The Storm God

Chapter 3423 Experimental battle!


At this moment, the way Abin Sur looked at Bai Xiaofei was very strange.

in short.

It's like a mortal has seen a ghost.





Looking at Bai Xiaofei made him feel uncomfortable.

After all, Abin Sur is an alien, except that his appearance is almost the same as that of a human, other things such as his skin are completely different.

Being stared at by an alien all the way...

Who can stand this?


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help coughing lightly.

Speechless: "That...Mr. Abin, it's just a normal transaction and cooperation. You don't have to look at me like that, do you?"


Hearing this, Abin Sur immediately withdrew his fiery gaze.

He didn't explain anything to Bai Xiaofei.

Instead it became silent.


The two came to Bai Xiaofei's residence.

Abin Sur watched Bai Xiaofei enter the room, then turned and left.

However, he didn't go back to his room, but went directly to the central library of Star OA, wanting to look up some information.


Regarding the cooperation transaction between Bai Xiaofei and OA Xing, Abin Sur was very alert and defensive, for fear that this was some kind of conspiracy.

That's why I want to come to the book store and check out the secrets of the Kryptonian family.

But unfortunately...

Abin Sur has been investigating until the next day, but he has not found anything suspicious. The only thing that makes him quite afraid is currently only one.

A biological weapons program called Doomsday.


Abin Sur is sure.

OA Star will never cooperate with Bai Xiaofei in such a terrible deal, because Doomsday, just like its name, will bring nothing but destruction.

This is completely contrary to the belief of the guardian of the universe.

But other than that, Abin Sur really couldn't find any other useful information. Seeing the time getting closer and closer, in the end he had no choice but to give up.


Gunther was already calling him.

Through the message sent by the green light ring, Abin Sur learned about his mission: to select some powerful and tough elite fighters to meet at the Green Lantern Square Mountain.

Abin Sur couldn't refuse the guard's order.

Although he vaguely guessed that this mission might be related to Bai Xiaofei's trade and cooperation with OA Star, he still faithfully carried out Ganser's order.


A dozen elite Green Lantern Warriors were summoned by Abin Sur and brought to the Green Lantern Square.

The so-called Green Light Square is actually a small rock platform.

Behind the platform is a huge emerald green Green Lantern logo, and in the rest of the way, there are various high or low audience seats.

Generally speaking.

Only when a major event occurs, the Green Lanterns will be called here, and a leader with high status and prestige will speak.

And now...

But for the first time, a guardian of the universe descended.

This man was Gunther.


Seeing the guardian descending in person, more than a dozen Green Lanterns were quite shocked and confused, even including Abin Sur.

Apparently, he didn't expect that Ganser would be there in person, and he thought it would be a voice transmission.

"Master Guardian..."


Facing the salute of the crowd.

After Ganser accepted it plainly, he went straight to the point and explained his purpose of coming: "Abin, take off your green light ring..."


Although Abin Sur was curious about what Ganser was going to do, he didn't hesitate at all. He immediately took off the green light ring on his hand.

And with the removal of the green light ring, the green uniform on Abin Sur's body disappeared immediately, returning to his original clothing.

next moment.

Ganser took Abin Sur's green light ring.

But immediately afterwards, another ring, which was completely different in terms of shape and logo, but also filled with bright green light, was sent to Abin Sur in the air, and said: "Now Put this new green light ring on..."


Abin Sur followed his word.

After receiving the brand new green light ring, he just glanced at it curiously, and put it on his right index finger.


at the same time.

A completely different and powerful force gushed out of the ring in an instant, and then, like a spring of consciousness, it enveloped Abin Sur's body in a blink of an eye.

in an instant.

Abin Sur turned into Green Lantern again.

It's just that his current appearance is completely different from before. Although the overall difference is not very big, the feeling and aura of strength are worlds apart.

The bright green armor, compared to the previous tights-like attire, is obviously more textured and powerful, giving people a very good and not hot feeling.

Not only that.

An incomparably powerful green flame burst out from Abin Sur's body.

The dozen or so Green Lanterns nearby couldn't bear the coercion and impact of this arrogance, and were immediately blown back several steps.


As the person involved, Abin Sur was stunned and stunned, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "What a powerful force! It's completely different from the previous feeling, as if he has completely changed himself. This is..."

The surrounding Green Lanterns were all dumbfounded when they came back to their senses.

As the saying goes: "People are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away!" There is no comparison, but now that the comparison is in front of them, everyone suddenly feels that their green light rings are no longer fragrant.

Check out the one from Abin Sur...

Look at yourself again!


This is completely the difference between stepmother and mother-in-law!

Everyone is envious and jealous.


Gunther was equally astonished.

Although he has long known that Bai Xiaofei's green light ring can bring people stronger power, but he is far from the shock and reality of witnessing it with his own eyes.


Gunther had to admit.

Compared with OA star's green light ring, this version of the green light ring created by Bai Xiaofei has obvious advantages.

Don't say anything else.

The appearance alone is not of an order of magnitude at all.

Of course, who is stronger and who is weaker, and how much stronger, can only be known after specific battles.

Think here.

Ganser immediately issued an order: "Abin, now you use the power of this brand new green light ring to compete with the elite green light fighters around you!"

"Ah? Yes!"

Abin Sudun was immediately brought back to his mind.

To be honest, he himself really wanted to know how much stronger this new green light ring was compared to the previous one.

And Ganser's order is undoubtedly in the hands of everyone.

He was about to start.

At this time. Ganser said again: "Remember, don't hold back your strength, just let go and fight, I want to record the most real and extreme data!"


Hearing this, Abin Sur's body trembled.

Not only him, but the dozen or so Green Lanterns of different races and appearances around him also immediately understood Ganser's subtext...


The co-author called us here today to serve as a training partner for the new green light. To put it bluntly, it is to serve as experimental guinea pigs!

Think here.

Immediately, everyone felt very uncomfortable.

But immediately afterwards, they became excited and excited, because everyone suddenly realized, what happened to being a training partner and a guinea pig? Although it doesn't sound very nice to say it, the key point is that this experiment is very likely to be recorded in the annals of history.

The birth of the new Green Lantern Ring, and the first trials and battles!


It's very exciting to think about it!

Immediately afterwards, whether it was Abin Sur or the dozen or so elite Green Lanterns around them, it was as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Then with a bang, they directly smashed into a ball.


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