The Storm God

Chapter 3426 Sensation!

"You can still set requirements for this ring?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

In fact, the two rings handed over to Ganser had already been set as requirements, but in order to facilitate Ganser's experiments, the restrictions were temporarily lifted.


Not to mention those Green Lantern tools, even Ganser would never want to steal Bai Xiaofei's Green Lantern Ring and Yellow Lantern Ring.

Because one of the most important requirements is to surrender to Bai Xiaofei.

But also to give their loyalty and faith.

If Gunther can do this...


Bai Xiaofei doesn't mind giving the two rings to each other completely, after all, they are both his younger brothers, so it's natural for the boss to be more generous.

Of course.

about this matter.

Bai Xiaofei didn't foolishly tell Ganser, but just made up an excuse, and fooled Ganser with false demands such as integrity, integrity, and high morals.

Otherwise, if the other party really knows, Bai Xiaofei has shamelessly made a lot of special backdoor settings that are beneficial to him, and this transaction cooperation cannot be carried out.


Regarding some of the operating principles, Bai Xiaofei did not deceive the other party.

After all, they are not fools.


Just try it out and you'll know.

Choosing to cheat at this time is undoubtedly very detrimental to the cooperation between the two parties.

Bai Xiaofei is not that stupid yet.


The core design of the ring, as well as the most important belief, Bai Xiaofei will never change, anyway, the raw materials for making the ring are provided by him.

At that time, you only need to imprint the core program on the material of the ring in advance. With Bai Xiaofei's attainments, the guardians of the universe, such as Ganser, can't see it.

Even if they saw something was wrong, they would only think that it was the special power of the ring itself.

after all……

It is impossible for energy and matter to be born for no reason. Anyway, Bai Xiaofei can cover up this matter with a few casual words.

As for Bai Xiaofei's design principle of the ring, and the future direction, Ganser was very excited when he heard it, and felt like seeing each other later.

Not only that.

Encouraged by Bai Xiaofei.

Ganser also tried to use the ring materials provided by Bai Xiaofei, using the principles he had just learned and was not very proficient in, trying to assemble and manufacture a green light ring.

After several failures, Gunther finally succeeded.

Although that ring, compared with Bai Xiaofei's, looks very rough, and its energy is also very stunted...

But Ganser was still extremely excited.


Manufacturing success.

It also means that what Bai Xiaofei said is true.

I am just a handyman. If the technology is purely pure, I believe that the new version of the green light ring made in the future will definitely be much stronger than the current one.

And with this successful experience of personally creating and experimenting, Ganser's doubts about Bai Xiaofei almost completely disappeared.


He immediately promised: "Mr. Bai, you can just wait here with peace of mind. The cooperation matter is on my shoulders!"


Gunther turned and left.

You don't need to think about it, you must have gone to convince other space guardians.

And at the same time.

the other side.

Those few elite Green Lanterns, after they left, naturally quickly publicized the fact that OA Star was about to launch a new version of the Green Lantern Ring.

Moreover, he also used the existing green light ring to broadcast the battle scene at that time to other people, which immediately caused a great sensation and discussion.


Due to the fact that most of the Green Lanterns are out to perform tasks, only a small number of Green Lanterns stay on the OA planet to rest and replenish their batteries.

So the scope of the sensation caused is not very large.


Don't forget everyone.

The green light ring can also act as a computer and communication device.

That is to say, as long as the distance is not too far away, the message can still be sent to others through the green light ring.

After such a back and forth, the public opinion and news that the new version of the green light ring will be launched will naturally be spread on a large scale soon.

After hearing the news, many Green Lanterns immediately chose to return, obviously wanting to see and own the new version of the Green Lantern Ring as soon as possible.

after all……

The new version of the green light ring displayed in the communication, the power increase effect is too abnormal, no one wants to make themselves stronger.

To know.

In this vast universe.

But there are too many special creatures and ruthless characters. Even Green Lantern, if he encounters these guys during the mission, there will be casualties.

Now that there is a new version of the green light ring, you can make your own strength stronger, and naturally no one will refuse it.

Because becoming stronger means survival is more secure, but who doesn't want to die, who is not in a hurry? Unlike some people, if you want to come back, you can't go back.

It only took one day.

There are more than a few hundred Green Lanterns returning from star OA.

Except for some who are temporarily unable to receive the news sent here because the distance is too far away, and those who are on mission...

Pretty much every Green Lantern who's been idle, that's all come back.

And after coming back.

These strange alien life forms immediately gathered together and began to discuss the new version of the green light ring.

at the same time.

being a party to the event.

Whether it was Abin Sur, Sinestro, or a dozen Green Lanterns who were regarded as tool men, almost all of them were questioned by everyone.


Many also went straight to the Guardians asking for answers.

It's a pity that none of the current nine guards are in the holy pagoda, nor in their own homes, but have collectively announced their retreat.


They are all studying the technology and design principles of the new version of the green light ring, as well as whether it can be transplanted to the existing green light ring.

It's worth mentioning that they didn't call Bai Xiaofei this time.

I don't know if they are very confident in their abilities, or they have other plans, anyway, they just exclude Bai Xiaofei.

Although Ganser strongly opposed it, a radical guard finally said, "Gancer, don't forget who you are!"

I was left speechless.


For several days in a row.

The nine guards have been studying the new version of the green light ring in retreat, without knowing that the outside is about to explode.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't take it seriously either.

Because of his self-confidence, the green light ring designed by himself is unlikely to be copied by others, after all, the source of its power is Bai Xiaofei himself.

As long as Bai Xiaofei disagrees, even if the other party does it, it's just a decoration, but it can't have the slightest power at all.

It's like putting together a brand new Apple mobile phone with great difficulty, but it is not connected to the Internet, and it passes the service review of Apple's background.

It can only be used as a brick, but cannot be turned on.


The opponent can also replace the source of power with other ones, such as the central battery energy of the OA star, which can also be satisfied by the basic mountain.

However, the difficulty of technological blockade and cracking involved in this is even greater. Not to mention the other guards, even Ganser couldn't figure it out.

The result of forcibly deciphering the research can only completely destroy the existing two rings, so Bai Xiaofei is not worried at all.

While the nine guards were busy, he stayed in his room, enjoying the food and drinks of OA star leisurely, not to mention how comfortable he was.

And today...

Bai Xiaofei's room, however, ushered in an unexpected visitor——Abin Sur's brother-in-law, the dictator of Keruga Star, Sinestro!


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