The Storm God

Chapter 3442 Cooperation terminated!


Gunther was silent.

The other eight little blue man guards were also silent.

In fact, they can make the new version of the green light ring by themselves, but the ring they make is not as strong as Bai Xiaofei's in terms of quality or power.

One of them was skeptical, Bai Xiaofei had some reservations, and the other guessed that it might have something to do with the materials used.

after all……

At that time, they did not have dark iron and other super substances.

Therefore, after blowing up the black hole and possessing supermatter, they couldn't help but want Bai Xiaofei to demonstrate and create a wave himself.


This is to put it nicely.

If it sounds ugly, it is crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

If it wasn't necessary, of course they didn't want to do this, but Gus's suspicion was indeed worthy of attention, he couldn't lure wolves into the house, right?

The key point is that Bai Xiaofei is too weird.

Not to mention the strength, but also the special black technology, its threat level, in the eyes of the little blue people, seems to be no weaker than Tian Qixing.


How could the opponent not be able to defeat a mere earth?

After all, that is Apocalypse.

evil place.

The source of evil!

A star as strong as OA has to be afraid of three points, but the earth has resisted the attack of Apocalypse, and even defeated Darkseid's demon-like army...

All this is very abnormal.


When the technology of the new version of the green light ring is almost the same, the little blue people can't help but want to know more about the truth.

"Feel sorry!"

Ganser saw that Bai Xiaofei was slightly angry, so he could only explain: "We don't want to do this either, but some things that happened recently do have a lot to do with you, we just want to know the truth!"

While speaking.

The remaining eight guards have also formed a defensive formation.

In case Bai Xiaofei gets violent and hurts someone, they can take some measures so that they won't be completely powerless to fight back.


They are also very cautious.

No one used the new version of the green ring Bai Xiaofei gave them, fearing that it might be fraudulent, and used their own power.

Even, even the formation of the enchantment was opened.

In short.

Everything was done seamlessly.

Obviously, they had already made preparations a long time ago, and it was by no means a temporary idea.

This made Bai Xiaofei even more angry.


The more he got angry and angry.

The smile on his face became more and more full, and after Ganser explained his reasons, Bai Xiaofei's expression turned into a sneer.


Bai Xiaofei said: "Isn't it just to forge a new version of the green light ring in front of you? There is no problem!"

"You guys have to look carefully..."


A roar.

Without hesitation, Ganser immediately threw some of the dark iron to Bai Xiaofei.

After Bai Xiaofei took the dark iron, he immediately used his secret power to melt it into endless special dark iron elements.

And these dark iron elements were controlled and arranged into a special sequence structure by Bai Xiaofei in an instant with his terrifying spiritual power.

at the same time.

Some other material elements also began to be generated out of thin air, and merged into the dark iron with a special sequence structure.

this moment.

Ganser and the others all opened their eyes wide, staring fixedly at Bai Xiaofei, refusing to let go of any detail.

Under such gaze.

The dark iron quickly took shape again, and soon turned into a jet-black ring, giving people a special texture.

in this way.

The prototype of the new version of the green light ring is considered complete.

Next, you only need to infuse it with a certain amount of green light power, store it, and fuse it with the ring...

Such a new version of the green light ring can be regarded as a successful creation.

Of course.

All this is easy to say.

But in fact, it was only Bai Xiaofei who did this. If it was Ganser and the others, let alone catch up with Bai Xiaofei, they might not even be able to break down the dark iron.

Even if it can be decomposed, it will definitely not be able to achieve this level, and it can be decomposed into dark iron elements in an instant...

at the same time……

Dark iron, a super substance, is very powerful.

Just like the fragments of a black hole, it has a great devouring ability. Without certain strength, even a little bit is not something ordinary people can bear.

In the super god universe, the existence as strong as the ceiling, the holy Keisha can only fuse a little bit of dark iron, and his body can't bear any more.

The same reason.

It is equally difficult to destroy and decompose it.

"So strong!"

Ganser and others were shocked.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei lift weights with such ease and effortlessly, he was immediately envious and jealous, and at the same time, he paid more attention to Bai Xiaofei's next operation.


The most important thing is to directly inject the power of green light into the green light, so that it has the soul of will, otherwise it is just an ordinary ring.

Nothing works.

And this is not difficult for Bai Xiaofei.

If he wanted to infuse soul into the ring, he could do it in minutes, but in order to show his awesomeness and strength, Bai Xiaofei didn't do it himself.

He directly taught Ganther the semi-finished ring.

"Come by yourself!"


Ganser suddenly looked confused: "Me?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "I have already completed the previous steps, and there is no problem in changing the rest to anyone. Don't you want to try?"

have to say.

His words are very deceptive.

But at the same time, it also clarified the key point: Don’t you just want to see if I have pocketed these super substances?

Now you have your wish.

I'm just doing it for you, the rest is up to you to do it yourself.

Anyway, I've finished my work, if something goes wrong later, it's not my fault, but your fault.


Gunther hesitated.

But in the end he agreed to Bai Xiaofei's proposal.


before starting.

He and the other eight guards carried out various inspections and analyzes on the semi-finished product created by Bai Xiaofei.

Finally, after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the semi-finished product, Ganser began to use the power of the little green sun to charge the ring and inject soul.

Once successful, it means that OA star can create a new version of the green light ring from now on, and no longer needs Bai Xiaofei, an outsider.


The little green sun injected enough energy into the ring.

And with the continuous influx of energy, the new version of the ring, which originally looked dark, gradually began to glow, and finally turned into a complete emerald color.

The new version of the green light ring is completely completed.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei used his own actions to prove that he was not lying. The super matter obtained by blowing up the black hole is really one of the main raw materials for creating the ring.

Seeing the embarrassing and embarrassing faces of Ganser and others, Bai Xiaofei sneered and said, "Can my doubts be removed now?"


Ganser and others were silent.

Even a little embarrassed, each of them looked embarrassed.

There was always a feeling of being slapped in the face.

at last……

It was Gunther who spoke.

"Feel sorry!"

"Mr. Bai, we are also helpless. After all, what happened before was too coincidental. For the sake of insurance period, we can only make a bad plan!"

"For the sake of our cooperation, I hope you can understand..."


This is typical looking down the stairs.


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly, and said: "You are right, for the sake of cooperation, I can choose to forgive, but..."

"Our cooperation, let's end here!"


After finishing speaking, regardless of the reaction of the crowd, he turned around directly, immediately dumbfounded Ganser and the other nine guards.


He actually left?



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