The Storm God

Chapter 3434 Two options!

Today seems to be Valentine's Day, but poor Wuyou is still single, crying! Worry-free is here to wish all single compatriots to find their own happiness as soon as possible!


"Ion Man?"

Ion Shark's focus is obviously not on the same channel as Bai Xiaofei's. Hearing this, he nodded with a smile and said, "Well, that's a good name!"

at the same time.

There is another meaning.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei's guess is right, if the energy clone of the ion shark is possessed in Bai Xiaofei's spiritual will, then he will indeed become an ion shark.

Although it is a weakened version, it is still terrifying.

The key depends on Bai Xiaofei.

after all……

The original rule of power in the universe represented by the ion shark is will and courage.

The stronger the will and the more courageous the creature fused with him, the more powerful the same ion shark will be able to amplify it.

It's like the same green light, but there are strong and weak points. It's not that the green light ring is high or low, but that each creature's will and courage are different.

The difference between the weakened version of Ion Man and the original version of Ion Man is that the former has an upper limit, but the latter does not.

under the same conditions.

The power that the former can explode has an upper limit and a ceiling, because it is just the energy clone of the ion shark. Although it can mobilize part of the power, it needs a transfer.

But the latter is not needed.

It itself is the materialized existence of power, and it also represents part of the power of the emotional spectrum. The upper limit of the fused Ion Man only depends on the willpower of the possessed creature.

To put it bluntly, it is like venom and host.

And with Bai Xiaofei's willpower...


You can guess it with your toes, even if it is not the strongest ion man in history, it is definitely at the top of the pyramid.

After learning about these.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaofei was silent and hesitant, because although the incarnation of Ion Man could enhance Bai Xiaofei's strength to a certain extent, it would also expose some things.

For example, the energy characteristics of the ion shark may in turn limit Bai Xiaofei's diversified development.


This fusion is also very special.

It is directly compatible with one's own spiritual will, which can be called a simplified version of soul fusion. If the ion shark has any bad intentions, although Bai Xiaofei has enough confidence to refine the other party, it will inevitably cause a commotion.

Moreover, it feels a bit awkward to let a highly intelligent energy life form coexist in one's own spiritual will.

Just like when you are making out with your wife and children...

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei immediately calmed down.

"Feel sorry!"

"I can't accept the method you said, but we can change the conditions, for example, I will provide you with a special host to borrow your power..."

"what do you think?"


Bai Xiaofei said with a smile.

While deciding to refuse, he instantly thought of an alternative plan.

Since the ion shark can exist in the central battery energy, it must also be able to survive in another container similar to the central battery energy.

It doesn't have to be yourself, or intelligent life.

Just like intelligent life...

To know.

Bai Xiaofei is proficient in the method of spiritual will transfer.

If the conditions are right, it may not be impossible to successfully transform the spiritual will of the ion shark into a brand new and independent body, allowing it to be the master of its own, instead of living in someone else's body.

As far as Bai Xiaofei knows, each of the seven-color lantern beasts has a different impact on the host, among which green is the smallest and yellow is the heaviest.

The green one is the ion shark, and the yellow one is the parallax monster, and the existence of the fusion incarnation of the parallax monster is the parallax monster.

Why use a magic word?


Parallax monsters are completely controlled and influenced by parallax monsters.

in short.

The host is the tool man.

As for the other lamp beasts, after merging with the host, they will at most have partial influence, but they will definitely not replace the host.

And because of this.

The parallax demon has become the most troublesome and difficult one among the fusion existence of seven-color lantern beasts, but it is too pure.

Bai Xiaofei really wanted to know.

If I create a powerful physical body for Ion Shark, and then transfer its spiritual will into it, so that Ion Shark can transform itself into Ion Man, who is stronger or weaker than Parallax Demon?


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's explanation, Ion Shark was immediately shocked, and dared not say anything: "You, you said that you can transfer the mind and will, let me have the body of an intelligent creature? Even become Ion Man?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded: "Although there is no certainty now, at least there is hope. This is better than being someone else's vassal. Are you willing to try it?"


The ion shark is silent.

Bai Xiaofei didn't urge him, just smiled and said: "It's okay, this is just one of my plans, if you don't want to, we can choose another plan..."

"And my second plan is to build an existence similar to the central battery energy source, and then you separate your energy clones to live in it..."

"In this way, we can also communicate at any time, and even call your power, and I can promise to give you full freedom."

"How to choose, the decision is up to you!"


That's all.

Bai Xiaofei stopped talking.

The ion shark, on the other hand, fell into entanglement and hesitation.

no way.

The temptation to have a physical body, or even become Ion Man himself, is too great, but there are also certain dangers.

If it fails, it is likely to die.


Ion sharks are naturally tangled.

In contrast, although the second option is not dangerous, how is it different from the current life?

Isn't it still used as a tool for people?

Think here.

The ion shark immediately stopped hesitating.

It raised its head abruptly, looked at Bai Xiaofei with firm eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I'd better choose the first plan!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Then he explained: "But this requires a certain process, and if there are any difficulties in the middle, you also need to cooperate, and even help me complete the experiment..."

"no problem!"

Ion Shark understands this point very well, and nodded in agreement without hesitation, and at the same time said: "I sense that some guardian clansmen are coming soon, our time is running out, I will give you one of my energy Doppelgänger..."

"At the same time, I will remove most of its wisdom and turn it into a simple tool, so you can use it to contact me."

"If there is any need in the future, let's discuss it carefully."


The voice did not fall.

The ion shark trembled violently.

And with its actions, the energy ocean inside the entire central battery energy also began to appear turbulent waves.

at the same time.

A tiny mini version of Ion Shark is being born rapidly.

It's like a balloon.

It grows in the wind.


The energy avatar of this ion shark grew to the size of a tuna, then stopped growing, and began to gather the power of will instead.

All of this is a long story, but not even a second in reality.

When Bai Xiaofei came to his senses, the energy avatar of the ion shark was almost ready, the only difference was the wisdom aspect.

at the same time.

Outside the central battery energy tower, a group of little blue men quickly flew over.

Although they are not the guardians of the holy tower, they are also the original residents of the Martus planet, and they are of the same race as Ganser and others.

If any misfortune happened to any of the nine people, these little blue people would select the most prominent one to be promoted as the new guardian.

Although these little blue people are rare in OA star, each of them is in charge of important responsibilities and special authority.

The 3,600 Green Lanterns are nothing but younger brothers under their jurisdiction.

Now that the central battery energy riots, Ganser and other nine guards are busy studying and making a new version of the green light ring...


These little blue people replaced the guards to check the situation.

But when they arrived, Bai Xiaofei had already discussed everything with Ion Shark, and obtained an energy clone from the other party.

Bai Xiaofei called it the little green shark.


The little green shark lives in Bai Xiaofei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Bai Xiaofei specially opened up an area for him to make it easier for the little green shark to move around, and at the same time prevent the other party from messing around.


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