The Storm God

Chapter 3427 The guardian compromised!


Looking at the figure of Sinestro projected on the monitor in the room, Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised and asked, "Why is this guy here?"

Thinking room.

He opened the door.

Sinestro wasn't polite to Bai Xiaofei either, and walked in as he knew him well.

He had an arrogant and ruthless demeanor throughout.

Typical pretender!


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei just secretly sneered. Then, like watching a play, he let Sinestro move around the room without saying a word.

Good guy!

He took the initiative to come to me, and even put on such a superior posture...

See what you can do!


I am not used to you!

Speak up if you have something to say, let go if you have something to do, if there is nothing important, then the young master will issue an order to evict the guest, so stay where it is cool!

In short.

Sinestro is aloof, but Bai Xiaofei is even more aloof!

that's all.

Not a moment passed.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was always staring at him with a smile, but didn't say anything, Sinestro couldn't take it anymore.

He couldn't help frowning, and took the lead to break the silence and said: "Mr. Bai, to be honest, I am very interested in you. The main purpose of my visit this time is also to cooperate with you. If you have any requirements, just ask ..."


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Because he really couldn't think of anything he could do to cooperate with the other party. Could it be that the other party's idea for the new green light ring?



At this time, Sinestro should not be blackened.

I must be thinking too much!


Sinestro nodded.

Looking directly at Bai Xiaofei, with a cold and serious face, he said seriously: "I know there are two kinds of rings on your hand, one is a green light, the other is a yellow light..."


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

But he was speechless in his heart: "Fuck, why does this guy know everything? Could it be that he got the news from Abin Sur?"

"It's not right either!"

"Because even Abin Sur doesn't know about the yellow light ring, could it be that the problem is with Ganser..."

"Only this possibility can explain it!"


Bai Xiaofei secretly guessed in his heart.

You know, he gave Ganser two kinds of rings at the beginning, but Ganser only tested the green light ring in front of the public...

The yellow light ring should have been tested privately in a relatively hidden place. As for who is the chosen test target...


This can be guessed even if you don’t want to use it. There is a high probability that it should be Abin Sur.

After all, Ganser doesn't exhaust Sinestro very much, and the power attribute of the yellow light is quite special. If it were him, he would definitely choose the more secure Abin Sur.

However, Ganser overlooked one thing.

Sinestro is Abin Sur's brother-in-law, and the latter still trusts this brother-in-law quite a lot, and he can't hide any secrets at all.

It doesn't matter whether Sinestro was cheated or cheated.


The yellow light ring thing.

In the end, Sinestro found out.


There is the present scene.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei was speechless immediately, and said in his heart: "The connection system of OA star is really... a mess!"

at the same time.

Think a little bit.

Bai Xiaofei also understood why Sinestro wanted to find him.

After all, this guy has great ambitions, which can be seen from the fact that he can become the dictator of Star Kruga.


The guardians of star OA don't care much about these.

Because of the green light ring, Sinestro was chosen in the end, which shows that Sinestro must have some qualities recognized by the green light ring.

As for the others?


Anyway, the Green Lantern Corps has strict precepts and rules, as long as they don't violate these regulations, there will be no problem.

Of course, it may also be because Sinestro's operation is relatively good, even if it is the dictatorship, but the hidden water is tight, so that people can't find faults...


This arrogant and ruthless Sinestro gave Bai Xiaofei the biggest impression that he was tolerant enough and could pretend. His success today is definitely not due to luck, but to rely on strength!


According to the original trajectory of fate, Sinestro will continue to endure until the parallax demon comes out to do things. After seeing the weakness and incompetence of the guardians of the universe, he has the idea of ​​​​being the boss alone.

Now the other party came to find Bai Xiaofei, obviously because of the latter's intrusion and the appearance of the yellow light ring, Sinestro's ambition exploded ahead of time.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately became interested.

To be honest, he doesn't really care who his collaborator is, because no matter who he is, he is a tool man.

It is Bai Xiaofei's Darkseid used to fight against Apocalypse, and an important pawn of the Oneiroi Morpheus, even cannon fodder!

It is also one of the many nutrients he uses to strengthen his will and faith.

As long as Sinestro can meet Bai Xiaofei's conditions, he doesn't mind cooperating and trading with Sinestro.

The premise is...

The other party has to show enough sincerity and strong capital.

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Let's not mention the matter of cooperation for the time being, let me just ask, if I agree to cooperate with you, what can you give me?"


Sinestro fell silent.

Bai Xiaofei didn't answer the question, it can be said that he completely took the initiative, and in turn made himself passive.

But think about it too.

The technology is in the hands of others, no matter how much you calculate, the other party will always take the initiative, unless you have some special capital.


What do you have?

What does the other party want?

for a while.

Sinestro couldn't answer, because he knew too little about Bai Xiaofei, and he was too conceited about himself.

As a result, after a round of confrontation, he immediately became a Muggle.

"You can leave now."

Seeing Sinestro's appearance, Bai Xiaofei knew that the other party had no idea that he could show sincerity, so he immediately issued an order to evict the guest.

It's not that he is ruthless and doesn't give Sinestro any face.


Bai Xiaofei sensed it.

Somewhere not very far away, a group of people are rushing towards him, and these people are none other than Ganser and the other nine universe guardians.

If they see Sinestro running to Bai Xiaofei alone at this time, and want to discuss cooperation with Bai Xiaofei about the yellow light ring...


It is estimated that Sinestro's good days are coming to an end.

Bai Xiaofei issued the order to evict the guest, completely helping Sinestro, after all, this guy is also one of the future super villains.

It might be of no use to keep it.


Sinestro is clearly not stupid either.

At first he was indeed very angry, but soon, he realized Bai Xiaofei's real intention, followed without saying a word, turned around and left.


before leaving the room.

Sinestro still left a sentence: "I will come to you again..."

Obviously, they haven't completely given up on the matter of cooperation.

"Well, I'm waiting for you!"

Bai Xiaofei also replied later.

As soon as Sinestro left, Ganser and the other nine space guardians all landed outside Bai Xiaofei's residence.

Looking at their sluggish and exhausted appearances, it was obvious that they had just come out of retreat and ran directly to find Bai Xiaofei.

"Mr. Bai..."

Ganser is an acquaintance of Bai Xiaofei.

So the task of taking the lead naturally fell on him.

After everyone entered the room, Ganser first gave a symbolic introduction to everyone, and then got straight to the point: "To be honest, we are here this time to discuss with you the specific cooperation matters concerning the new version of the green light ring..."


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