The Storm God

Chapter 3433 The origin of the seven-color lamp beast!

The emotion represented by the ion shark is courage.

After learning that Bai Xiaofei was not his own world, a creature left over from the previous universe, equivalent to the existence of the Black Death Emperor, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Then there are no worries.

Whatever Bai Xiaofei asks, as long as it knows, it will answer almost every question.

All for freedom.

From the mouth of the ion shark, Bai Xiaofei also learned a lot of secrets, such as the specific growth process of the seven-color lantern beast.

The ion shark may be too lonely.


Bai Xiaofei just asked casually, but Ion Shark himself started talking non-stop, as if he wanted to tell Bai Xiaofei everything he knew.

In this regard, Bai Xiaofei did not stop, and listened silently.

Maybe it's because I thought of the previous things just now, which brought back memories of Ion Shark, so Ion Shark directly told Bai Xiaofei about the "war" at the beginning of the universe...

After the light of creation appeared, under its influence, Yaoshihuang was the first to awaken and get rid of the chaotic universe. After entering the physical universe, it knew that it was safe, so it had the emotion of hope, and turned around to encourage its creatures.

It was the first creature to feel hope, but it just stood in the physical universe and shouted cheers.

The converted octopus was the second to escape.

It saw other creatures running slowly, and felt pity, so it extended its tentacles into the chaotic universe again, trying to grab the other five that hadn't escaped yet...


The converted octopus became the first creature to have mercy, but it didn't know how much it would pay for its mercy.

Yupyo was the third one to escape.

Before it came out, it was jealous of Yaoshihuang and Kaizong octopus who came out on its own, even though Jiazong octopus also helped it, it wanted to get a powerful and multifunctional body like Kaizong octopus...


The python became the first creature to feel greed.

The parallax monster was the fourth one to come out. After it started, all the creatures in the chaotic universe attacked them under the influence of the Black Death Emperor.

The Black Death Emperor saw the influence of the light of creation on the energy of the chaotic universe, and caused his resentment towards the physical universe to reach full value, so he had the only idea of ​​destroying all emotional creatures.

Although the parallax monster entered the real universe with the help of the converted octopus, it can still feel the malice of the chaotic universe, so it became the first creature to feel fear.

After it comes the Ravager.

In the process of fleeing to the real universe, the predatory beast was also attacked by the creatures of the chaotic universe, but with the help of the octopus, it also entered the real universe intact.

This makes it feel loved, but not perfect at the moment.


It's an ion shark.

Ion Shark took the sixth place. He was unlucky. He was bitten off half of his body by a chaotic creature during his escape. After entering the physical universe, he was dying and almost died.

At this time, it has no courage.

The tragedy of the ion shark also directly affected the blood slaughter bull. He was angry in the chaotic universe. Finally, with the help of the octopus, he was injured despite his efforts, but he also entered the physical universe and became the first one to generate anger. biology.

After hesitating to enter the physical universe, the converted octopus plunged its tentacles into the chaotic universe again, causing mental trauma, confusion and low sanity, and all the tentacles that penetrated into the chaotic universe were necrotic from the rule level...

It can be said to be extremely miserable.

at the same time.

The light of creation has also weakened and transformed into the spirit of existence.

Inspired by the spirit of existence, Yao Shihuang connected part of the necrotic tentacles of the octopus to the rear body of the seriously injured ion shark, so that the ion shark could continue to survive, and thus developed willpower, which can also be called courage. .

After seeing Yao Shihuang's act of rescuing the ion shark, the love of the looting beast is inspired and begins to become complete, thinking that love is possession, and becoming the first creature to feel love.

The spirit of existence was transformed from the light of creation from outside the wall of origin, so it knew the information of the emotional spectrum pool, and it gave this information to the seven lamp beasts at high speed, and then left it with a confused face. What are the seven great lantern beasts doing? They found a meteorite that looked pleasing to the eye and went to sleep.

Meaning, as an instrument of creation, I am tired and need a break.


Among the seven lantern beasts, to be precise, among the six semi-lamp beasts (the modified octopus is even problematic because it is very young), Yupyo wants to occupy the body of the modified octopus.

Ion Shark resolutely refused to give way, and the two sides fought directly.

Blood Slaughter Bull also helped Ion Shark beat the python, but was accidentally pierced by the python whose speed was far faster than it, which caused him to start gaining a higher speed based on anger.

Yao Shihuang stood aside and kept saying don't fight, don't fight, there must be a way, but other than that, he didn't do anything...

The Ravager teases an even questionable convert octopus who wants to have a love "person" of his own, but not the kind of lover humans understand...


Is anyone left behind?


It's Parallax!

Seeing that they were fighting again, this guy scared them away as soon as he had the guts.

After that, No. 1 Lantern Furong traveled through time and space to contact the little blue man, and guided the little blue man to capture the ion shark who had been running around, trying to find a way to cure the octopus's sanity, and made it a powerhouse in the total energy of the green light. blender.

Hear here.

Bai Xiaofei finally understood the grievances and grievances between these lantern beasts, then looked at the ion shark with a rather strange expression, and asked: "So your condition, let you go out, and then find a way to help the octopus regain its sanity?"


Ion Shark nodded without any hesitation, and replied: "That's right! The reason why I can live until now is all thanks to the octopus, so I must repay it!"

"In the past, there was no way, we had to contain the parallax monster, but now it's different, the parallax monster has already run away, and I met you again..."

"My intuition tells me that you seem to be able to help me fulfill this wish. As long as you can help me, I will be at your disposal and tell you everything I know!"



Bai Xiaofei fell silent when he heard that.

He was thinking about whether this deal was a good deal or not. Although the ion shark is very strong, the secrets it holds and knows are not necessarily so powerful.

What is worthy of recognition is that it is extremely difficult to restore the sanity of the converted octopus, otherwise there would be no way out after all these years.

Use an unknown answer to gamble on a huge problem...

This is a bit difficult to handle.


In the end, Bai Xiaofei still chose to agree, after all, we will talk about the future, and let's talk about the benefits that can be obtained now.

Maybe there will be some adventures later, and a solution will be found.

After Bai Xiaofei agreed, Ion Shark immediately became excited, and then caused a riot in the central battery energy again.

Bai Xiaofei said speechlessly: "Please, you can't be quiet, I will be kicked out soon if I keep doing this, so we can no longer communicate..."

"It's okay!"

Unexpectedly, Ion Shark said directly: "I can create an energy clone and possess it in your spiritual will, so that we can communicate anytime and anywhere, and you can call my power at will..."


Upon hearing this.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested, his eyes widened, and he said happily: "You mean, you can turn me into a weakened version of Ion Man?"


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