The Storm God

Chapter 3441 Cross the river and demolish the bridge!

The black hole exploded.

Dark iron and other super substances have also been obtained a lot.

Next, the thing to do is relatively simple, gather the green light version of the supercomputer, and use these materials to make a new green light ring.

But now there is a problem...

How does Little Sun collect it?

after all.

Bai Xiaofei only told them the principle of how to make it, but he didn't tell Ganser and others that most of the technology of the super god universe is based on super genes or the plane of dark matter.

That is.

The little green sun made by Ganser and others cannot be retracted freely.

Now the little green sun is constantly absorbing the energy of the surrounding stars to strengthen itself, and it is getting stronger and stronger. Ganser and others are starting to feel a little Muggle.

Because they are not easy to take back.

Even if it is possible, the process will be quite troublesome. The only way is to build a base here, and build another OA star with the little green sun as the center.


This is somewhat inconsistent with their philosophy.

So Ganser and others are very entangled now. On the one hand, they want to get rid of the little green sun, but on the other hand, they don't want to spend too much manpower and material resources.

After all, this stuff is dangerous.

Moreover, after getting it back, it also needs a special environment to install it properly, and the conditions of the OA star are obviously not suitable.


They could only look at Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was also speechless.

Xin said: "These guys, what were they thinking at the time? Didn't they think about these problems clearly before making them?"


Speechless is speechless.

But it can't be said like this, and now that the two parties are in a cooperative relationship, since they have already asked for help, he is also embarrassed not to help.


Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to make a move, shrinking the little green sun down to the size of a watermelon, turning it into a miniature version of the little sun.

But even so.

Its power has not diminished at all.

at the same time……

Taking advantage of the opportunity to gather the little green sun, Bai Xiaofei also secretly asked Bai Cass to control the Hongmeng dark system, and started to investigate and scan it.

It didn't take long for Bai Xiaofei to get the design information of the little green sun.

Not only that.

Baikas also gave a lot of advice at once.

For example, Ganser and others used some technology of OA star and the power of green light to activate this little green sun.


This little sun can also be regarded as a brand-new central battery energy source. Although it is not the same as the pure green light power, its performance is similar.

If Bai Xiaofei wants to design and build his own Green Lantern Corps, and to improve the original Green Lantern Corps, he can completely replace the power of green light with higher-level power.

It's like putting the clone of the ion shark in it.


A whole new central battery is born.


After hearing Bai Cass's proposal, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being happy, and said with a secret smile: "This is really hard to find, it doesn't take much effort to get it!"

"I was worried about how to use the clone of the ion shark. Now it's all right. With this little green sun, as long as I add a little bit of modification, I can use it!"


Bai Xiaofei was very happy.

Immediately told Bai Cass that when he was free, he would hurry up to build according to this proposal, and at the same time help find qualified candidates to become Ion Man.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't be an Ion Man.


White Cass agreed.

Afterwards, based on the data of the little green sun, Bai Cass also got a lot of inspiration, and suggested to Bai Xiaofei: "Sir, since we have the current foundation, shouldn't we also create other lantern fighters?"


Bai Xiaofei still hesitated.

Of course he knew what Bai Cass meant. Among the young men under his command, there are roughly three types at present, one is the Lantern Corps Warrior, and the other is the Lord God Squad...

The last one is Bai Xiaofei's exclusive younger brother.


There are currently only two types of Lantern Warriors, Green Lantern Warriors and Yellow Lantern Warriors. The main god team mainly relies on the main god's task system.

As for Bai Xiaofei's exclusive younger brothers, there are mainly two types and main templates: biological clones and mechanical legions.

With the continuous innovation of OA star technology, Bai Cass also has more knowledge reserves, and what he means is that at this time, it is almost time to create other types of light clusters.

For example, the red light of anger.

To know.

Under Bai Xiaofei's command, there is a special army of cloned creatures, almost all of them evolved from Hulk's special genes.

The purer the blood, the greater the power inherited from Lu Fatty.

And the bug attribute of the green fat is that the more angry, the stronger the strength and other factors will become. If this can be matched with the red light ring of anger...


That's like a tiger with wings added.

It's no wonder that Baikas is so excited and excited after getting the detailed data information of the little green sun.

Mainly because the timing was perfect.


Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while.

In the end, he nodded and replied: "Alright, since the time is almost here, then put the plan on the agenda and send me a detailed report back. If there is no problem, I will give you the power of anger... "


White Cass went to work.

And Bai Xiaofei returned to Star OA with Ganser and others.

The creation and development of the new version of the Green Lantern Ring still needs him as a consultant, so he can't just leave it alone, and the many dark irons are already super material, and they are also a considerable treasure, worthy of Bai Xiaofei's work.

After returning to OA star.

Except for Abin Sur, the rest of the Green Lanterns were all sent away, because they were no longer needed for the next thing.

Nine guards including Bai Xiaofei and Ganser came to their secret research base. The latter meant that they hoped that Bai Xiaofei could get these super substances and create a new version of the green light ring in front of their door.


Hearing this request, Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself: "What do these little blue people mean? In front of them, they are made of super materials such as dark iron? Is it doubting that I will enrich myself?"

In fact.

This is what Gunther and others mean.

If Gus hadn't suspected Bai Xiaofei, this incident might not have happened, but since Gus found Ganther, Ganther would not be indifferent.

after all……

These super substances, but they have spent a huge price to get them, so it is naturally impossible for them to endure being deceived.


This request is also a temptation.

If Bai Xiaofei really did as he did without any problems, it would mean that Gus' previous suspicions were all wrong.

on the contrary……

That's very problematic.

Although it will not cause the two parties to tear their faces apart on the spot, it will also greatly affect the content of future cooperation, and even terminate the cooperation at this point!


After communicating all this.

Bai Xiaofei's expression was a little unhappy at that moment.

at the same time.

He also remembered many things.

There are many things about the little blue man, such as the first Lantern Man, after teaching the little blue man the technique of creating lantern rings, the latter is afraid and fearful that the ability of the first Lantern Man will bring trouble to the universe. Not threatened, so they teamed up to imprison him.

The current situation is quite similar to that of the first Lantern Man, Huo Rong. It is a typical example of crossing a river and wanting to tear down a bridge!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei's affection for these little blue people suddenly dropped drastically.

"Are you doubting me?"

"Mr. Gunther!"

he said with a sneer.


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