The Storm God

Chapter 3431 Changes in the energy of the central battery!

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Wuyou is here. I wish you all a happy new year, good luck in everything, great luck in the Year of the Ox, career ox, body ox, family ox, love ox, all kinds of ox, all kinds of ox, and all kinds of ox!


this night.

Bai Xiaofei slept soundly.

Full of all kinds of longing, I fell asleep early.

And the other side.

But many people can't sleep.


Sinestro, who is extremely ambitious and can't help jumping out to do things; and the Guardians of the Universe who have learned a new technology and can't wait to experiment with it.

It's just that the reasons why the two sides can't catch up are not the same.

The former is worrying.

He was afraid that Bai Xiaofei would look down on him and would not cooperate with him. At the same time, cooperating with the other party, it is impossible for me to pay nothing...

The point is, Sinestro really doesn't want to pay anything. One is that he doesn't take advantage of any treasures, and Sinestro's character is like this.

If it is not helpless, he prefers to use strong means instead of begging for help.

Sinestro made a deep and secret decision, if Bai Xiaofei refused to cooperate with him, then he would get in the way and mess things up completely.

The typical mentality that I can't get it, and no one can get better.

at the same time……

This is definitely not his delusion.

As one of the leaders of the Green Lantern Corps under the OA star, Sinestro has mastered many secrets over the years.

Like the yellow light of fear thing.

Other people's Green Lanterns generally only hear about related matters, but Sinestro understands everything.


He also found out the location of the barren planet where Parallax Demon was imprisoned and suppressed.

If Bai Xiaofei really refuses to cooperate with Sinestro at that time, his idea is to release the Parallax Demon directly!

in this way.

The OA star will encounter a major crisis.

When the situation becomes chaotic, everyone will be busy dealing with the Parallax Demon, so they will naturally be negligent about other things.

And this is Sinestro's opportunity.

In short.

Sinestro couldn't sleep because he was busy calculating.

The nine guardians, including Ganser, are busy applying what they have learned, trying to integrate and expand new technologies with existing science.

The nature of the two sides is completely different.


Nothing to say all night.

the next day.

Bai Xiaofei got up early.

After washing up, he sat in the room, waiting for Ganser and other guards to invite him to visit the central battery energy source.

This was agreed by both parties in advance.

No matter how busy Ganser and the others are, it is impossible for them to forget about this matter. After all, it is also related to Bai Xiaofei's cooperation with them.

as expected.

Bai Xiaofei waited for a while before someone came outside his room.


"What's the matter, Sinestro?"

"What is he here for?"


Seeing Sinestro with a cold expression outside, Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised and surprised, and immediately said straight to the point: "Good morning!"

"Mr. Sinestro, I don't know why you are here this time..."


He is testing each other.

If the person who visited Central Battery Energy this time is really Sinestro, it would be really amazing!

after all……

The other party has always wanted to cooperate with him.

If it were someone else, Bai Xiaofei might have nothing to do with the other party, and he would feel a little in the way when he was visiting.

But Sinestro is different.

Because, the other party asked himself, for the sake of this, even if Bai Xiaofei really did something, I believe Sinestro would definitely turn a blind eye.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei really hoped it was him.

And the result...

He was only half right.

The personnel in charge of this visit to Central Battery Energy included Sinestro, but also his uncle, Abin Sur, and several other people who were not very familiar with each other, but who were very capable and experienced. Green Lantern.

Apparently, the guards also attached great importance to this incident.

Even if it caused Bai Xiaofei's dissatisfaction, he still sent a lot of people to accompany him on the tour.

Specifically why, Bai Xiaofei knew very well.

It's just because I'm afraid that he will mess around.

after all……

The central battery energy is the most important core of the entire OA star, and it is also the source of power for all Green Lanterns.

With such an important existence, Bai Xiaofei is an outsider.

Of course people have to be on guard.


Bai Xiaofei felt very helpless about this.

Xin said, it seems that I think things too simply, but with Sinestro, I still have a chance...

half an hour later.

Bai Xiaofei followed Sinestro, flew all the way, passed through many checkpoints and audits, and finally came to the core of the central battery energy as he wished.

The environment here is somewhat similar to a man-made hole, almost at the core of the entire OA star.

Before he walked in, Bai Xiaofei felt a vast and majestic terrifying force, which seemed to rush towards his face, giving people a sense of great power and oppression.


That's just for the average person.

Bai Xiaofei, who is at the peak of the God Emperor Realm, is only one step away from becoming a sage like Hongjun...

This power is not to be feared at all.



Seeing that Bai Xiaofei looked completely okay, as if he hadn't been affected by the energy from the central battery at all, Sinestro frowned slightly.

The other Green Lanterns looked surprised.

Apparently, he didn't expect Bai Xiaofei to be so powerful, everyone was shocked and admired, and said in their hearts, he is indeed a guy who is favored by the guards, he really has some skills!

After entering the core area.

Bai Xiaofei quickly saw Abin Sur inside. He seemed to be busy dealing with something. When he saw him, the green light ring on Abin Sur's hand was releasing energy, and it materialized into a wrench Waiting for tools.

"Mr. Abin, what are you up to?"


Abin Sur said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bai, except for some faults, I can't accompany you with some of the instruments here. They must be checked and repaired carefully, so let my brother-in-law Sinestro take them with you." Turn around!"


He turned to look at Sinestro.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei also looked at the other party, but his eyes were different from Abin Sur's entrusting eyes. There was more doubt in his eyes:

Could it be that you designed all this?


Sinestro had a cold face, didn't say anything, just led Bai Xiaofei inside sullenly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

But the more this happened, the more suspicious Bai Xiaofei became.

at the same time……

His mind also became active, because as he gradually deepened, Bai Xiaofei could feel more and more the special terrifying power contained in the central battery energy.

Although that power is not very strong, it is extremely profound and complicated.

It was like an extremely attractive ginseng fruit, and Bai Xiaofei, who felt its existence, was sure of one thing at that time——

This stuff is absolutely useful to me!

And it is very useful!


Bai Xiaofei was completely excited.

As he walked, his steps became more brisk and exciting.

And his strange change did not attract the attention of the surrounding Green Lanterns, because they were like this at the beginning.

Even worse than Bai Xiaofei, so I didn't care at all.

As everyone knows.

Bai Xiaofei's excitement and excitement.

But it's completely different from them, they were looking forward to and worshiping at the beginning, but Bai Xiaofei came here with ambition and possessiveness.


A group of people finally came to the innermost part.

With the opening of the heavy mechanical hatch, Bai Xiaofei finally saw the most important core of OA star - the central battery energy.

It was a group of green light surrounded by a huge special machine, and the overall shape was like a special lantern.

at the same time.

With the entry of Bai Xiaofei and others, the energy from the central battery, which was working well without any abnormalities, suddenly burst out with an incomparably bright green light.



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