The Storm God

Chapter 3429 Don't scatter eagles if you don't see rabbits!

Today is New Year's Eve, and Wuyou is here to wish everyone a happy holiday, more and more every year, more and more awesome!


"never mind……"

Considering the special situation of Green Lantern, Bai Xiaofei finally sighed helplessly, and said weakly: "36 is 36, it is the intended product for the first transaction and cooperation..."

"Thank you Mr. Bai for your understanding."

Ganser was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then asked: "Mr. Bubai, when can we start cooperation? How long will it take to make those rings at the earliest?"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a question.

Looking at Ganser, he frowned and said, "The ring you just mentioned only includes the green light ring, not the yellow light ring?"


Ganser froze for a moment.

But in the end, he nodded embarrassingly, and said: "Yes, because OA star is relatively repulsive to yellow lights, plus its special attribute effect..."

"We were afraid of accidents, so after a comprehensive discussion, we decided to just use the new version of the green light ring."

"Anyway, the effect is almost the same..."


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, his expression was calm.

But he was extremely speechless in his heart, and said with a sneer: "The effect is similar? Hehe... What are you kidding! The green light is the extension and display of personal will. The stronger the belief and loyalty, the greater the power blessing you can get..."

"But yellow lights are different!"

"Although it also has a similar design to the green light, its function is not the same. The main difference is that the yellow light can absorb the power of fear to strengthen or restore its own strength..."

"In short, yellow lights are more freeing and powerful than green lights!"


Among the younger brothers and fighters under Bai Xiaofei's command.

Green Lantern Warriors are generally righteous people who are loyal to him, believe in him, and have no morals at all. Most of them are standard Weiguangzheng characters.

But the Yellow Lantern Warrior is different.

They are both good and evil, mainly feed on fear, and advocate fighting and force, although in terms of faith and loyalty, they may be slightly inferior to the Green Lantern Warrior...

But in terms of combat, it is extremely brave and powerful.

Wherever he went, he was devastated, bringing everyone only fear, horror, despair and failure. He was one of Bai Xiaofei's favorite fighters.

If the Green Lantern Warrior is a loyal believer, devout and pure; then the Yellow Lantern Warrior is the adjudicator among believers, dedicated to punishment and fear!

Relatively speaking.

Bai Xiaofei hopes that OA stars can wholesale and use more yellow light rings.


He is not a believer and a younger brother.

But fighters.

cannon fodder!

The biggest function of the yellow light ring is to develop a brave, powerful and fearless mass attack younger brother for Bai Xiaofei.

It doesn't matter how good your character is, as long as you can kill the enemy.


Even if you die in battle, you don't feel bad.

But the green light ring is different, it is Bai Xiaofei's most loyal and devout younger brother, providing him with the power of faith all the time...

It hurts so much to die.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei came here to find helpers to deal with Darkseid and Oneiroi Morpheus, not to develop his younger brother full-time.

As a result, Ganser and the others did not intend to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei to develop the yellow light ring because they were afraid of the power of fear...


This made Bai Xiaofei very speechless.

I took off my trousers, but you told me that you can only do superficial work, but can't go deeper? Believe it or not, I exploded in place!


Bai Xiaofei soon felt relieved.

Because he suddenly remembered Sinestro, who had just come to visit. Didn't the other party just want to cooperate with him in the transaction of the yellow light ring?

very good!

Since OA star doesn't want it, then teach Sinestro the yellow light ring!

In any case, he is also the super villain in Green Lantern, whether it is brains, luck, or ability, as well as the younger brothers under his command...

There are still many advantages.


In the original book, the Yellow Lantern Corps was carried forward by relying on Sinestro, and entrusting him with the trading cooperation of the Yellow Lantern Ring can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei's heart suddenly brightened.

Then, he smiled, and said to Ganser with a look of complete indifference, "Well, since you have your concerns, then our cooperation is limited to the new version of the green light ring..."

"Thank you for understanding!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei wasn't unhappy because of this, Ganser secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly expressed his thanks.


Both sides continue.

However, the focus of the problem has directly become the test site, time, and specific environmental requirements and other trivial matters.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about it.

Facing Ganser's inquiry, he just waved his hands and said, "You can do it as you see fit. If I'm here, you don't need to be too particular about it. It's perfectly fine according to your standards..."

"All right."

Ganser was slightly shocked.

Then he said: "The matter of the experiment is almost discussed now, and in the end only your request is left. Our decision is..."

"I'll take you to Central Battery Energy tomorrow."


These guards are enough.

It’s typical not to scatter hawks if you don’t see a rabbit, don’t mention it sooner or later, you have to wait until Bai Xiaofei has explained all the problems before you speak...


Bai Xiaofei sneered in his heart.

Secretly said: "If there is still room to use you, it is not appropriate to use violence. If I want to go to the Central Battery Energy to conduct research, I still need your approval?"


There is one thing to say.

Bai Xiaofei never expected that Ganser and others would be so straightforward.

Let yourself go tomorrow?


It seems that the other party is afraid that I will not be able to work hard, so I am going to give myself a little sweet taste first, which is good, and it will save me a lot of trouble!


Bai Xiaofei got practical benefits, so naturally he would not treat Ganser and them badly. Hearing this, he smiled and nodded, and then took out a few green light rings.

"These rings are the only ones I have in stock, and now they belong to you."

"In addition, this is the description document for the production materials. Take a look, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time..."

In addition to the green light ring, Bai Xiaofei gave Ganser and the others an explanatory document about dark iron and other super material materials.


The manufacture of these rings does not need those super substances and materials at all, and even if they are used, the weight is extremely scarce.

The reason why Bai Xiaofei did this was entirely because he wanted to use the Green Lanterns of OA star to help him mine dark iron and other super substances for free.

after all……

This is not an easy task, since there is this free labor, why not use it? Don't use it for nothing!

"Ah, this..."

However, Ganser and others were collectively dumbfounded after seeing the contents of the explanatory document, with a shocked expression of disbelief on their faces, and said in horror: "It is actually necessary to blow up the black hole to have a certain chance of obtaining a small amount of dark iron." Wait for the super substance...?"

They thought that the raw materials for making the new version of the green light ring might be very difficult to obtain, but they never expected that it would be so difficult to obtain!

Blow up a black hole?

It's not 100% obtained, but there is a chance to obtain a small amount of super substance...


If you don’t know, you might think it’s a fool’s dream!

That's a cosmic black hole!

How to fry?

Thinking of this extremely headache and numbing question, Ganser and the other nine space guardians all looked at Bai Xiaofei involuntarily.

His eyes were full of curiosity and disbelief.

Their expressions now look like a group of people who can't do it when they encounter a problem, but they ask the teacher for help pitifully.

The key point is that the heights of these space guardians are all short and short, which makes Bai Xiaofei, who stands out from the crowd, inexplicably feel very good and comfortable: "These are really a group of good tool people who are eager to learn and make progress... ..."


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