The Storm God

Chapter 3435 Offer your loyalty and faith!


As the little green shark entered the sea of ​​consciousness, Bai Xiaofei also immediately felt a special power from the other party.

If you guessed right, it should be the power of will in the power of the emotional spectrum, and it is the special power that Ion Shark felt after entering the physical universe.


There may also be a certain feeble power of the Light of Creation in it.

After all, the seven-color lantern beasts are all affected by the light of creation, so they leave the chaotic universe and enter the physical universe, so as to perceive the power of the emotional spectrum.

Does that mean that as long as one can collect all the powers of the seven emotional spectrums, one will be able to comprehend to a certain extent, and even possess part of the power of the light of creation?

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very curious.

However, right now is not the time to think about that, the little blue people have already rushed to the scene. Although their strength is not very good, they have special abilities.

If you don't restrain yourself well, it is very likely that the other party will see something.

Now is the critical time for the two sides to discuss cooperation. It is better to have one thing less than one thing more. It is better not to make any mistakes.


Bai Xiaofei accepted it when he saw it was good.

After arranging the little green shark, he immediately withdrew the spiritual will that penetrated into the energy of the central battery, and the ion shark immediately recovered its calm.



Just fell into a deep sleep.

After all, it just created a clone just now. Although it is the kind without much wisdom, it also consumes a lot of power of the ion shark.

In a word, I feel my body being hollowed out!

After Bai Xiaofei's spiritual will left the energy of the central battery, the ion shark directly chose to sleep, because it would better restore its strength.


The few little blue men who had just arrived were suddenly a little confused.

what's the situation?

When it didn't come, the central battery energy was rioting like it was about to explode, but I waited for someone to come over with great difficulty, and it was about to enter the most core central battery energy, but it instantly regained its calm!

What about playing with us?


The faces of the little blue people were very ugly.

And Abin Sudun, who saw this scene, felt great pressure immediately, because all the little blue men were looking at him at this moment.

It means, you are the temporary person in charge here, what's going on?

Abin Sur was very wronged.

What's the matter?


I want to know too.

I've been busy here from the beginning, okay, what's going on inside, I didn't even go in, you ask me, who should I ask?


The person inside is my brother-in-law.

I can ask him!


Abin Sur brought the little blue man in.

Then I knew my brother-in-law Sinestro directly, and started to ask about what happened just now, did you find anything unusual?

While asking, Abin Sur couldn't help but look at Bai Xiaofei.

no way.

After all, Bai Xiaofei is the only outsider here.

When he wasn't here, everything was fine here, but when Bai Xiaofei came, the central battery had an energy riot and almost exploded!

Everyone couldn't help but suspect Bai Xiaofei.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

Those who clear themselves will clear themselves.


Everything has nothing to do with myself.

Although Bai Xiaofei really wanted to do something, wasn't there an accident? Before Bai Xiaofei could do anything, Ion Shark contacted him.

So Bai Xiaofei has a clear conscience, because all this is the fault of Ion Shark.

If you don't believe me, you can ask Ion Shark.

In short.

Someone is candid.

I don't care about other people's suspicion and suspicion.

It was a female little blue man named Gus among the little blue men who caught Bai Xiaofei's attention, and he saw the badge of the Central Library on her body.

That is to say.

The little blue girl Gus is likely to be the curator in charge of the Central Library of Star OA, and as we all know, the Central Library contains a lot of black technology from Planet Martus.

With such a character, Bai Xiaofei really didn't care whether he wanted to or not.


If he wants to read books and learn many black technologies of OA star, he will definitely not be able to leave this little blue girl Gus.

While Bai Xiaofei was thinking secretly, Gus was also looking at Bai Xiaofei.

Her eyes made no secret of her suspicions.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all.

He even smiled slightly at Gus, as if he had greeted him.

Gus: "..."


Bai Xiaofei was invited out of the central battery energy tower.

It turned out that it wasn't that he did something wrong, but that a few little blue men were going to conduct a detailed and serious inspection of the energy source of the central battery.

Not only Bai Xiaofei, an outsider, but even many Green Lanterns are not qualified to stay here.

"Let's go!"

Bai Xiaofei had already achieved his goal.

So he didn't care about leaving early, Abin Sur wanted to explain to Bai Xiaofei, but after preparing for a long time, it was useless.

Because Bai Xiaofei directly stated that he has some things and needs Sinestro's help.


Abin Sur glanced at his brother-in-law.

Without thinking too much, he directly handed over the task of accompanying Bai Xiaofei to Sinestro, turned and left by himself.

The Green Lanterns next to him are also very discerning. Without being urged, they scattered like birds and beasts, and all of them left one after another.


On the way back, there were only Bai Xiaofei and Sinestro.

Bai Xiaofei didn't choose to go back to where he lived, but flew out directly to a direction other than OA star.


Although Sinestro was a little curious about what Bai Xiaofei was going to do, but Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything, so he was too embarrassed to ask.

And the current situation is not right.

have no choice……

He could only follow Bai Xiaofei silently, and flew out of OA together, and came to a nearby galaxy planet not very far away.

After landing.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have any nonsense, straight to the point and said: "The fault in the central battery energy tower, is it your fault?"


Sinestro was silent.

Not answering, in some respects, means acquiescing.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and said: "Okay, since that's the case, let's filter this question directly, because I have seen your sincerity..."

"So, let's talk about cooperation..."

"Sinestro, are you ready?"


Go straight.

No beating around the bush.

What Bai Xiaofei meant was, as I told you before, if you want to cooperate with me, what can you give? Have you figured it out now?


Sinestro is no fool.

He naturally understood the meaning of Bai Xiaofei's words. He was silent for a while, then frowned and said: "Sorry, so far, I can't think of anything to give you, why don't you give me a little hint?"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly laughed deeper, and then said with deep meaning: "If you can't pay enough, then I can show you a bright way..."

"That is to offer your loyalty and faith!"


The voice did not fall.

A terrifying force as vast as an abyss suddenly erupted from Bai Xiaofei's body like a volcanic eruption.

at the same time.

A series of special barriers were also formed in an instant, directly covering Bai Xiaofei and Sinestro.

so far.

No one in the world can feel the existence of the two of them.

Including the green light ring on Sinestro's hand, its connection with the ion shark and the energy source of the central battery is also completely isolated by the barrier.

Although it can still be used, it has been castrated a lot of abilities.

Such as Galactic Encyclopedia and so on.

in short.

Just unplug its network cable directly, and lose the green light ring of the network, it can only be regarded as a stand-alone computer, and most of the functions cannot be displayed.

After Sinestro felt all this, his expression changed drastically.


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