The Storm God

Chapter 3440 Black hole blast!

Regardless of what Sinestro on the Kruga star is thinking.


The test team of OA star.

After everything was ready, under the leadership of Ganser and other nine guards, they set off mightily towards a certain galaxy at the edge of the universe.

There, there is a small black hole.

at the same time.

There are also dense stars around it.

Moreover, most of the planets absorbed by these stars are dead stars, and any life exists...

That is.

There, everyone can do whatever they want.

Even if everything there is destroyed, it won't have too much impact on the surroundings, so it's an excellent place for experimentation.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was also very impressed.

Being able to find such a suitable star field in such a short period of time shows how clearly the guardians of star OA have a clear understanding of the entire universe.

Think in reverse.

How awesome is Darkseid who can defeat this little blue man?

After all, Apocalypse is a forbidden area that OA star dare not act rashly and contact, not only because of Uncle Da's awesomeness, but also because he has a strong technological ability that is not inferior to OA star.

that's all……

In Bai Xiaofei's wild imagination.

The guards led the way and collectively passed through the wormhole, and within a short time, they all arrived near the target area.


After arriving at the place, Ganser called Abin Sur over, and asked him to put on a new version of the green light ring, and ordered: "You lead a few people and put this near the surrounding star groups. This is the azimuth coordinate ..."


Abin is very straightforward.

Without any inquiries or hesitation, you can do whatever you want.

After receiving the ring and the azimuth coordinates, but called a few Green Lanterns, they put the green light version of the supercomputer jointly built by Ganser and others at a special central point in the nearby star cluster.


Ganser and the other nine guards began to exert their strength.

Under their control, the green-light version of the supercomputer also began to operate and work, continuously absorbing the energy of the surrounding stars...


Its light is getting brighter and brighter.

From a distance, it looks like a green sun, dazzling and dazzling, exuding infinite power.

And everyone who was illuminated by the green light, especially those Green Lanterns, felt that their power had increased a lot in an instant.


Bai Xiaofei was an exception.

His strength is too strong, and the upper limit is so terrifying, it is simply an astronomical figure. Just a little green sun, it's better to increase his strength.

Even the slightest can't do it.


This does not affect Bai Xiaofei's admiration for Ganser and other nine guards, because with the rise of the little green sun, Bai Xiaofei also saw a lot of things from it.

For example, this cliff is the green light version of the big clock.

By contrast.

Even though there are still some places such as the big clock, they are not too much compromised. Anyway, it is much better than Ge Xiaolun's Qiankun.

It is foreseeable that there must be a lot of secret black technology of the OA star, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a powerful existence early on the basis of only some of Bai Xiaofei's theories.

If this is the case, if Bai Xiaofei tells these little blue people all the principles and techniques, wouldn't he be overtaken in minutes?


Ganser and the others were also overjoyed.

One by one cheered and happily told the children yes.

Ganser even took a peek at Bai Xiaofei, thinking: "It seems that those theoretical knowledge are true, he didn't deceive us..."


They started the next move.

With this little green sun, there is no need to worry about energy for the time being, because Ganser and others have already set up relevant procedures.

The little green sun will continue to absorb energy from the surrounding stars so that they can use it to blow up black holes and obtain supermatter.

It is an intelligent existence that is completely unattended and works automatically.

And next.

What they have to do is to assume that there are related burst points of power near the black hole, as long as the star energy absorbed by the little green sun reaches a certain critical point, they can instantly provide extremely strong energy for these burst points.

The terrifying power caused by the explosion of many power burst points together, once the black hole is successfully blown up, there is a certain chance to obtain super matter.


The explosion failed.

Everything will be swallowed by the black hole.


The timing of the detonation is critical.

In this regard, Ganser and the others have no experience, they are all rookies, so in order to be sure, they can only ask Bai Xiaofei for help.


Of course Bai Xiaofei would not refuse.

After all, almost all the benefits after blowing up the black hole are his own. These people are all working for him, of course Bai Xiaofei will not make things difficult for him.

Time passed slowly.


When the size of the small green sun reached an unimaginable level, it almost became the largest star in this star field.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "It's done!"

"Everyone get ready!"

Ganser and the others regained their energy immediately, and quickly told Abin Sur Green Lantern to get ready, and when the black hole exploded, they hurried over to collect super matter.

this moment.

Everyone is in combat readiness.

Ganser, on the other hand, is in charge of controlling the green sun, continuously providing power energy to the explosion point near the black hole...


Bai Xiaofei nodded at him.

It means that the power is almost ready, and you can start blasting.


Ganser nodded excitedly.

After looking at each other with the rest of the guards, they immediately detonated all the blasting points near the black hole.

next moment.

An unimaginable big bang happened instantly.

The terrifying power of green light and the terrifying devouring power of the black hole collided with each other and fought desperately. In the end, the latter lost and was instantly defeated...


The black hole collapsed.

It's like a black ring balloon has been blown up.

The terrifying cosmic blast and the indescribably brilliant scenes burst out in an instant, allowing people to see the gorgeous fireworks of the abnormal universe.

Bai Xiaofei and the others were already prepared.

Therefore, the impact after the explosion did not have any impact on them. On the contrary, after taking advantage of the strongest wave of impact to spread out, Abin Sur and other Green Lanterns rushed up and began to quickly search and collect. The resulting supermatter was born.

Don't say it.

Good luck this time.

Soon, good news came from Abin Sur, saying that he had successfully collected the dark iron and other super substances that were born. Not a lot, but enough to make some new versions of the Green Lantern rings.

Ganser and the others were overjoyed.


The happiest one is undoubtedly Bai Xiaofei, because using dark iron and other super substances to create a new version of the green light ring is completely a lie he used to fool OA star.

In fact, if Bai Xiaofei really wanted to make a new version of the green light ring, he didn't need to do this at all. With just one thought, he could create tens of thousands of them in batches.

Because the core of this thing is not in the ring, but in the Hongmeng Dark System, the material is not important at all.

to be honest.

Ganser and the others are all working for Bai Xiaofei.

Poor these little blue people, who have been kept in the dark, been tricked by others, and are still happily acting like children, really...

The more ignorant you are, the happier you are.


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