The Storm God

Chapter 3421 The cooperation intention is initially reached!

Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Seeing the shock and disbelief on Ganser's face, he interrupted at the right time: "Mr. Ganser, how are you? I didn't lie to you, did I?"


Gunther was speechless.

In the end, he could only nod silently, admitting Bai Xiaofei's words.

after all……

The facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't help but refute, no matter how OA star failed before, he was a success anyway.

"how did you do it?"

Gunther asked.

The yellow light of fear is not the same as the green light of will.

Although the guardians have done a lot of research on it, the specific practice and application are not as profound and extensive as the latter.

in short.

For the mystery of the yellow light ring.

Even a big guard like Ganser couldn't get a glimpse of the mystery for a while, because after all, his profession is not very suitable.

In addition, Ganser is also afraid that he will unknowingly fall into fear and become the second parallax monster...

So this time, he didn't study the yellow light ring in depth.

Instead, they directly adopted the method of inquiry.


Bai Xiaofei smiled but did not answer.

He just looked at Ganser silently, and the meaning was simple: "This is my secret, I will answer you if you ask me? How can there be such a good thing..."


Gunther was silent.

He also knew that his question just now was a bit abrupt.


The stakes are high.

He couldn't help being twitchy and hesitant, and no matter what, he had to figure out the mystery, because only in this way could they perfectly control the yellow light of fear.

Just like the green light.

If this is the case, the power of the OA star is not only the Green Lantern Corps, but also the Yellow Lantern Corps...

By the time.

Those powerful and terrifying evil forces in the universe will inevitably be greatly eliminated, and the countless wisdom in the universe will be returned to peace and harmony.

Just like Apocalypse!

It's not that OA star doesn't want to fight Darkseid, but he can't beat him at all!

The result of going to war rashly will only cause more tragedies and casualties, which has no benign effect on the overall situation.

This is the lesson learned from previous fiascos.


Gunther didn't think so.

Because, he saw hope from Bai Xiaofei's green light ring and yellow light ring, especially the latter!

If the Yellow Lantern Corps can really be formed, it will undoubtedly have an earth-shaking qualitative change effect on the help of OA Star!

And for the peace of the entire universe, this will inevitably be a great boost.

Therefore, Ganser was tempted.

at the same time……

this moment.

Ganser also somewhat understood the purpose of Mr. Bai's visit.

If the request is fruitless, I will show my ability and let everyone see hope and dawn, so as to synthesize some kind of cooperation...

This is a typical curve to save the country policy ah!

To this.

Ganser was speechless.

Because, this is not a conspiracy at all, but a conspiracy!

All the conditions are right in front of you, no one forces you to choose how to choose, it depends entirely on your own will...

But the crux of the problem is, who can resist such a temptation?

Not to mention that Ganser couldn't stand it, even if all the other guardians of the universe came, they also couldn't stand such a huge temptation.

To know.

A previous guardian had tried to control the yellow light of fear, but it was still without any certainty.

Now Bai Xiaofei has brought ready-made references and a certain chance of winning...

Just ask, who can not be tempted?


No matter what other people think.

Ganser was completely convinced by Bai Xiaofei's methods at this moment.

"You want to work with us?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded with a smile and said: "As the saying goes: Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Although your green light ring has some flaws, it is born with deep enough mysteries. If you can perfectly integrate the two, I believe it will definitely be a hit for countless people. the Gospel of..."


Gunther was silent.

He had to admit that what Bai Xiaofei said made sense.

Just to cooperate with such a person, I don't know whether it is right or wrong. This is not only because of the opponent's strength, but also because of his calculations...

To use a common saying to describe it is——

Hooligans are not to be feared, but they are cultured.

To meet such a guy with unfathomable strength, who is also proficient in all kinds of unimaginable and amazing methods, and who is also strategizing...

I'm afraid everyone will feel a headache, right?

this moment.

Ganser couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to Darkseid. You said it was bad for you to offend someone, but you just offended such a guy. I'm afraid you will have a better life in the future!


Gunther nodded.

They agreed with Bai Xiaofei's statement and their intention to cooperate with each other.


"It's useless for me to agree and promise. If the other guardians disagree, this cooperation can only end here..."

"You have to convince other people."


Gunther sighed.

There are currently 9 elders of the guardians.

For ordinary small matters, any elder can decide on his own, but when it comes to major events, such as cooperating with Bai Xiaofei or something...

This requires everyone to discuss and decide together, and if there are differences in the discussion, voting will be used to determine the final ownership.

Gunther was predictable.

As long as the news of Bai Xiaofei's cooperation is spread, the guardians will inevitably have heated discussions about it, and even have to vote in the end to decide whether to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei.


Except Gunther.

Some of the guardians don't want any major changes.

Gunther calls it the old school.

in addition.

Just some more radical ideas.

Not to mention the cooperation with Bai Xiaofei, as for the truth about the destruction of the Kryptonian clan, after everyone knew about it, someone proposed to immediately lead the army to kill Apocalypse.


Such people are typical radicals.

Among the guards, Ganser is considered a relatively neutral existence. He will not express his position easily, and spends most of his time negotiating with each other to ease the conflicts and contradictions between the two factions.

no way.

Guardians are people too.

Since we are human beings, we will have various human emotions, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

In order to become perfect and get rid of these shortcomings, the previous guardians were even crazy enough to use technological means (removal of brain lobe) to isolate the birth of emotion.

But as it turns out, it doesn't work at all.

at the same time……

Emotionless existence.

Once it becomes crazy, it is even scarier than a creature with emotions!

Later, the guardians gradually formed the current factions and decision-making methods. Although they are still not perfect, they are also very stable.

Basically, there will be no major errors and problems.


The Parallax Demon was an exception.

Now, Ganser only hopes that Bai Xiaofei can find a way to convince other guards as much as possible, especially those conservatives.

At the same time, it is necessary to stop the crazy ideas of the radicals, so as not to be too ambitious, and eventually expand to the point of being unable to extricate themselves, and eventually go to destruction.

If this is the case, it is not impossible to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei to develop a new lantern ring.

As for the basis and conditions of mutual cooperation?

This has to be said well.

after all……

Most of what Bai Xiaofei mastered were technical things.

The guardians of the universe, on the other hand, have some deep-seated secrets about the birth of the universe. The cards of the two sides are not equal, and the chips for raising are naturally different.

at this point.

Both sides are well aware.

The key is to see who is more capable and can win more benefits and benefits.

Think here.

Ganser couldn't help but took a deep look at Bai Xiaofei, and then asked, "Tell me, what are your conditions? I don't think it's just a green light to create technology?"


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