The Storm God

Chapter 3420 Light of Fear!

Gunther's eyes narrowed.

His intuition told himself that the young man in front of him was very dangerous, and if he failed, it might bring a devastating disaster to OA.


If it is not necessary, it is best not to be an enemy of it.

Of course, this does not mean that they are afraid. As the guardians of the universe, Ganser and others are never afraid of challenges.

The premise is to see if it is necessary.


Bai Xiaofei saw Ganser's fear, and immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Ganser, you don't need to worry, because I have no malicious intentions..."

"I know that you will not start a war easily. Even if there is a disaster, you will find the simplest solution as much as possible."

"And my other purpose is to learn your knowledge and abilities, so as to improve myself. As the saying goes, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself..."

"Since you can't make a move, I can only do it myself."

"I hope you don't refuse."


The voice just fell.

In Bai Xiaofei's hand, a special green light ring emerged.

The shape of this green light ring, as well as the source of power, are completely different from those issued by the OA star. It looks taller and more powerful.

The most important thing is that its energy storage method is also extremely special.

as if...

It's as if someone provided it with power somewhere.

The green light rings made by OA star are not so awesome, they are more like a technological creation, and the green light energy is like the electric energy that activates some functions.

And these energy sources have a certain limit.


Every Green Lantern will be equipped with a larger lantern that can store more power and energy capacity, so that the Green Lantern can replenish power at any time when he is far away from the OA star.


The power stored in the lantern can only be replenished a dozen times.

in comparison.

Undoubtedly, the green light ring created by Bai Xiaofei is more convenient and quicker, because it is completely attached to the Hongmeng Dark System.

As long as the heart loyal to Bai Xiaofei remains unchanged, the stronger, purer, and deeper the power of faith, the higher the authority and power the other party can obtain.

Although the level of power is high or low, it is basically unlimited.

The key factor that determines their combat power mainly lies in the quality of the holders themselves, how much energy impact and pressure they can withstand.


Bai Xiaofei showed Ganser the green light ring he created, just to tell him that we can also make this thing.

Even stronger than yours.


We still hold the attitude of not being ashamed to ask, and came to cooperate with you.

So I hope you guys know something good and bad.



That's toasting but not eating and eating fine wine.

"This is……"

Gunther was shocked.

Like a pervert who suddenly saw a peerless beauty, he was instantly attracted by the green light ring in Bai Xiaofei's hand.

As for the subtext in Bai Xiaofei's words?

He may have heard it, or he may have ignored it directly, anyway, he is now showing a shocked and unbelievable look.

Ganser directly took the green light ring in his hand.

at the same time……

There was a flash of lightning in his eyes.

The surrounding energy also fluctuated violently.

Apparently Ganser was studying and analyzing the green light ring created by Bai Xiaofei, and while studying it, he was amazed again and again.

"This design is simply fantastic!"

"Using dark matter as the basis of connection, so as to realize the seamless transmission of various data and even energy, such an idea is amazing!"

"In terms of energy source, the attainment is also quite high. Although it is somewhat different from the green light of will, it is very similar..."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. Other than Star OA, someone else created such a green light ring..."

"Its power and potential are even higher than our version!"


Gunther at the moment.

He looked like a standard scientist, completely shocked by the design of Bai Xiaofei's green light ring, his eyes were full of obsession.

Unless the occasion is wrong.

I'm afraid that Ganser will be able to start experiments immediately, and carry out various upgrades and modifications to the existing green light ring, in order to make breakthroughs and changes.

"Mr. Gunther..."

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with the opponent's performance.

Because the more shocked and inconceivable these guardians of the universe are, the more bargaining chips Bai Xiaofei has.

And these are the conditions for negotiation!


Ganser came back to his senses instantly when he heard the words.

Slightly curbing his excitement, his complexion became calm again, looked at Bai Xiaofei, smiled and said: "Mr. Bai, did you create this ring?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Actually, the product I created not only has this one, but also another yellow light ring..."

The voice did not fall.

A yellow light ring shining like a flame came out of nowhere.

And the moment he saw this yellow light ring, Ganser's face instantly turned into extreme panic and horror!


He couldn't help taking a step back.

"Yellow Light of Fear!"


Gunther was shocked.

He never expected that the earthling in front of him would be so terrifying. It was nothing more than a green light ring created in his belly, but he even created a terrible yellow light...

Damn it!

Who the hell is this guy?

That is the yellow light of fear, although it may not be the same as the yellow light I know, but according to the analysis of the green light ring created by the other party, the energy attribute of this yellow light ring is very likely to be related to fear!

This is very dangerous!

after all……

Among the ten guardians, one of them fell into a demon because of the yellow light of fear. Now that he sees this terrifying evil force again, Ganser is so calm, how can you not be shocked?

"Mr. Gunther..."

However, Bai Xiaofei held the yellow light ring in his palm with a smile, covering up its energy aura and light, lest Ganser could not bear the huge pressure in his heart.

At the same time, he explained: "There is no good or evil in power, the key lies in the person who uses it. The same reason, whether it is green light or yellow light, is the same to me."

"The reason why you are afraid of the yellow light is because no one can overcome the fear in your heart, so you can't control this power, but become its puppets and lose your heart, but mine is completely different..."

"How about the details, Mr. Ganser would like to experience it for himself."


During the conversation.

Bai Xiaofei directly sent the yellow light ring to Ganser.


Facing the yellow light ring floating in front of his eyes, Ganser hesitated for a long time without any reaction, just staring at it steadily.

Bai Xiaofei didn't urge Ganser either.

Standing aside silently.

a long time.

Gunther finally made a decision.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and before he touched the yellow light ring, he had already had indirect contact with the perception and power, and began to try to understand and analyze the power essence of the yellow light ring...


The result is just an instant.

Ganser was surprised to find that although the power contained in this yellow light ring is similar to the yellow light of fear, it is not as full of bewitching feeling as the other party, and it can make people easily get along with it Contact, even perfect fusion.

that feeling...

It was as if what he was exposed to was not yellow light, but green light.

There is actually not much difference in the experience of using the two different rings to Ganther. The only difference is that the attributes and abilities of the green light and the yellow light are somewhat different from each other.

This miraculous experience made Ganser feel very shocked and unbelievable.

After all, that is the power of fear!


Pass the yellow light ring.

It's unbelievable that I easily defeated the fear in my heart and gained super strength!


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