The Storm God

Chapter 3432 Remnants of the last universe!

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Wuyou is here. I wish you all a happy new year, good luck in everything, great luck in the Year of the Ox, career ox, body ox, family ox, love ox, all kinds of ox, all kinds of ox, and all kinds of ox!



The riot of the central battery energy instantly attracted everyone's attention, and the Green Lanterns around Bai Xiaofei even ignored him.

All quickly flew to the central battery energy to check the situation.

Including Sinestro with ulterior motives.

after all……

Central battery energy is too heavy.

Without him, all the Green Lanterns will lose their power completely, and even the entire OA star will be destroyed along with it.

And Sinestro knows far more than others.

Before his goal is achieved, Sinestro certainly doesn't want any problems with the central battery energy, because that's not good for him.

Even if something goes wrong, it should be after the establishment of his own Yellow Lantern Corps.

Definitely not now!


And at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei also quickly understood the real reason for that rioting energy.

In the energy source of the central battery, there reside the Lantern Beast Ion Shark and the Parallax Monster. Usually, the Ion Shark uses its strength to contain the Parallax Monster, so that its own power has a yellow defect.

But after the guardian was possessed by a parallax monster and became a parallax monster, only the ion shark was left in the central battery energy.


There's nothing wrong with staying inside.

Originally, there was still a job, which was to contain the parallax monster. The two sides fell in love and killed each other, but they would not feel lonely. It can be said that the parallax monster left many years ago.


With the central battery energy, Ion Shark, who was left alone, felt very lonely and bored, and also had the idea of ​​wanting to make a living.

But alas.

Its idea is not perceived by people, because usually not many people come back to Central Battery Energy.

Even if the guardians of the universe perceive it, they probably won't agree.

Because the ion shark is the energy source of the green light, if it hangs up, the Green Lantern Corps will be completely finished, so for the sake of the overall situation, the guardians will not agree to let the ion shark leave.

This makes Ion Shark very depressed and sad.

And now...

Bai Xiaofei appeared.

The unimaginable physical quality is already powerful, so others can't see through it, but the ion shark, as an energy expression that existed at the beginning of the universe, can naturally see through it a little bit.

in short.

The ion shark sees hope, and Bai Xiaofei is the best host.

Therefore, it was excited and excited, because even with the energy of the central battery, it also violently rioted.

Let the rest of the Green Lanterns think that something went wrong.


All is well with central battery power.

All of this is just a "physiological reaction" caused by the Lantern Beast Ion Shark being too excited, so Sinestro and the others checked it several times but found nothing wrong, and they were stunned and puzzled.

"Are you all right?"

At this time, Bai Xiaofei had already walked over, and pretended to ask kindly, but in fact, Bai Xiaofei was using his mental power to try to communicate with the lamp beast ion shark in the central battery energy.

It's just that the technological device outside the central battery energy source is very powerful, and its isolation ability is extremely overbearing. If you don't get close, even Bai Xiaofei can't connect and communicate with the Lantern Beast Ion Shark as he wishes.


As Bai Xiaofei continued to approach.

He finally managed to contact the Lantern Ion Shark in the central battery energy source. Although the signal was intermittent, it did not affect the establishment of communication between the two parties.

And in the spiritual world.

Bai Xiaofei's sub-consciousness entered the central battery energy, and then in the endless green energy universe, he saw a... shark swimming in the endless energy ocean!


This is the ion shark.

It's just that its image, although it is called an ion shark, is somewhat different from ordinary sharks. Apart from the similar appearance, its temperament is completely different.


There are no terrifying sharp teeth in the mouth of the ion shark.

I don't know if it never existed, or it was hidden; the second is its eyes, and the overall look and temperament...

Ordinary sharks are scary when you see them.

But it is different.


It also gives people an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Furthermore, even the shark fins of the ion shark do not look like a half-moon scimitar, but look more like wings of a different kind.


Most importantly, the body of the ion shark is not complete.

Its back half is empty!

as if...

It's like being bitten off by something.

Instead, there are some strange savings, which look quite miserable, and the overall feeling of the ion shark is more like an approachable and kind fish...

Therefore, it will not make people feel fear and fear, but will arouse a certain degree of protection desire, including Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei just changed his mind and completely eliminated this influence.

Others may think that the ion shark is weak, but Bai Xiaofei knows that even if it is a half-disabled body, its power cannot be underestimated.

To know.

Ion Shark is fused with the host, and after transforming into Ion Man, he is almost omnipotent and can control time and realization.


Bai Xiaofei ignored Ion Shark's intentionally weak and helpless appearance, looked at him with a sneer, and said, "Ion Shark, nice to meet you, let me introduce myself first, I am Bai Xiaofei, a traveler from another world... ..."


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't seem to be affected by him, Ion Shark was inexplicably frightened, and subconsciously stepped back a little.

After hearing Bai Xiaofei say that he is not a native of this world.

The meaning of fear is more obvious.


This suddenly made it think of a possibility.

Could it be that this person is also a creature left over from the previous physical universe?

Before the Light of Creation, and before the DC Universe itself, the universe was filled with absolutely chaotic energies and their expressive beings.

The expressing creatures in it are all the creatures left over from the previous physical universe, or the shadows of the creatures.

The only remaining creature from the previous universe is the Black Death.

The seven-color lantern beast is one of the energy projections of a group of extinct creatures produced by the chaotic energy influenced by the thinking of the Black Death Emperor.

Before the light of creation appeared in the DC universe (it could be one second before, or one trillion years ago), all energy projection creatures were devouring each other, but they were constantly being reborn.

And the Black Death Emperor continued to accumulate resentment during this process.


The Light of Creation appears.

The first to come into contact with the light of creation are the bio-energy projections of the seven lamp beasts. They are affected by the light of creation and transformed into energy creatures that can exist in the physical universe (DC universe).

This is the origin of the seven-color lantern beast.

The appearance of Bai Xiaofei made Ion Shark recall the painful memories of the past, and thought that Bai Xiaofei might also be similar to the Black Death Emperor.


Bai Xiaofei is too strong.

Except for the Seven-Color Lantern Beast and the Black Death Emperor, it has never felt that anyone can be so powerful.

And then began to dihua, cranky.


Seeing Ion Shark's silence and a trace of fear flashing in his eyes, Bai Xiaofei knew that the other party must be thinking too much.

So he shrugged helplessly, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I am not from this universe, but from another dimension world!"

"It has nothing to do with you at all. I came to you this time just to learn from you some mysteries about the beginning of the universe."

"In return, I can grant some of your wishes."

"Like leaving here..."


Bai Xiaofei set out his own conditions.

Although the overweight is not high, it is of great significance to Ion Shark, making it impossible for the opponent to refuse easily.

as expected.

Hearing the word freedom, Ion Shark immediately became interested.


It started communicating with Bai Xiaofei.


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