The Storm God

Chapter 3437 Has this become stronger again?


Seeing Sinestro being so straightforward, Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied, nodded at him to express his appreciation, and waved his hand along.


Two rings, one yellow and one green, appeared in front of Sinestro out of thin air.

"This is?"

Sinestro was a little dazed.

Although the rings in front of him looked familiar, his intuition told himself that these two rings were not that simple.

as expected.

I only heard Bai Xiaofei explain: "The latest version of the ring has almost the highest level of authority for you, and you can call about 30% of my power..."


Sinestro was silent.

To be honest, right now, he feels like a frog in a well.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have a specific concept of the thirty percent power that Bai Xiaofei mentioned, but he guessed it should be very powerful.

At the same time, I was secretly happy in my heart.

Bet right!

Bai Xiaofei continued: "Because time is relatively short, so I haven't produced a stronger version 2.0 yet, you can use these first."

"When I research a better one, I'll upgrade it for you."

"Try their power first!"


His eyes were full of encouragement.


Sinestro was also curious.

The new version of the ring, just one is already very powerful and terrifying, but now I have two at once...

Moreover, it is still the existence with almost the highest authority!

Thinking about it makes me feel amazing.

next moment.

Sinestro took off his original Green Lantern ring.

And as the ring was taken off, the green light battle suit on Sinestro's body disappeared instantly, allowing him to return to his original appearance.

But this process is short.


The new Green Lantern ring was quickly put on by Sinestro.

Then, a brand new battle suit instantly covered Sinestro's body, not only that, but also an incomparably powerful force appeared...

And a variety of functions and information beyond imagination.


The style of the battle suit.

The other Green Lantern Warriors have almost the same suits.

Even if there is a difference, it will not be too big, but this one of Sinestro is different, because it is brand new and tall, so it can freely change many styles.

Not only the battle suit, but even the green light ring on his hand can change styles, and even be directly integrated into Sinestro's body, and even into the dark matter plane.

in short.

With this ring in hand, Sinestro doesn't need to wear his original green light ring at all, because Bai Xiaofei's can completely replace everything in it.

It can even be swallowed directly and become part of one's own energy.


With Sinestro's loyalty to Bai Xiaofei, his faith has become more and more firm, and the strength he can borrow from Bai Xiaofei will also be more and more.

The so-called 30% is just the minimum standard Bai Xiaofei said, based on Sinestro's current specific situation.

after all……

Sinestro just joined.

Although he signed the contract and expressed his surrender, he will hang out with Bai Xiaofei in the future, but in the final analysis, his loyalty and belief in Bai Xiaofei is only at the most elementary level.

But even so.

The ring also gives him terrifying power beyond imagination.

So far.

Sinestro was shocked.

It's just that this is so powerful, if I really become the opponent's younger brother completely and sincerely in the future, wouldn't the power I get be even more terrifying?


And that's just the power of a new version of the Green Lantern ring.

How about adding a yellow light ring?


With curiosity and longing, Sinestro then put the yellow light ring that Bai Xiaofei gave him on his left index finger.


A very different force.

In an instant, it poured into Sinestro's body from the ring, and caused some huge changes in the shape of his battle suit in an instant.

The original green battle suit has now directly turned into a gorgeous appearance after the fusion of yellow and green, which is more beautiful and beautiful, and it has a strong breath and awe-inspiring power.

As the person involved, Sinestro felt the most intuitive and obvious.

He can clearly feel that the power he possesses at this moment has increased by at least about 50% compared to when he had the single ring just now.

At this time...

Then came Bai Xiaofei's voice:

"For the yellow light ring I am involved in, the source of power from the green light is different. Most of it depends on external factors. As for a very small part, it comes from me..."

"That is."

"Through fighting and other means, devouring the fear of others can make the yellow light ring in your hand more powerful."

"Ordinary yellow light rings, the emotional power that can be absorbed is very rare, but the high-level version I gave you is different..."

"It can read the mind to the greatest extent, but if there is even a little bit of fear in the surrounding intelligent creatures, it will be sensed, swallowed and absorbed, and strengthen itself."

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei paused slightly.

After changing the subject, he directly talked about other things: "I heard that you have implemented a dictatorship on your home planet?"


Sinestro was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Some didn't understand, why did Bai Xiaofei suddenly mention this?


It didn't take long for him to figure it out.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's meaningful eyes, Sinestro's eyes lit up and said: "You mean, on my home planet, my strength will be greatly improved?"


"That's the scary thing about the Yellow Lantern Ring, especially on the battlefield, the more fear you create, the stronger you will be!"

"Nearly endless!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "This is one of the special permissions I gave you, besides this, it has another special ability..."

"What ability?"

"Unlimited development offline, the power of mother lamps that create yellow light rings in batches! The more younger brothers under your command, the stronger the fear and power you can absorb. Even if you don't make a move, the younger brother goes out to fight, and it will also be given to you. Great profit!"

"And these abilities are currently only possessed by you!"


When Sinestro heard this, he froze completely.

The power of mother lamp? !

Only one person currently owns it!


Does he want to focus on training himself?

Sinestro felt as if he was stunned by the great happiness, his face was full of unbelievable and unbelievable expressions.


"Yes, it's you!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Sinestro's reaction, and said with a smile: "This is a reward for your submission and loyalty, but relying on these alone, you can't become an extremely strong man or a higher-level boss, and you need other things." something……"

Speaking of which.

He suddenly stopped talking.

The implication is that the current you are still far behind. When will you be strong enough to have the qualifications to access more advanced secrets.

This is a reminder, but also a spur.

Don't be complacent.


I can give you everything, and I can also take it back.

If you want to be the master of your own business, then work hard for me to grow up, and strive to grow from an employee to a high-level executive, and even Bai Xiaofei's partner.

Think about it.

Sinestro immediately felt Bai Xiaofei's incomparable attention. He was both shocked and moved. He was still a little uncomfortable just now, but he was instantly grateful to Bai Xiaofei.

Even faintly convinced.

at the same time……

With the slight change in Sinestro's state of mind, the power given to him by the green light ring on his hand also immediately increased a lot.

Both Sinestro and Bai Xiaofei felt this change, but the former's feeling was undoubtedly the most obvious and shocking.


It's just some psychological reaction changes...

This makes it stronger again?



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