The Storm God

Chapter 3444 Monster like shit!


Sinestro's heart was full of shock.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's indifferent face, but his eyes filled with infinite malice, he couldn't help but mourn for OA Xing for a few minutes.

You say you guys, it's not good to offend anyone, but this gentleman...

Wouldn't it be nice to cooperate well?


You have to be smart.

Don't look at who the target is, are you going to cross the river and tear down the bridge?

It's just looking for abuse!


The two discussed briefly.

Afterwards, Sinestro acted as a guide, leading Bai Xiaofei all the way to the planet where the parallax demon was suppressed.

The current Sinestro is stronger than before.

The ability of the new lantern ring is also beyond imagination. Compared with the past, it is only stronger than before...


It didn't take long.

The two came to a star field that was almost like a death field.

The so-called dead zone is a desolate star field where there is no intelligent life within a certain radius, and this planet that suppresses parallax demons is also an inconspicuous planet with ordinary resources, so no one will easily mine it.


What made Bai Xiaofei very speechless was.

Even if it is a dead zone, it is still a prison planet where parallax demons are detained and suppressed. You don't have any guards, isn't it too serious?


It's not that OA star didn't want to, but that he didn't dare!

After all, parallax demons are not ordinary creatures. They feed on fear and are extremely powerful. It's fine if there is no life around, but it won't have any impact, but if there really is intelligent life, once fear arises...

That is tantamount to giving rations to the Parallax Demon.


Under comprehensive consideration.

Let's use the dead zone as a dead zone, and resolutely don't send anyone here.

In this way, even if an accident happens, at least it will not provide enough food for fear to the Parallax Demon. When the Green Lantern army arrives, it will be easy to suppress the weak Parallax Demon...


That's true in theory.

But the reality is often crueler than expected.

For example, now, Sinestro, once known as one of the greatest Green Lanterns, actually brought Bai Xiaofei to release the parallax demon.

I have to say, this is really a huge irony.


Parallax Demon was once suppressed here by Sinestro, his brother-in-law Abin Sur, and the other Green Lanterns.

As a result, Feng Shui took turns, and the dragon slayer eventually became a dragon!

"Is this the place?"


Sinestro nodded.

Then, he pointed to a high mountain in front of him, and said, "The parallax demon is suppressed under that mountain, and there are various restraints and suppression enchantments buried by the power of the green light..."

In fact.

It doesn't need him to say, Bai Xiaofei can also see it.

After all, his Primordial Eye is not a vegetarian. As early as the first moment he approached this planet, Bai Xiaofei sensed an extremely powerful special force.

It's just that this power seems to be suppressed and isolated, so it appears extremely weak, which means that Bai Xiaofei can feel it because of his extremely powerful perception.

If it were someone else, I wouldn't really notice it.


Bai Xiaofei saw through all the concealment at a glance.

In the special vision, through many obstacles, he quickly saw the parallax demon suppressed in the mountains...

And Parallax Demon gave Bai Xiaofei his first impression of being ugly!

Not only ugly, but also Low!

in short.

The length is really a bit sorry for the audience.

Bai Xiaofei even felt that if Sinestro hadn't told him that it was a parallax demon, he would have thought it was a pile of shit!

Do not misunderstand.

It's not an adjective.

It's that the other party really looks like a piece of shit.

Not only is it extremely ugly, no matter the shape or what, it is almost the same as a pile of shit, making Bai Xiaofei turn around and leave almost immediately.


"It seems that this world has been greatly influenced by the film version. It is really disappointing that it will be this version of Parallax Demon!"

"Sinestro, I'll leave it to you!"


Bai Xiaofei ordered.

If it was the comic version of Parallax Demon, Bai Xiaofei might still be a bit interested, and go to communicate with Parallax Demon.

For the film version...


forget it!

Bai Xiaofei really didn't like this shit-like thing.

Although the opponent's power is very strong, Bai Xiaofei doesn't have to have it, he only needs some of the energy in the parallax monster as an introduction...


Sinestro flew over.

Immediately afterwards, the huge mountain range exploded, and a huge Wupeng, an octopus monster like a pile of shit, rushed into the sky from the collapsed mountain range, roaring endlessly.

This is the parallax magic.

Shadow version.


After the parallax demon appeared, he opened his teeth and claws, wantonly destroying.

Facing Sinestro who had just helped him out of trouble, it was a crazy attack, typical ungratefulness!

no way!

One is that he is a villain in the first place and has no credibility to talk about; besides, Sinestro and him are old enemies.

Facing one of the culprits who suppressed him in the past, Parallax Demon couldn't bear the anger and killing intent in his heart, so he turned his face on the spot and wanted to kill his enemy.


The current Sinestro is not the original him.

Even alone, facing the Parallax Demon, he was fearless, and even had a sneer on his face: "I knew it would happen!"

"But it's good!"

"Ever since I got this power, I haven't really used my hands. Since you don't know good and bad, then practice your hands with me!"

"Parallax Demon, show your true skills!"


Sinestro was excited.

As if he had been injected with chicken blood, while his eyes were shining brightly, the real person instantly transformed into the appearance of a yellow light warrior, and the light of fear was released wantonly, constantly attacking the parallax demon.

And the shit-like parallax demon, seeing Sinestro turned into a yellow light warrior and using the yellow light of fear to deal with himself, he was a little confused and unbelievable.


"You actually control the power of fear, this is impossible!"

"I do not believe!"


A fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

Bai Xiaofei just stayed away from the side, silently watching the good show.


The main vision is on Sinestro's side. After all, the image of Parallax Demon is too ugly, it's unappetizing to look at, so it's better not to look at it.

To Bai Xiaofei's surprise, Sinestro's current strength has obviously increased a lot compared to when he just got the ring.

It is conservatively estimated that at least there must be about 60% of the upper limit of the ring.

Even against the parallax demon, it is not too much.


And that's just pure yellow light.

If Sinestro also used the green light, maybe his strength would reach an unimaginable level, and it might not be a problem to kill this weak Parallax Demon in an instant.

as expected.

After the fierce battle between the two sides, Parallax Demon obviously felt the huge pressure, especially when Sinestro showed his green light ring, ready to completely end the battle, Parallax Demon was actually terrified.


It, which is in charge of the power of fear, was actually frightened by people.

at the same time……

Because of the power of special rules.

An incomparably pure power of fear escaped from Parallax Demon in an instant, and was absorbed into Sinestro's yellow light ring.

And Bai Xiaofei, who is the source of power of Lantern Ring, also felt a source of power that was somewhat similar to Ion Shark in an instant, but not the same.

That's the power of parallax monsters.

Because of the fear of surrender and fear, Bai Xiaofei absorbed part of the original power of Parallax Monster's power.

Perceiving all this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being stunned.

Same goes for Sinestro.


Taking advantage of the time when the two of them were in a daze.

Under the control of Parallax Monster, the Parallax Demon immediately ran away.


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