The Storm God

Chapter 3419 Stop pretending, showdown!

"do it!"

Gunther is not tall.

It looks only about one meter long, but the proportion of the head is very large, and it looks like a big-headed son.


Ren Datou's son is much cuter than these little blue people.

From Ganser, what Bai Xiaofei felt most was indifference, followed by longevity and vast knowledge.

As long as the strength is concerned, the feeling is not very deep.

Think about it too.

The little blue people were once just ordinary people.

It's just that the race is special, and the development of technological power is beyond imagination. Later, due to various changes, it gradually evolved into the current guardian of the universe.

But in essence, they are not special.


Some tougher Green Lanterns.

Without relying on any random force, he could still beat some of the little blue men.


That's not to say they're weak.

On the contrary, some existences among the little blue people are also very strong, but most of them are very ordinary. Their identities are more of those in power and leaders than fighters.


What Bai Xiaofei felt from Ganser was completely different from other experts.

Ganser also seemed to feel Bai Xiaofei's scrutiny.

Surprisingly, he showed a slight smile, and then said to Abin Sur, who was a little dazed: "Abin, I have some things to be alone with Mr. Bai..."

The implication is that there is nothing for you here, you can leave.

"Then I'll leave first, you guys talk." Abin Sur understood the meaning of the leader in an instant, then turned around with a smile and left Ganser's residence.


And Abin Sur just left.

The entire residence was enveloped by an unprecedented force.

The person who did it was Ganser.


Bai Xiaofei was a little curious.

Although Ganser's power is of a type that Bai Xiaofei has never seen before, the road leads to the same goal. He understood the effect of this power almost instantly.

Ganser's method was not to imprison Bai Xiaofei, but to create a barrier to prevent others from eavesdropping and peeking.

in short.

This is an alternative version of the isolation barrier.

The meaning of Ganser's doing this couldn't be more obvious. This is to tell Bai Xiaofei some special things, and it's inconvenient for others to know.

Bai Xiaofei was very curious about this.

"Mr. Bai..."

Ganser floated in front of Bai Xiaofei, looked straight at Bai Xiaofei, smiled and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you shouldn't be a pure Kryptonian, right?"


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

Did this little old man see my disguise?


It shouldn't be.

After my DNA has undergone changes, it is completely like the Kryptonian family. How did this little old man see the problem?

"Sure enough!"

However, Ganser seemed to see Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, showing an inscrutable attitude, and then explained: "Among the people of the Kryptonian family, it is not that they have not become Green Lanterns, and there are also members of their family in our database. analyze……"

"But yours is very different."

"Although there is nothing special about DNA, the energy that your body and cells can swallow and absorb far exceeds that of the Kryptonian family..."

"So I suspect that you may have another identity..."


while explaining.

Ganser also used energy to project a light curtain.

The above shows the tactics of the Kryptonian family, some very detailed data analysis, such as physical fitness, flight speed, defense strength...

Etc., etc.

One of the most important items is the upper limit of cells' absorption of external energy.

The data provider in the light curtain is obviously the Kryptonian who became Green Lantern. The special power of blood, coupled with the power of Green Lantern, made his strength very terrifying.


There is an upper limit to the absorption of its cells.

No matter what kind of power it is, once it reaches this upper limit, it will stagnate unless it can break through some of its own bottlenecks.

Unfortunately, however.

This Kryptonian Green Lantern, did not succeed.


Ganser projected another light curtain again, and this time the source of the data was Bai Xiaofei.

The above data, no matter which one it is, far surpasses the Krypton Green Lantern next to it, and it's not just a little bit, but a very terrifying level.

Let's take a simple example.

If the average value of Krypton Green Lantern's data is about 10, then Bai Xiaofei's average value is at least 100,0000.

This is not to say that Bai Xiaofei only has one million.


With Gunther's ability.

It can only detect a height of one million at most, and it will not work any more.

In other words.

Ganser had already noticed that something was wrong with Bai Xiaofei, and it was a showdown when he called Bai Xiaofei over this time.


After communicating the key.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help laughing wryly, shook his head and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that I really underestimated OA star's technological means and capabilities. I didn't expect to be seen as tricky so soon. I'm really ashamed to say it!"

"That's right!"

"I am indeed not a pure Kryptonian, but an Earthling who has the ability of the Kryptonian bloodline for some reason."

"But other than that, I didn't lie to you about the rest."

"We're really here for help."


Bai Xiaofei shrugged.

He didn't pretend anymore, since he was seen as tricky, he might as well show his cards directly.

Judging by the attitude of the little old man Ganser, it is obvious that he has another purpose, otherwise he would not have called himself over alone.


It was the capital that Bai Xiaofei negotiated with.


Ganser was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. He obviously didn't expect that such a terrifying master like Bai Xiaofei came from the earth.


This is not scientific!

According to the data, the earth belongs to the planet numbered sector 2814, and its own civilization development is very backward. How could such a terrifying strongman be born?

It's like a golden phoenix suddenly hatched from a grass chicken.

Gunther was full of disbelief.


Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to explain to the other party that the earth he mentioned didn't just refer to this world earth, because that didn't make any sense.

He went straight to the point and said: "Your Excellency, Guardian, not long ago, the earth was invaded by an army of demons from the Apocalypse Star..."


Bai Xiaofei showed some information.

For example, the army of demons came to the earth through the sonic channel, and the wreckage and innocent influence everywhere, the steppenwolf commanded the elite soldiers, and the scene of confronting human masters...

Etc., etc.

In an instant, Ganser's attention was attracted.

And the Steppenwolf in the picture, as well as some very special elite demons, all undoubtedly proved that what Bai Xiaofei said was true.


Some of these life races are not owned by the galaxy where the earth is located at all, but come from galaxy civilizations in other sectors.

while playing the data.

Bai Xiaofei didn't forget his purpose, and went straight to the point: "I believe you can see that the condition of the earth is very bad, and many people have inexplicably possessed terrible power, which belongs to another evil god's conspiracy..."

"At the same time, the Kryptonian family was also destroyed later. I suspect that all this is a conspiracy by Apocalypse and that evil god..."

"The earth is single and weak. If you want to fight against such a powerful opponent, you can only turn to other helpers, so I am here."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused slightly, and then continued: "Although the guards have rejected my request, my purpose does not stop there..."


Ganser suddenly became interested, looked at Bai Xiaofei curiously, and asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"


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