The Storm God

Chapter 3428 Are you too picky?


Bai Xiaofei was very indifferent.

In fact, he had expected this to happen a long time ago. Looking at the dejected looks of these guards, it was obvious that the experiment was not going well.

Otherwise, I wouldn't come here in disgrace to discuss cooperation with myself...


Bai Xiaofei really wanted to know.

How far have these guardians carried out the experiment?

So far.

He couldn't help asking: "Mr. Ganser, I think you should have joined forces to do various experiments on the new ring in the past few days, right?"


Everyone was speechless for a while.

Those with more violent tempers couldn't help but give Bai Xiaofei a hard look, as if to say, "Nonsense, you're asking questions knowingly!"

Bai Xiaofei completely ignored the existence of those guardians.

Looking directly at Ganser, he continued, "If my guess is correct, all your experiments should have failed, right?"


The faces of the nine people became even more gloomy when they heard the words.

Bai Xiaofei's words were still raging: "It's even possible that the two rings I gave you were broken, right?"


As soon as this word came out.

Ganser and the others immediately looked at Bai Xiaofei, you know that?

But think about it.

After all, the ring was made by Bai Xiaofei.

Whether it is destroyed or not, as a creator, if there is something left behind, it can still be perceived, not to mention the distance is so close.

This kind of technology, let alone Bai Xiaofei, even they can do it.


None of this matters.

The key is that people have already guessed that he and others might leave Bai Xiaofei behind and hide themselves for research and experimentation.

In the end, my own research failed, so I ran to the other party, ready to confess...


How embarrassing!


Gunther is not a mortal after all.

Although he was a little ashamed and embarrassed, seeing Bai Xiaofei's clear mind, he saw everything very clearly...

So I didn't hide anymore, and said truthfully: "You guessed right, our experiments all failed, and you even damaged the two ring samples you gave us..."

"We came to you this time, other than to discuss cooperation, we just want a few more rings for research..."

"Of course, this time I will definitely let you participate..."


Ganther lowered his posture.

Because he knows that Bai Xiaofei is the kind of person who takes soft things but not tough ones.

In this matter, the guards were at fault in the first place. If the attitude is more unfriendly, it is very likely to arouse the opponent's resentment.

This is naturally unacceptable to the guards who have seen the power of the new companion ring, so Ganser took the initiative to provoke the leader.

He directly expressed his attitude.


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Of course he understood what Ganser meant, and he didn't dare the other party's ink marks when he heard the words, and said directly: "As for the rings, there are still some here, which can definitely meet your requirements, but the material is not very easy to solve..."

Things that are easily obtained are generally not cherished too much.

Just like those two rings.


this time.

Bai Xiaofei changed his strategy.

We have the ring, and we can give it to you, but the raw materials for making the ring are very difficult to obtain, so if you know something, you should know that it is time for you to show your sincerity.

At the beginning of the cooperation, I can't let Lao Tzu pay all the expenses alone, right?

It's not realistic at all, okay?


You will all become Lao Tzu's little brothers, but this is even more impossible.

"The material is not easy to get?"

Ganser frowned when he heard this.

Of course he also knew that at this time, Bai Xiaofei might make some special requests, but Ganser never expected that Bai Xiaofei would talk about the production materials.

Is it true or not?

to be honest.

Ganser was a little uncertain.

But there is one thing that he is very sure of, that is, he and others must bleed a lot to show his sincerity.

Otherwise, this cooperation is likely to be yellow.

Think here.

Ganser immediately looked at the other eight guards.

The eight guards and Ganser looked at each other for a while, and after exchanging a few glances, they followed Qiqi and nodded.

Apparently some sort of consensus was reached.

at last……

Ganser looked at Bai Xiaofei again, and said, "Mr. Bai, if there is any difficulty in the production of raw materials, our OA star can send someone to help..."

"And it's free of charge. It's not included in the scope of the cooperation between the two parties. It's an apology and compensation for our previous actions..."



Bai Xiaofei accepted it when he saw it was good.

Now that the guards have expressed their attitude, it is not good to make the atmosphere too stiff, so they nodded and said: "As for the materials, I will submit a document to you later, as for how to do it, then I don't care. I just want results!"

"in addition……"

"According to my understanding, the number of Green Lanterns on your OA star should be fixed, about 3,600. If you change to the new version of the Green Lantern Ring, will you reduce or increase the number of people? Or keep the original number?"

"After all, this is related to the amount of tasks we cooperate with, so I have to know the specific number, otherwise I can't say how many materials are needed..."


Of course Bai Xiaofei was talking nonsense.

He just wanted to take the opportunity to see if these cosmic guardians would break the original rules and some systems after gaining powerful power.

As a result, the answers given by the nine universe guardians were not at all what Bai Xiaofei expected. Ganser said that this question has not been considered yet.

What they meant was that the power of the new version of the green light ring was too powerful, accidents might happen, and it was not appropriate for too many people to come into contact with it for the time being.

That is.

Build a small batch of the new Green Lantern rings first, then pick a handful of people to arm and test to see how it works in practice.

If it does perform very well and can completely replace the old version of the green light ring, then increase production and promote it comprehensively.

In this way, in case of any accident, the loss can be kept to a minimum.


Bai Xiaofei nodded to express his understanding.

Then he asked Ganser, "How much do you want for this batch of new rings? One hundred? Or more?"


Ganser answered quickly this time.

It's just that such a rare number is completely beyond Bai Xiaofei's expectation: "How many? 36? Not even half of a hundred?"

He looked at Ganser in disbelief, and the expression in his eyes was undisguised: "Aren't you too picky!?"


Ganser explained with a little embarrassment: "Mr. Bai, it's like this. Our plan is to set up one or several experimental teams based on the new version of the green light ring, and then send them out to perform missions and collect data... ..."

"You know, each of the Green Lanterns of our OA star is responsible for managing a sector of the entire universe. In fact, 36 is already a lot..."

"Although compared to 3600 sectors, it is only one percent, but when it is specifically divided, the galaxy civilization and intelligent species are quite huge."

"This is also for insurance. If an accident happens, the loss will be much smaller. If there are too many and they are scattered, it will become quite troublesome..."

"I hope Mr. Bai can understand!"


Ganser said sincerely.

Such an attitude made Bai Xiaofei very uncomfortable.


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