The Storm God

Chapter 3443 Borrowing a knife to kill someone!

The little blue people were stunned.

He never thought that Bai Xiaofei would leave so simply, without any hesitation or nostalgia, could it be that he was really wrong?


Gus' suspicion is not without reason.

What's going on?


Ganser was very confused.

After a long while of silence, he finally chased it out.

Obviously he was unwilling to let Bai Xiaofei leave, and wanted to make it clear to Bai Xiaofei. After all, the new version of the green light ring was caused, but there are still many problems that Bai Xiaofei needs to solve in the future...


When he chased him out, Bai Xiaofei had already disappeared.

No matter how much Ganser searched, there were no clues. It was obvious that Bai Xiaofei had left completely.

This made Ganser very disappointed and worried.


the other side.

Bai Xiaofei came to an uninhabited starfield feeling a little depressed.

In fact.

Regarding what happened to Star OA, it would be a lie to say that he doesn't mind, and he didn't expect those little blue people to be so cunning.

Want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?


It was a dream.

Don't think you can make a new version of the green light ring, but that is entirely based on your own permission, as long as you cut off the source of power...

Those new green light rings will be scraps!

after all……

That thing was specially built by Bai Xiaofei for his believers, how could it be possible for people who don't trust him to have their own power?

The little blue man obviously thought too much.


Bai Xiaofei didn't immediately mobilize the backhand he left behind, because now is not the time, since the little blue people are unkind, then don't blame Bai Xiaofei for being unrighteous.

They do the first grade of junior high school, and Bai Xiaofei does the fifteenth grade.

Now that the first day of the new year has not yet passed, it is naturally impossible for Bai Xiaofei to become fifteenth immediately, everything has to wait for a critical time.

If you don't move, it's enough, if you move, those little blue people can't eat and walk around!

Dare to plot against me?


Are you afraid that you don’t know how to write the word dead?

Of course.

A pass to survive.

Bai Xiaofei got a lot of benefits, but what he paid was just some insignificant outdated technology.

Think about it carefully, what did the little blue people get from Bai Xiaofei?

The most practical thing is the ability to blow up black holes, and the creation of a green light version of the supercomputer. The new version of the green light ring is now completely a pit.

As long as Bai Xiaofei cuts off the energy chain of the attack, all those who use the new version of the green light ring will lose their power completely.

On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei not only obtained a lot of artifact technology from the OA star, but also got the approval of the ion shark and the energy clone.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei can also create his own green light version of the central battery energy source, no matter what counts, he will not suffer.


He also abducted Sinestro, one of the greatest Green Lanterns in the Green Lantern Corps, and made him one of his hardcore younger brothers.

It was also because of this that Bai Xiaofei chose to leave without hesitation when he found out that the little blue man had started to doubt him.

After all, they all started to suspect each other, and it was meaningless to continue to cooperate.

Rather than that, it is better to find another way.

like a yellow light...

To know.

Sinestro obeyed Bai Xiaofei's advice.

And he also knows a lot of secrets about the green light, Bai Xiaofei would rather be on Sinestro's side, using outrageous and unreasonable methods, and it is impossible to continue to stay in OA star and intrigue with the little blue people.

In fact.

If he didn't explode on the spot, using force against the little blue man would already be considered an excuse for Bai Xiaofei, otherwise if he really did something, OA star would be crippled even if he didn't die.

"Sinestro, my plan has changed a bit, come here immediately!"


Following Bai Xiaofei's message.

Soon, Sinestro hurried over.

Seeing that there were no other Green Lanterns around Bai Xiaofei, only him, Sinestro was a little curious.

Could it be...

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei saw what Sinestro was thinking, and didn't hide it, nodded and said: "The thoughts of those little blue people really shouldn't be underestimated."

"After the new version of the green light ring was successfully manufactured, I actually wanted to cross the river and demolish the bridge, so I left, too lazy to waste time with those hypocritical guys..."


Sinestro remained silent.

In fact, as one of the former leaders of Green Lantern, he certainly knows very well that those so-called guardians of the universe are actually no different from ordinary people.

They also make mistakes.


The parallax demon before, and this thing now.

Of course, these are not important, what makes Sinestro curious is, why did Bai Xiaofei summon him this time?

Now that the cooperation with Green Lantern is terminated, does that mean...

So far.

Sinestro couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

The whole person is excited.


Sinestro looked at Bai Xiaofei excitedly, swallowed his saliva, and said uncertainly: "Could it be that you want the Yellow Lantern Corps to surface?"

In Bai Xiaofei's plan, the Yellow Lantern Corps has not yet appeared, so they usually choose to lie dormant as much as possible.

Amazing results can only be achieved by breaking out at the most critical moment.

on this...

Sinestro naturally didn't have any opinions.

But the problem now is that the cooperation between Bai Xiaofei and Green Lantern has completely broken up. Does that mean that his Yellow Lantern Corps has a chance?


Unexpectedly, Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

Unexpectedly: "Now is not the time, what I mean is, since those guys on OA star don't know what's good and what's wrong, then I'll make them trouble..."


Sinestro was a little confused.

Make trouble for the OA star? If you don't use our Yellow Lantern Corps, how are you going to trouble them? OA star is very strong.


Do you mean sir...

this moment.

Sinestro was shocked, and suddenly thought that his Yellow Lantern Army was not the original version, but another version of the Yellow Lantern.

Since you don't let yourself move, don't you want to...

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled sinisterly and cunningly, and said hehe: "I think you should know where Parallax Demon is being held?"


Sinestro was silent.

That's true! Using the old friends of OA star to deal with them, this trick of borrowing a knife to kill people is really wonderful!

As long as the parallax demon is released, there will naturally be a bloodbath. Whether it is OA star, Green Lantern, or ordinary intelligent life, all kinds of complicated emotions will inevitably arise...

At that time, as long as I and others secretly reap the benefits of being a fisherman, they will be able to continuously strengthen themselves without anyone noticing!

Even if it is discovered by the OA star, it may be too late and there is nothing to do. After all, the current Yellow Lantern Corps is no less than the Green Lantern Corps, and even completely above them.

Think here.

Sinestro cheered up immediately.

Immediately after that, he told Bai Xiaofei the location of the star field where Parallax Demon was imprisoned, and said: "Sir, why don't we take this opportunity to give Parallax Demon to..."

"Not urgent!"

Of course Bai Xiaofei understood what Sinestro meant, but he shook his head when he heard the words and said: "Parallax will be in our pocket sooner or later, but his final mission now is to help us disrupt the OA star, for the rise of the Yellow Lantern Corps, Delay some time!"

"Delaying time?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei said meaningfully: "Because I have more important things to do, since the OA stars don't eat and drink fines for toasting, then I will create a brand new Green Lantern Corps to replace them!"

"Not only the Green Lantern, Red Lantern and other lights fighters, but I also want to create them all, completely without giving Star OA any chance!"


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