The Storm God

Chapter 3425 Sinestro is inflated!


The green light plaza where Sinestro finally arrived.

Although his face was still as cold as before, with an appearance that no strangers should enter, but his eyes were full of curiosity and shock.

"Master Gunther..."

"Abin, what the hell is going on?"

"Your current attire is..."


Because he came late, he missed the beginning of the show, so Sinestro didn't know about Abing Sur's new green light ring.

Sinestro could only ask.


Gunther at the moment.

However, he was immersed in his own association and contemplation, and did not hear Sinestro's inquiry, so naturally he would not answer.


Feeling that he was being ignored, Sinestro felt a chill in his heart.

At this time, his uncle was more heart-warming, and immediately walked over and explained excitedly: "Sinestro, that's how it is, we are conducting an experiment..."


"Yes, this is the newly developed green light ring. Its power is beyond imagination, and I don't care about using it lightly!"

"Compared with the old version, it's like nothing!"


Abin Sur was also overly excited.

I didn't realize how ironic and shocking the words I said were to the guardians of the universe.


Ganser was the only guard at the scene, and he was currently in the middle of "smuggling", so he didn't hear what Abin Sur said.


Sinestro was shocked.

One was surprised that my uncle dared to say in front of the guards that the green light ring they made was not good...

Isn't this too bold?

Even if it is the truth, just know it in your heart, don't say it out.

Otherwise, the nature would be different.

at the same time.

Sinestro was even more curious.

A new version of the Green Lantern ring? What's going on here?

Never heard of it...


It is also the top task of leading the Green Lantern Corps. Why is Abin Sur the first to know about such important information and experiments?

And I don't even know a little bit of news!


Sinestro was jealous.

However, he didn't show it. This is all due to the fact that Sinestro's face was originally cold like an iceberg...

Even if you are jealous or angry, most people can't see it.

Although Abin Sur is his eldest brother-in-law, he was obviously shocked by the power of the new version of the green light ring at the moment, and his mood was hard to calm down, so he didn't notice that there was something wrong with Sinestro's eyes.

He was still there, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

at last……

Abin Sur even asked: "Do you want to feel it too?"


Sinestro has long been envious.

Just out of face, he has been holding back his mouth, but now that his uncle took the initiative to speak out, Sinestro naturally agreed.


Sinestro directly took off his green light ring.

I'm afraid my uncle will regret it.

"for you!"

Abin Sur is a typical good old man.

Facing his brother-in-law, he didn't have any defensiveness at all, and he readily took off the new version of the green light ring from his hand and handed it to Sinestro.

Sinestro was not polite to his uncle either.

After receiving the new green light ring, she put it on her right index finger.


The same scene appeared.

Sinestro's aura instantly increased, and the green arrogance surged and exploded, like a small green sun, instantly causing great pressure and oppression to the people around him.

And the coercion of this force is far stronger than that of Abin Sur at that time.

Because Abin Sur has always been very cautious, he has been trying his best to suppress the new power for the first time, so as not to let it explode too much.

so as not to cause accidents.


Sinestro is completely different.

One is because of his heart, and the other is that Abin Sur's brother-in-law is himself a cold and dictatorial emperor of a star field.

In other words.

He himself is extremely ambitious.

It's just that he usually concealed it very well, but now he suddenly acquired a terrifying power far surpassing that of the green light ring, which made Sinestro's ambition inflated a little bit.

Then the energy of the new version of the green light ring was released instantly. As a result, it caused huge oppression and shock to Abin Sur and others present.


This guy Sinestro is also worthy of being a super villain in the future.

Almost instantly, he sensed that something was wrong, and immediately restrained this tyrannical force a lot, which made the surrounding Abin Sur and others feel less stressed and relaxed a lot.

One of the Green Lanterns even showed a look of shock and horror, and dared not say anything: "What a terrifying coercion, is this the real power of the new ring?"

"Abin was just kidding with us before!"


Everyone was shocked.

The guardian of smuggling, Ganser, finally came to his senses.

Seeing that the new ring landed on Sinestro at this moment, and the power and coercion that erupted were far stronger and fiercer than Abin Sur...

Ganser couldn't help but frowned slightly.


He said, "Okay, the test of the new version of the green light ring has almost come to fruition now. Although it is very powerful, there are still some flaws. I have to take it back and make some modifications and adjustments..."

The implication is that it is time for Sinestro to return the ring to me.


Sinestone was speechless for a moment.


I'm having a good time.

In the end, you took off your pants, but you suddenly wanted to take the girl away...

Depend on!

Don't talk about Wude!

But depressed and depressed, he still didn't dare not listen to what the guard said. In the end, he could only put on a cold face, took off the new version of the green light ring from his hand, reluctantly, and handed it to Ganser superior.

After Ganser took back the new version of the green light ring, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with Sinestro and the others, so he turned around and flew away.

As for the dozen or so elite Green Lanterns, immediately after Ganser left, they had an extremely heated discussion about the new version of the Green Lantern Ring.

They even pulled Abin Sur and Sinestro into it.


the other side.

Ganser came directly to Bai Xiaofei.

"How is it?" Bai Xiaofei said with a smile, "My new version of the green light ring works well, right?"


Gunther nodded.

He opened his mouth and said: "It is indeed beyond imagination, but it also makes me very uneasy. Such a powerful and terrifying weapon is used in the hands of a righteous person. Naturally, it will be invincible, but if it falls on a person with a wicked heart..."

When it comes to this.

For some reason, Ganser subconsciously remembered the appearance of Sinestro just now.

Cold, domineering, powerful, cold, oppressive...

It feels terrible!


Bai Xiaofei heard the words, but he didn't take it seriously at all, and replied with a smile: "Mr. Ganser, you don't have to worry about it, because my ring is the same as yours, and it can be programmed. Setting up and authenticating..."

"That is."

"Only those who meet the program setting and certification requirements can wear it and gain power. On the contrary, if you wear it forcibly, you will be attacked!"

"Not only that, but it also has a back door..."


For the follow-up cooperation.

It can be said that Bai Xiaofei did his best. At this moment, he turned into a commentator in an instant, and began to explain the various magical abilities of this new version of the green light ring to Ganser.

Ganser was stunned for a while, and his eyes widened.


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