The Storm God

Chapter 3418 The origin of the guardian!

"I see."

Abin Sur left the holy tower.

Then he came to Bai Xiaofei's residence, and at this time, Haniya had already left, and Bai Xiaofei was alone in the room, thinking about something.

"Mr. Bai..."

Abin Sur told Bai Xiaofei the guard's attitude and decision truthfully, and said that the guard wanted to see him.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback when he heard that. Then he looked at Abin Sur in puzzlement, and asked in confusion, "The guard wants to see me? Why?"

"I don't know either."

Abin Sur shook his head, and said, "The guardian's thoughts are beyond what we mortals can guess. Maybe there is some deep meaning?"


He looked at Bai Xiaofei.

Meaning, do you have time now? If so, I'll take you there now.


Of course Bai Xiaofei wasn't afraid.

Immediately nodded to indicate that he could go to see the guardian at any time.

after all……

These are his main goals.

The guardian has lived for an unknown number of years, and is also the creator of the green light. If he can gain any benefits from the other party, the effect is self-evident.

It just so happens that the other party meets him now, which saves Bai Xiaofei a lot of effort.


"Clean up a little bit, I'll make arrangements, and I'll take you to Ganser's guardian right away. At this time, he should return to his residence."

"I take my leave first."

Abin Sur left just like that, Bai Xiaofei didn't keep him, but stayed in the room, frowning, thoughtful.

According to the setting of Green Lantern, there were originally ten guardians of the universe.


One of them wants to harness the power of fear.

In the end, he failed, and was subsequently possessed by the parallax monster, turning into a parallax monster, which once caused a huge panic.

It was rumored that Abin Sur used tricks to suppress him, and it was because of this that he was called the greatest Green Lantern. Like Sinestro, he was completely in the light of his uncle.


He also has certain abilities.

Now, there are still 9 Guardians of the Universe left, and the one who wants to see Bai Xiaofei is Ganser, who is also a legend.

How awesome it was before, Bai Xiaofei didn't know.

He only knows that in some major events following Green Lantern, the other guardians of the universe are either dead or disabled.

But this Ganser is the only one who is alive and well.

Not only that.

Ganser even left Star OA for a while, and created the Blue Lantern Corps together with another cosmic guardian.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ganser is definitely the oldest representative member of the Guardians, and he was the backbone before coming to OA.

Rumored to be of the highest power and influence, he is also one of the members of the Guardian who are staunchly anti-emotional.


Ganser inexplicably wanted to meet himself, a strange outsider...

What's the matter?


the other side.

Abin Sur found his brother-in-law Sinestro.

It means that I may be a little busy recently, so I need to teach this brother-in-law to help with some things about OA star.


Naturally, Sinestro would not refuse.

He was just a little curious, what exactly was his uncle up to? How could he even get rid of the matter of OA star?

"Ganther wants to meet the Kryptonian survivor..."

Abin Sur didn't hide anything, and told his brother-in-law Sinestro directly about his guess, saying: "I suspect that there may be some deeper meaning in it, so I want to investigate deeply..."

It's not that Abin Sul is suspicious.


Apocalypse is too special.

If OA is the most just and peaceful place in the universe, Tianqixing is the most evil and source of chaos.

The two are completely opposite to each other.

The destruction of the Kryptonian family is inseparable from Apocalypse, and it may be the beginning of chaos and war.

As the leading Green Lantern of Star OA, Abin Sur definitely needs to study it in depth. If there is any conspiracy, he can take action to stop it.


It is not known how many innocent lives will be lost with it.

Like the Kryptonians.


Sinestro was shocked when he heard the words, and remained silent.

Seeing his deep eyes, with a bright look in his eyes, he obviously thought of something special, but he concealed it well.


Abin Sur found Bai Xiaofei again.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei has already made the so-called preparations and has been waiting for a long time.

After the two met, they nodded to each other without any nonsense, and then flew up directly, and under the leadership of Abin Sur, they flew towards a strange building on OA star.

For most of the day, Bai Xiaofei was not in vain.

With the help of the tool man Haniya, Bai Xiaofei indirectly used the green light to ring the Galaxy Encyclopedia, and learned a lot of knowledge.


Star OA is actually not the home planet of the guardians of the universe, but a colonized planet. Their place of origin is the planet Martus.

It is a mysterious planet with advanced technology and population, which was developed as early as 10 billion years ago.


Because one of the scientists named Caronna wanted to explore the mystery of the origin of the universe, ignored the prohibition, forced research, and accidentally created an explosion.

In this explosion, the multiverse and the antimatter universe were created.

And most of the Martus people died because of this. Most of the remaining survivors later came to star OA and created the Green Lantern Corps.

Say something.

Another world in the DC multiverse.

It seems that the origin of Nuowu is also the planet Martus, that is to say. He and the little blue men, the guardians of star OA, are actually of the same origin.


Because of the different world developments, the two sides have completely gone on different paths.

Relatively speaking.

In terms of individual strength, the monitor is superior.

But in terms of comprehensiveness, OA star is still much stronger. After all, whether it is quantity, technology, or mysterious power, inheritance...

Etc., etc.

The OA stars are well preserved.

Unlike the watcher Nuo Wu, he is a loner. If Bai Xiaofei had to choose, he would undoubtedly choose OA star instead of Nuo Wu.

Just thinking wildly like this, Bai Xiaofei followed Abin Sur to fly, and soon came to Ganser's residence.

It is worth mentioning that the environment of Star OA is quite special. The sky and atmosphere here are relatively dark, with the typical dark style of the DC world.

Even though the city and buildings are shining with light, they are still relatively black overall, including the design style of these buildings...

In short.

Bai Xiaofei looked down on him a little bit.

Because these things give him the feeling that they are made out of a joint venture, unlike his real world, whether it is the mechanical empire or the biological kingdom, the plants and trees, all kinds of buildings, are simply the same Like a work of art, beautiful.

Comparing the two sides...


Judgment between superior and inferior seems to be the difference between cloud and mud.

Bai Xiaofei was surprised. Is it because these guys are too desireless, or all their thoughts are put on other places.

How can an existence with such advanced technological capabilities be so backward?

Is it some kind of peculiar custom?

"Here we are!"

Abin Sur greeted Bai Xiaofei, then slowed down and landed, Bai Xiaofei followed suit.

The arrival of the two seemed to have been expected by Ganser.

Without Abin Sur saying hello, the door of the room opened by itself, and Ganse's cold voice came from inside: "Come in."


Abin Sur tilted his head at Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei understood, curled his lips, followed Abin Sur, and walked straight into Ganser's room.


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