The Storm God

Chapter 3417 Galaxy Encyclopedia!


Regarding the arrival of this stranger, Bai Xiaofei, to be honest, Tal Sinestro was very unhappy, because this is the OA star.

Other than the Green Lantern, no other outsider has ever made it easy.

Even if the other party has a special reason.


His attitude is not good.

It was cold, as if Bai Xiaofei owed him a lot of money.

Standard grim poker face.

on the contrary.

Another legend, Abin Sur is very enthusiastic.

After all, the names of the Kryptonian family are still very resounding in the universe, although their development system is completely different from that of Green Lantern.

But compared to some evil guys, such as Apocalypse.

Krypton is still kind.

not to mention……

With Bai Xiaofei's current status, he is still one of the few remaining survivors of the Kryptonian family. As a peacekeeping policeman in the universe, Abin felt that he had to show his care and comfort.

At the same time, he stabbed his brother-in-law Sinestro with his arm.

It means, you restrain me!


The uncle has expressed his opinion.

Sinestro had no choice but to nod to Bai Xiaofei lightly, which was regarded as his approval of the other party's arrival, but do you want him to greet him warmly?



Regarding this, the three of Hania were also embarrassed.

Repeatedly smiled wryly at Bai Xiaofei, signaling him to be more tolerant. It's not that Sinestro has a problem with you, but that this person is just like that.

Very cold!

Don't say it's you, even we don't have a good face.


Bai Xiaofei sneered lightly.

In fact, Bai Xiaofei was quite familiar with the future villain Sinestro, who had purple skin, big forehead, and mustache.

This man was once known as the greatest Green Lantern, possessing extremely strong willpower and the technology to use energy rings.


Sinestro's heart is as firm as steel and as cold as steel, and he implements his firm will in his desire to control his jurisdiction. He is an iron-blooded dictatorship.

In short.

The other party does have awesome qualifications and capital.

But it's a pity that at this moment, Sinestro is just a small ant in front of Bai Xiaofei, if he really wants to kill him, the latter Sinestro will definitely not even have the slightest chance to react.

That is to say, Bai Xiaofei is so generous that he is too lazy to be as knowledgeable as Sinestro.

after all……

He came to OA star, not to pretend to be aggressive.

But for the green light.



It is to integrate the willpower of Green Lantern, figure out the secrets of these emotional spectrums, and further enhance and strengthen the counterfeit version of the Lantern Ring developed by myself, so as to enhance the strength of the various Lantern soldiers under his command.

By the way, let's see if we can borrow a knife to kill people and make the situation even more chaotic.

After all, this is the best way to fish in troubled waters!


Sinestro, the Boss' contempt, and a touch of hostility?

Bai Xiaofei completely ignored it.


If the other party doesn't know what is good or bad, and insists on looking for abuse, then Bai Xiaofei will not be stingy, and will definitely help Sinestro with good intentions.

But it's a pity.

With the presence of his uncle, Abin Sur, Sinestro obviously didn't dare to make things too rigid, and quickly restrained his emotions.

Then he found a random reason and left the central conference hall. As for the affairs of Krypton, they were all handed over to Abin Sur to receive and handle them.

To know.

The Green Lantern Corps divides the entire universe into 3,600 sectors for management, and Krypton is just one of the countless planets in one of the sectors.

Even though the destruction involved a giant like Apocalypse, it was only a small matter for the harmony of the entire universe.

It is quite a face to have Abin Sur, who has the honor of being the greatest Green Lantern, personally entertain Bai Xiaofei and discuss the follow-up matters.

To this.

Of course Bai Xiaofei didn't care too much.

After all, the destruction of Krypton is just his excuse. Bai Xiaofei's real purpose is to enter OA planet, investigate and explore the mystery of the green light, and at the same time, muddy the water as much as possible, and then use his strength to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Being able to come to OA star already made Bai Xiaofei very happy.

Because this means that his plan has succeeded by one-third. The rest of the messy things, love it!


Bai Xiaofei didn't take it to heart at all.

Closer to home.

According to Abin Sur's request, Bai Xiaofei passed all the information to the other party, and asked the other party to check his body to prove that he is a member of the Kryptonian family.


Abin Sur left.

As for Bai Xiaofei, Hania and the others took him to a hotel-like building, saying that this would be his residence from now on.

"Thank you!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and expressed his thanks.

As senior green lights, Woody and Bigger are naturally very busy.

After sending Bai Xiaofei to the designated place, he flew away. Only the kind-hearted Haniya stayed by Bai Xiaofei's side, for fear of not taking good care of her.

To this.

Of course Bai Xiaofei would not refuse.

Invite him into the room, talk about the world, but also hypnotize the other party with spiritual hints, and tell himself a lot about the green light.


Haniya is just a new rookie.

However, the Green Lantern ring on his hand is not like this, but inherited from the previous fallen Green Lantern Warrior.

At the same time, each green light has quite powerful abilities, not only can it give the holder various superpowers, but it is also an encyclopedia of the galaxy itself, with the extensive knowledge of the Book of Oa as a reference.

Even if the rookies around Haniya don't understand many things, but the green light ring on his hand is not necessarily unknown.

As long as it does not involve some deep-seated mysteries, the general green light ring will unconditionally provide the correct answer to the holder for reference and to deal with different situations.

at the same time……

It also has diagnostic functions, allowing the Green Lantern Warrior to diagnose diseases, identify substances, translate almost all languages ​​​​in the universe, and more.

In short, the function is quite powerful.

Rather than saying that Bai Xiaofei is asking Haniya various questions, it is better to say that Bai Xiaofei is using Haniya as a tool to directly access the galactic encyclopedia of Green Lantern Ring to increase his knowledge and experience.


at the same time.

On the other side, after collecting and arranging the facts about the destruction of Krypton, Abin Sur flew to the holy tower where the nine guardians of the universe were located.


How to decide on this matter, he can't decide by himself.

After all, Apocalypse is extraordinary. It has been and is now the stronghold of evil. At the beginning of the establishment of OA, the two sides even fought a war, but it ended in OA's defeat.

After this battle.

Only then did the guardians realize that in order to achieve results, it was like having an entire army, and then began large-scale recruitment, which led to the establishment of the Green Lantern Corps.


Even so, the tyrants and evils of Apokolips have always existed.

This is enough to prove that even the Green Lantern Corps is able to bring order and peace to the strength and terror of the opponent.


The destruction of the Kryptonian family involved Apocalypse.

At the same time, there is another very evil and terrifying force, which has huge implications, and it is no longer something Abin Sur can judge with a small green light.

It must be decided by the nine guardians of the universe.


Abin Sur saw nine guards.

But the result was not very ideal, and it was even exactly as Abin Sur had guessed. For the sake of the overall harmony of the universe, the guardians did not agree to send troops to attack Apocalypse, but just let everyone, Krypton Survivors of a clan, just lend a helping hand as much as possible.

at the same time.

One of the guards named Ganser also proposed to meet Bai Xiaofei, a survivor, obviously very interested in him.

I don't know if it's pure interest or if I discovered something.


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