The Storm God

Chapter 3445 New Green Light vs Parallax Demon!


Sinestro was a little confused.

Was that thing really a parallax demon just now? Fear personified? But isn't this too cowardly? And I even absorbed a trace of the original power.


He looked at Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei was also a little unbelievable, but his face was still calm, he just looked at the back of the fleeing Parallax Demon, and was a little speechless.

How cowardly!

As expected, he was cowardly and cowardly since the beginning of the universe, the first guy to comprehend fear, and if something went wrong, he ran faster than anyone else.


This trace of original power is quite good.

Bai Xiaofei felt it carefully, although the quantity was not much, but the texture was good, almost comparable to the energy clone of the ion shark.

That is.

With this source of fear, Bai Xiaofei can also create a new version of the yellow light central battery energy device.

That makes it very happy.

after all.

The Parallax Demon is just a tool man, a knife that Bai Xiaofei borrows to kill people, and it doesn't make much difference whether he runs or not.

To be able to obtain this trace of original power is already considered a pleasant surprise.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei is very content.

"Let's go!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile.


The boss doesn't care anymore, and Sinestro will naturally not continue to pay attention to the movements of Parallax Demon, let the Green Lanterns of OA star have a headache.


The two impulsively traveled through the universe and came directly to a star field near the star Kruga.

What Bai Xiaofei meant was that a new Green Lantern Corps would be created right here, and the candidates to be recruited would naturally be Kruga Stars.

Don't the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders!

Sinestro believes that with such a large population on his planet, as long as there is no quota, there must be many people who meet the conditions and requirements.

not to mention.

In addition to the yellow light and green light.

Bai Xiaofei also said that he would try to create other colored lantern legions, and the third one was the red lantern of anger, which represented the power of the boss's anger.

To this.

Sinestro was happy.

But it's a pity that he can't help much, at most he just goes back to his mother planet, gathers some people in advance, and selects Bai Xiaofei when he needs it.

in addition……

It is full-scale combat readiness.

In order to cope with the super battle that may break out at any time, after all, Sinestro is basically the Green Lantern Corps now.

With the uric nature of OA star, it is very likely that he will come to make trouble.

Regardless of what happened to Bai Xiaofei's side.

the other side.

After the Parallax Demon escaped.

Weak, he was startled and angry in his heart, all he thought about at the moment was how to regain his strength, strengthen himself, and then take revenge.

And in order to recover his strength, he had to devour more power of fear.

So far.

Parallax Demon had an idea immediately.


He flew directly towards a planet with intelligent life, and the huge and ugly figure like shit soon covered part of a planet.

follow closely.

Countless people perished.

And their power was all swallowed and absorbed by the Parallax Demon.

at the same time.

The image of the parallax demon finally began to change, its size became smaller and smaller, and in the end it turned into a little blue man.

It's just that this little blue man is different from those on OA star. His whole body is filled with the power of yellow light of fear.

Especially the eyes, it's frightening to look at.


"Finally back, Star OA, it's your turn next!"

"No one can stop me!"


He yelled triumphantly.

Afterwards, the little blue man who turned into a parallax demon opened the wormhole and flew towards OA star.


OA star.

Ganser and others are still busy.

They used the dark iron and other super substances obtained by blowing up the black hole to create 36 new green light rings in one go.

Even so, there are still a lot of super substances left.

But the bitter thing is that apart from making rings, Ganser and others have no idea what the purpose of these super substances is and how to use them.

After all, Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything.

have no choice……

They can only seal up these super substances.

The 36 selected Green Lanterns, including Abin Sur, became the first batch of members equipped with the new version of the Green Lantern Ring.

Gunther and others called this new version of the Green Lantern team the New Green Light.

All their energy supply does not come from the central battery energy of OA star, but the small green sun created by the fusion of super god universe technology.

Not only is the energy supply stronger and longer lasting, but its power is also terrifying.

It is no exaggeration to say that every member of New Green Light has the super ability to stand up to ten or even hundreds.

This shocked and comforted Ganser and others.

all of these……

At last they were not disappointed.

worth it!

It's just that before they had time to be happy, the detection department of OA star immediately sent news that the parallax demon had escaped.

And now it is flying towards OA star.

Obviously wanting revenge!


Some universe guardians guessed what was going on almost immediately, and immediately asserted: "Sinestro must have done it!"

"That's right!"

"He had conspired with Bai Cass before, and now that Bai Cass has just left, the parallax demon has escaped from the trap. Besides him, who else can it be?"

"This is clearly revenge on us!"


This statement was supported by many people.

Some people even suggested that just now that the new Green Light has just been established, it is better to let the 36 members of Green Light fight against the parallax demon together.


"This is a good idea. Apart from solving the immediate crisis, it can also test the combat effectiveness of the new version of the green light ring!"

"It's killing two birds with one stone!"


Everyone agreed.

And this order made Abin Sur very depressed and painful.


Sinestro was his brother-in-law.

Now the guardian of star OA, let him, the big brother-in-law, deal with his brother-in-law, what is this called?


Abin also knows.

Facts are facts, even if you don't want to.

In order to stick to the controversy in his heart, Abin finally gave up his family affection and decided to lead the new green light to attack the parallax demon who was rushing towards OA star.

Only after the parallax demon is resolved, can we know whether this matter has anything to do with Sinestro, or not. If it was really him who released the parallax demon, then maybe he would kill his relatives righteously.

"let's go!"


Abin gave an order.

The other 35 members of the new green light immediately followed him and turned into green flames, soaring into the sky, and flew out of the OA star at an extremely fast speed.

After a while.

A group of people came to a certain star field in the universe starry sky.

And right in front of them, a ripple was forming, followed by a tiny figure, which suddenly came out of thin air.

It is the parallax demon incarnated by the little blue man.

"Jie jie jie..."

"Green Lantern? Are you here specially to die? There are only 36 people, like blocking me? Should I say you are fighting yourself, or are you looking down on others?"

"Forget it, let me teach you well today!"

"What is power!"


The voice did not fall.

A burst of bright yellow light was released, and it flashed across into countless meteor-like things in an instant, smashing towards Abin and other new green lights at an astonishing speed.

at the same time.

The parallax demon also released a dozen disgusting tentacles of Bala, and rushed towards Abin and the others frantically, obviously trying to do both without giving the other party any chance to react.


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