The Storm God

Chapter 3422 Machine Hunter!

Gunther is not stupid either.

The reason why Bai Xiaofei is willing to give his technology, and even help OA star to develop a new Yellow Lantern Corps, is naturally impossible for free.

Even if it is cooperation, I am afraid that certain conditions will be put forward, and this condition may be very harsh.

as expected.

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and without telling Ganser Moji, directly stated his condition, saying: "It's actually very simple, I just want to visit the central battery of the green light..."


Ganser was stunned for a moment.

Of course he doesn't believe in visiting or something.

Even if you think about it with your ass, you can guess that the other party must have some other purpose to go to the central battery. Is it for the ion shark inside?

to be honest.

Gunther was tempted to say no.

Because the ion shark is of great importance, it cannot be known to outsiders unless it is absolutely necessary, but facing Bai Xiaofei, Ganser can't refuse.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei's new technology is even more perverted.

With it, Star OA may be able to create stronger lights and fighters, and even if there is no ion shark, there may be nothing.

At the very least, so far, Ganser has not discovered any major flaws in the green light ring created by Bai Xiaofei.

Unlike the green light of the OA star, facing the yellow light of fear, it will become energy neutralized.

This major flaw, while told to be a shooting flaw in the Green Lantern ring itself, is actually not the case.

It's because in the early central battery, not only the Diurbeast Ion Shark resided, but also the Diurbeast Parallax Monster!

That is.

The energy source of the green light ring is mixed with a part of the yellow light of fear. Therefore, when facing the parallax demon, he would be so rookie.

Although the parallax monster has possessed another guardian and turned into a parallax monster, its source of power has always affected the central battery.

With Bai Xiaofei's new technology, this bad effect can be eliminated in the future, and the power of the green light will become stronger and more perfect.

So far.

Gunther sighed suddenly.

Then he nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, I will find a way to help you meet this condition, but you must promise that you must not mess around!"

"rest assured!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed when he heard that.

He said with a smile: "Mr. Ganser, to be honest, the reason why I went to the central battery is just to observe and explore some important secrets about the birth of the universe through the ion shark. It's not about the ion shark itself, so you don't have to worry about it."


Ganser remained silent.

Hearing these words, his mood did not ease much.

on the contrary……

Gunther was even more worried.

Because Bai Xiaofei's level of strength is too high, look at others, it is always the mystery of the birth of the universe or something...

Look at yourself again?


Still thinking about some of their technologies.

This is the gap.


Gunther can only hope.

After Bai Xiaofei got what he wanted, he would not cross the river and tear down the bridge, but would kill the donkey with his backhand, otherwise Ganser would become a sinner in the history of the Guardians of the Universe.


The two discussed some specific cooperation content.

Bai Xiaofei was very generous, but he agreed to almost all those who didn't think it was very important, but what he wanted was very simple.

It is just about the original mystery of the green light of OA star.

Other than that, Bai Xiaofei really didn't like the rest of those messy things...


Some of these technologies are still very powerful.

For example, the Robot Hunter created by the Guardians of the Universe was the first generation of the Green Lantern Corps, but because of the latter's betrayal, this plan was completely cancelled.

And from now on, no non-biological fighter has been selected.

Apparently he was tortured out of psychological shadow.

to be honest.

for these technologies.

Bai Xiaofei was quite interested. He felt that if this thing could be combined with his sentinel robot, it might be able to create an even more terrifying existence.

But it's a pity that the technical data about the Robot Hunter is basically completely sealed and locked up.

Not to mention that Ganser did not agree to make a deal with Bai Xiaofei.

Even if he agrees, it's useless, because that thing can't be unlocked and retrieved by him alone as a guardian.

It can be safely unlocked and retrieved only after the consent of more than six guardians, otherwise it will be completely destroyed.

With such strictness and attention, it is obvious that these technologies will undoubtedly have an immeasurable impact on the safety of the universe, and even damage it.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't force it either.

Take it step by step, after all, we have just started working together, so don't worry.

It's like boiling a frog in warm water. In the future, as the cooperation with each other gradually increases, and the other party learns more about Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei believes that sooner or later, these guardians will agree to teach Bai Xiaofei to keep the information, or even use it.

After more than two hours.

The blockade of Gunther's room was finally lifted.

And Bai Xiaofei also came out from inside, and outside, he saw Abin Sur who had been waiting for a long time.

"You've been waiting here?"



Bai Xiaofei fell silent for a moment.

Xin said, this guy is really good enough to be on duty.

But forget it.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much.

Moreover, the character of Abin Sur, in general, gave Bai Xiaofei a pretty good feeling, at least much better than his brother-in-law Sinestro.

In addition, the other party holds an important position, and the influence in the Green Lantern Corps is also very important. Better than that, it also has many benefits for Bai Xiaofei.


Facing Abin Sur's curiosity and doubts.

Bai Xiaofei didn't choose to hide anything, but basically told him everything that could be said. For example, I will cooperate with OA star or something.

As for Bai Xiaofei's Kryptonian identity?


According to Gunther's idea.

This critical moment is suitable for being completely solved, otherwise many problems cannot be explained clearly, such as how did Bai Xiaofei's power come from?

How was the miraculous creation technology born?


An incomparably backward barren land!

Can it also breed a terrifying and perverted cosmic level powerhouse like Bai Xiaofei? Believe it or not, most people don't believe it anyway.


To reduce unnecessary troubles.

Bai Xiaofei has to continue to play the role of a survivor of the Kryptonian clan, at least Kryptonian technology is still quite awesome.

As long as you use a little wording, such as being inspired by civilizations in other galaxies, you can easily get away with it and convince everyone.

All that's left is Gunther's push...

Closer to home.

When he heard that OA Star might have some important cooperation with Bai Xiaofei, Abin Sur was undoubtedly confused and unbelievable.

It's not that he looks down on Bai Xiaofei, a survivor of the Kryptonian family, but the main technical direction of the Kryptonian family, mainly in genetic modification...

This doesn't seem to go well with OA, does it?

Could it be...

Does this person have other technologies? However, what kind of technology will make the guardians of the universe so excited?

Abin Sur was puzzled.

As a cosmic peacekeeper, he has traveled to countless galaxy civilizations, and he has seen a dazzling array of powerful technologies.

But overall, compared to the green light ring of OA star, it is still obviously not as good. Otherwise, Star OA would not use the green light ring as the standard equipment for combatants like them.

That is.

The green light ring is almost the crystallization of the most powerful black technology in the universe.


as its creator.

The guardian of the universe actually wants to cooperate with others...


This is incredible!


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