The Storm God

Chapter 3416 The secret of the green light!

"Without further delay, we will return to Star OA!"


"Then let's go!"


The three of them were not inked either.

Immediately activated the flying ability of the green light ring, as well as the impulse shuttle ability.


They didn't forget Bai Xiaofei either.

After all, although the Kryptonian family has gained superpowers because of the yellow sun, their flying speed is still limited. Not everyone can do it if they want to travel through the interstellar universe.


The three of them also built a special green energy for Bai Xiaofei.

In this way, it can be ensured that he will not be affected by the pressure of time and space, just like them, freely travel through the cosmic wormhole, and return to star OA at the fastest speed.

When Haniya brought Bai Xiaofei here before, he didn't use this ability because the distance was relatively short. After this personal experience, Bai Xiaofei also had a deeper understanding of the power of the green light.

He had to admit that the design of this thing is still very powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that it is comparable to the simplified version of the Hongmeng system.

As long as the selected person wears the green light ring, he can obtain various superpowers, and even exert them to the extreme, even time travel.

According to the setting of the Green Lantern, the original Lantern Man, Huo Rong, is such a great man.


The legendary black and white lights.

It is even more terrifying, and even involves some mysteries of the wall of origin, and the level is even stronger than the Omega effect...

In short.

The Energy Mystery of Green Lantern.

It is far more powerful and profound than the movies that Bai Xiaofei has seen, with infinite potential, but it has been dusted and not fully developed.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel a little pity.


If this thing is in his hands.

The cliff can exert a more powerful and terrifying effect, even if it combines Bai Xiaofei's spiritual power and Dao perception...

What is the upper limit, even Bai Xiaofei himself can't tell.

In short, it is right.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei secretly made up his mind immediately, to find a chance, he must get a green light ring and study it carefully.

One is to explore its mysteries.

Furthermore, I just want to see if this stone from another mountain can attack jade, so that Bai Xiaofei's strength can be improved to a higher level!

Closer to home.

The wormhole jointly built by the three Green Lantern Warriors, the effect of superimposing space is undoubtedly more powerful and terrifying. The original infinite distance has become very close because of the reduction of the super wormhole.


The distance in the wormhole will also become relatively longer.

But compared to the terrifying distance in the starry sky of the entire universe, this distance is nothing at all. In less than ten minutes, the four of Bai Xiaofei flew away.

follow closely.

When a group of four flew out of the wormhole, what Bai Xiaofei saw was a very special planet.

It is like a huge ball, which was pierced by three toothpicks up, down, left, and right. The surrounding of the planet is columnar, emitting six brilliant green lights.

This makes this planet look very different.

And it...

It is the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, the center of the legendary universe, and the core base of all Green Lantern Warriors, OA star.

The moment I saw the OA star.

Bai Xiaofei was stunned at the time, not only because of its appearance, but also because of the extremely powerful and terrifying special power contained inside OA star.

His intuition told himself that this planet is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, especially the core of those green lights.


It seems that there is a special creature that existed at the beginning of the universe.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly realized, and based on some setting information of Green Lantern, he quickly guessed the identity of that special creature.

If there is no accident, what is hidden in the core should be the Lantern Beast Ion Shark!

"Here we are!"

Haniya is very enthusiastic.

For Bai Xiaofei who came to OA Star for the first time, he was very polite. During the flight, he kept telling Bai Xiaofei about the local customs, various precautions, and some special landmarks.



Hall of Valor.



Disaster simulation equipment.

planetary fortress.

Sector House.

Central Conference Hall.


Etc., etc.

Almost everything that can be said, Hania has nothing to hide.


This is also related to some of Bai Xiaofei's spiritual hints, otherwise, such as the central energy battery, the extremely secretive place of the high-tech prison, if it is not his own, the general Green Lantern Warrior will not tell outsiders.

As a result, under Bai Xiaofei's hypnosis, Haniya was undefended, and told Bai Xiaofei everything like a few treasures, allowing the latter to learn about many things and important buildings on OA star as quickly as possible.

To this.

Woody and Bigger were speechless.

However, the words have already been spoken, and it is too late for them to stop them. In addition, in their opinion, Bai Xiaofei's strength is just like that...

So he didn't make a sound at all, as if he didn't hear it.

And the destination they flew on this trip was the Central Conference Hall, because the destruction of the Kryptonian family was of great importance, and they had to consult and make a decision with the highest space guardian of the status and rights of OA planet.

And the nine guardians are usually there.


Not everyone can pass.

To enter the Central Conference Hall, one must first have certain prestige and status rights in the Green Lantern Corps. New rookie Green Lantern Warriors like Haniya are not eligible to enter the Central Conference Hall.


This incident had a great impact.

In addition, Woody and Bigger are both senior Green Lantern fighters, and they also have a certain popularity and influence in the legion, so after some explanations.

Bai Xiaofei and Haniya obtained special authority.

You can make an exception to meet the highest-ranking Green Lantern Warrior, Abin Sur, who has the honor of the greatest Green Lantern Warrior, and his brother-in-law, Tal Sinestro.


When Bai Xiaofei heard these two names, he was a little speechless at the time, and said to himself: "These two people sound familiar, if I'm not mistaken, they should be the Green Lantern who Hal Jordan inherited from Green Lantern. Senior, and the leader of the Yellow Lantern Warrior Legion?"

In the film, there are not many expositions on the former Abin Sur. As for some few words, but for the latter Tal Sinestro, it is completely different.


Throughout the DC universe.

On the whole, Sinestro, the Joker, and Lex Luthor are the three most popular villains. The love and killing between him and Hal Jordan is not weaker than the love and killing between Lex Luthor and Superman, Batman and the Joker.

Bai Xiaofei never expected it.

During this period of time, the person with real power in the green light that I met turned out to be the future super villain. Thinking about it, it was really amazing.

But also right.

According to the plot timeline of the DC universe, at this time, people are indeed developing well on OA star. I am afraid that Hal Jordan will have to wait for decades to become Green Lantern.

Hal Jordan wasn't even born yet.

Coupled with Bai Xiaofei's intrusion, I am afraid that the legendary Green Lantern in the future may not have a chance to be born.

Thinking about it, it's really a crime.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

But it was quickly forgotten again.


The next moment, Bai Xiaofei finally saw these two legends.


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