The Storm God

Chapter 3438 Gus' suspicion!

OA star.

In a secret research room.

Ganser and other nine guards are conducting various researches and experiments on the new version of the green light ring they got from Bai Xiaofei.


There was a knock on the door outside.


Ganser was a little puzzled, didn't he say that there was nothing important, so don't let people disturb him and others?

Why did something happen just after a while?

Gunther stopped.

"You guys continue!"

He motioned to the other guards to continue the research experiment, and he flew to the door of the research room.

When the door opened, it was found to be Ms. Gus, the director of the Central Library.

"why you?"

Seeing that besides Gus, there were no other fellow little blue people outside, and there was also no company of Green Lantern, Ganser's face was immediately bewildered and puzzled.

What's the situation?

You, the curator of the central library, what are you doing here to disturb our research experiment? Could it be that he was full?

"Is there something wrong?"

Ganser suppressed the displeasure in his heart and asked.


Gus nodded.

Through the crack of the door, she saw some scenes inside.

Seeing that the other guards were very involved in researching and experimenting with the new version of the green light ring, Gus laughed and said to Ganser: "This is not a place to talk, let's go for a walk and talk while walking."


Gunther hesitated.

But he also knew that Gus was not a lighthearted person.

Since the other party came and knocked on the door, it meant that something important must have happened. Although there was no Green Lantern accompanying him, it didn't mean that nothing happened.

In addition, Gus's reaction was so weird, Ganser was also extremely curious, what kind of thing, how did Gus become like this?


Gunther finally agreed.

He went back inside and talked to the other eight guards, then turned around and left the research room, leaving here with Gus.

After a while.

Two little blue men came to a special star field.

There are countless stars around, and there are no planets with civilization, so there is no eavesdropping or not eavesdropping.

"Let's talk~"

Seeing that Gus took so much trouble to bring himself to such a special star field to talk about things, Ganser dared to conclude that there must be something wrong.

"Wait a mininute!"

Unexpectedly, it was like this, but Gus still felt something was different. He used his energy in a daze, and set up a lot of power barriers around the two of them.

Then he said to Ganser: "There was a riot in the energy source of the central battery. Later, through research and testing, I found that the ion shark inside seemed to have become much weaker..."


When Ganser heard that it was related to the ion shark in the energy source of the central battery, his body shook suddenly, and he dared not say anything: "Ion shark is a special energy creature that existed at the beginning of the universe. How could it suddenly weaken?"

"I don't know either!"

Gus shook his head and said, "After I went back, I read a lot of ancient books, even the Book of Oa, but I couldn't find the answer."


"There is one thing that is very coincidental, that is, when the central battery energy rioted, it is even better when Mr. Bai arrived at the central battery energy..."

"And once he's gone, everything becomes normal again."


Gunther's mouth widened.

Looking at Gus's serious face, without any intention of joking, he said, "So you suspect that everything may have something to do with Mr. Bai?"


Gus nodded and said: "And what's even more suspicious is that after leaving the central battery energy tower, Mr. Na Bai and Sinestro left OA star..."


Ganser couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, "Why did you get him involved again?"

Gus replied: "Because Sinestro went in before Mr. Bai entered the central battery energy tower, and it didn't take long before something went wrong inside..."

"Abin Sur was supposed to be accompanying Mr. Bai on the tour, but because of a malfunction, Abin had to go to repair it..."

"I always feel that it's all too much of a coincidence, but if it's all planned, then it all explains clearly."

"So I came to find you..."


Ganser's eyes couldn't help staring even more after listening to Gus' analysis, because he had to admit that Gus's suspicion was not unreasonable.


It shouldn't be!

If you want to say Mr. Bai has ulterior motives, that's okay, but he just shared a lot of black technology with us, okay?

Moreover, he was very generous and gave us several new green light rings at one time. It can't be all for the purpose of paralyzing us, right?

Then the price is too great!


There must be something wrong.

Gunther has always believed that there are many places in which it does not make sense.

He asked Gus, "What's the situation with the ion shark now? Apart from a little weakened strength, are there any other symptoms?"

"Like what kind of injury did you get?"

"That's it!"

Gus shook his head and said: "I checked carefully, the ion shark is sleeping, and the emotions are normal, even sleeping soundly than before..."

Gunther: "..."


Even more sound sleep than before?

what's the situation!


At this moment, both of them were silent.

Although their intuition told themselves that there seemed to be no problem with all of this, there were many things that didn't make sense.

Just like Sinestro's behavior.


Why didn't the central battery riot riot sooner or later, and rioted as soon as Bai Xiaofei left, isn't it too coincidental? As soon as he left, he completely returned to normal again!

If it had nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei, no fool would believe it!

at last.

Gunther spoke up.

He said: "Let's do this first, don't tell other people, I will be careful and pay attention..."

"you mean?"


Ganser nodded and said, "Leave it alone, after all, we are a cooperative relationship now, and we can't question each other just because of some doubts!"

"Anyway, there is no loss at the moment, so let's pretend that nothing happened for the time being. We will talk about everything after the new version of the green light ring is manufactured."

"After all, that's the most important thing!"


Gus was silent.

Although she didn't like Ganther's decision very much, Gus had to admit that what Ganther said made sense.

If the new version of the green light ring is really produced, it means that from now on, they will have another brand new power system.

And this force is so powerful.


Even if they run into Parallax Demon again, they don't have to be afraid at all, because the new ring doesn't have the so-called yellow defect at all!

The parallax demon is here, only to be beaten!


What if all this is a conspiracy by the other party?

After all, the ring was given by the other party. If there is something tricky in it, wouldn't he and others all get into it?

To this.

Gus was worried.

But after thinking about it, Ganser and the other nine guardians are definitely not stupid. Are there any problems with the ring? Aren't they researching and experimenting?

If there is a problem, they will definitely not mass-produce it.

I wish I was overthinking it.

The discussion is over.


And at the same time.

On the other side, Sinestro has already completed the transformation, directly owning the latest version of the green light ring and yellow light ring, and has become Bai Xiaofei's key training younger brother.


Bai Xiaofei returned to OA star.

And Sinestro, according to Bai Xiaofei's request, flew directly back to his home planet to enhance the capabilities of the Yellow Lantern Ring and develop the Yellow Lantern Corps.

In his own autocratic empire, it's all so easy.


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