Lantern Corps can become the peacekeeping police in the central area of ​​the universe, managing and suppressing large star fields. How could it be possible to gain a firm foothold without a few brushes and maintain it for so many years?

Not to mention the other messy villains, even Darkseid is very afraid of OA star, this alone is enough to show how awesome he is.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help thinking to himself: "It seems that I still underestimated the energy of the green light, how terrifying are the even more terrifying and perverted black lights and white lights?"

that's all……

Thinking wildly all the way, Bai Xiaofei, led by Haniya, soon arrived at the planet numbered A05414.

This planet is a Death Star.

The so-called dead star does not mean that this planet is dead, but refers to an existence that is completely unsuitable for life, similar to the existence of the moon and Saturn.

The place where Haniya landed was a mountain with a strange shape that looked like a huge umbrella.

And his two teammates, after receiving Haniya's message, also rushed over at the fastest speed.

The first senior Green Lantern to arrive was a tall, thin alien with a head resembling a woodpecker.

His skin is dark red, with huge eyes and a bird's beak, a pair of fleshy wings without feathers on his back, and his legs are huge claws.

After Haniya's introduction, this person's name is Woody Scale, and he is Haniya's immediate superior, so Haniya respects him very much.

The last green light to arrive was a fat, strong man with the appearance of a pig-headed second senior brother.

His name is Big Stark.

It is said that in terms of qualifications, he is higher than Woody Skele, and his strength is also very strong. He can be regarded as the strongest existence among the three Green Lantern Warriors.

And the green light that charges the green light ring is kept by this Big Stark.

For the arrival of this stranger, Bai Xiaofei, both of them felt very surprised, even suspicious and vigilant, and looked at Bai Xiaofei with eyes full of scrutiny.


After seeing the truth about the destruction of the Kryptonian family with their own eyes, the attention of the two was instantly diverted: "That is the elite demon of Apocalypse!"

"Damn it!"

"What does that tyrant Darkseid want to do? Could it be that he wants to use the Kryptonian family to create a stronger army of demons?"

"It seems that things are far more complicated than we imagined!"


The faces of the two were heavy, and they both realized that the matter was not simple.

And after a brief silence and eye contact, the three of them finally came to a decision, that is to take Bai Xiaofei and return to Star OA together.

after all……

This matter involves far-reaching aspects and must be discussed in a long-term manner.


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