The Storm God

Chapter 3424 Pendant hammer green light!

"Has the fun started yet?"

In a certain room, Bai Xiaofei sensed the fluctuations of the battle in the Green Lantern Square, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, full of complacent smiles.

He is not suitable to appear on this occasion today.

after all……


The reputation is not obvious.

Even if he went, he would probably be regarded as a passerby.

But if the new version of the green light ring can become an instant hit and cause a complete sensation, then Bai Xiaofei will appear as the founder again...

Then the result is completely different.


It was Bai Xiaofei's plan.

In this regard, Ganser did not refuse, because it was also very beneficial to him.

If things go wrong, the two sides will not be too ugly, but if it succeeds, Ganser will benefit a lot.

It's not a disadvantage to say.


at the same time.

In another building of OA star.

Abin Sur's brother-in-law, Sinestro, was not summoned to participate in the trials and discussions, but was left in the office building because he was busy with various messy things.


Green Lantern also needs to work.

Whether it is a movie or an anime, although this is not shown in too much detail, in fact they are all mortals.

It's just that he has the various superpowers of the green light ring.

Many things still have to be done by themselves, such as long-distance flights and processing documents and information...

after all.

The energy of the green light ring is limited.

And their main identities are peacekeepers, who are used to fight against evil and unscrupulous people, so in general, if you can not waste the energy of the green light, don't waste it.

This is the fundamental reason why, although Green Lantern has the ability to travel through the stars alone, he still needs to develop a spaceship and go out to perform missions.


What is the specific use of green light energy?

The key still depends on personal interests and habits. Some people like to use the ability of green light to achieve various special effects.

However, they are not trying to waste energy or be lazy, but want to use this to exercise their operational ability and tenacity of willpower.

But this is not the case for Sinestro at the moment.

He is clearly the former.


Sinestro's will is as tough as steel, and the energy level of manipulating the green light ring is also within the range of the sequence standing at the top of the pyramid.

simply put.

In this regard, he no longer has much to pursue.

Therefore, controlling the green light energy to work and play is just to be lazy, but because of Sinestro's identity and status, even if someone finds out, they won't say anything more.

And at this moment.

Sinestro also felt the huge battle fluctuations from the Green Light Square.

There is no way, the sudden burst of huge green light power, and the unprecedented energy breath similar to the green light but mixed with some special power...

It is too special.

They are intertwined with each other, like the scorching sun rising into the sky. As long as there is a Green Lantern with some level and ability, it is really difficult not to find it.

"what happened?"

Sinestro was stunned for a moment, and then he flew out of the office building and flew directly towards the Green Lantern Square.


People haven't arrived yet.

With the help of Green Lantern's farsightedness, Sinestro has already seen the fierce battle taking place in Green Lantern Square from a distance.

More than a dozen elite Green Lanterns were beating up their uncle.

Of course, that's not the point.

The key is……

They still can't beat it!


Not only was he unable to beat him, but even his elder brother, who was outnumbered by the crowd, managed to completely crush the attacks of a dozen Green Lanterns with his own strength.

that feeling...

It's like a dozen kindergarten children who are besieging a professional boxer, but the latter casually hangs and beats him and makes him cry.

Even if their cooperation is incomparably tacit, the attacks, means, and even the power that erupt together are very powerful and terrifying...


Uncle is stronger than them!


When Sinestro was about to arrive at the Green Lantern Plaza, it happened that the dozen or so Green Lanterns combined all the energy of the Green Lanterns to directly materialize and construct a huge green fist, and then moved towards Abin like a shooting star. Sur smashed over.

But the result...

A Bing Suer, however, lifted the weight lightly, and just kicked it casually. The green light foot, which looked small and pitiful, kicked the huge green light fist on the spot.

As if it was paper at all.

It breaks with one poke!


Green Lantern fist exploded.

Because it is constructed by the green light energy of a dozen Green Lanterns, and it also contains their willpower...

Therefore, when it shattered and exploded, all the dozen or so Green Lanterns suffered backlash to varying degrees.


This is not a contest of life and death, but just an experiment and a discussion.

So Abin Sur didn't use his full strength and played very cautiously. Even if the dozen or so Green Lanterns used their housekeeping skills, none of them suffered much damage in the end.

Just fell to the ground and became dizzy for a while, and then they all recovered.


A group of people were all stunned.

Looking at Abin Sur... No, to be precise, the way he looked at the new version of the green light ring in Abin Sur's hand changed completely.







Various emotions are shown almost in turn, flashing quickly.

at last……

It all turned into desire!

After all, the elite Green Lanterns present are not stupid either. If they had the same Green Lantern ring, their strength would be almost at the same level as Abin Sur.

Even if there is a difference between high and low, there will not be too much difference. But now, a group of them were hanged up and beaten by Abin Sur alone.

What does this mean?

Of course, the key is not how awesome Abin Sur is.


New version of the Green Lantern Ring!

If it were me, wearing the green light ring that didn't have a new version, would it mean that I could become as powerful as Abin Sur just now?

Some people can even tell at a glance that Abin Sur didn't use his full strength just now, just like an adult playing with a child, he reserved too much.

So much so that they don't even know how awesome and powerful the upper limit power of this new version of the green light ring is.

as expected.

Following a question from a Green Lantern, Abin Sur also nodded readily: "Yes, I didn't try my best just now, at most I used less than one percent of my strength, because I was afraid that something might happen. Accident……"


It's okay not to ask.

With this question, everyone immediately became Smecta.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, eyes full of shock and disbelief: "Less than one percent of the power, you can easily beat us with a team of more than a dozen people?"

They suddenly realized that they were so weak!

In fact.

It's not just them.

Even the guardian Ganser standing on the high platform was stunned for a moment after hearing Abin Sur's words.

"Less than one percent of the power..."

"Is this the power of Mr. Baicus's green light? It's really terrifying, and this is the result of not unlocking the upper limit of all power at all..."

"The full power version, isn't it even more powerful?"

"If the two become one..."


In shock.

Ganser suddenly thought a lot.

As the association continued to unfold, the light in the eyes of this universe guardian became more and more bright and bright.


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