The Storm God

Chapter 3446 Green and fat red light fighter!

"Everyone be careful!"

Abin looked solemn, facing the attack of the parallax demon, even though he was equipped with a new version of the green light ring, he did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

While reminding everyone, Abin used the ring to release a piece of green light, which turned into a huge wall that lifted the sky, trying to resist all meteor attacks.


The new version of the green light ring is very powerful.

Even though the parallax demon's attack was abnormal, it was still easily blocked by Abin's green light power alone.

The other new green lights were overjoyed when they saw this.

The confidence in the new version of the green light ring in the heart suddenly increased, and the power of fear in the heart was instantly reduced by a few points, and they all began to fight back.

Some turned into knife tips with green light to meet the tentacles of the Parallax Demon.

Others launched a direct counterattack. The green light had ready-made modern weapons, raging artillery fire, and crazily shooting at the overwhelming meteors and tentacles.

In short.

A big battle broke out.

Yellow light and green light intersect and collide with each other, blooming a magnificent and exciting picture.

The two sides almost reached a tie, and no one can do anything to the other.


See this scene.

Parallax Demon was somewhat puzzled and surprised.

what happened?

Isn't there a "yellow defect" in green light? It stands to reason that it should become invalid when confronted with one's own power.

But this...

Seeing that Abin and others easily resisted his attack, Parallax Demon wondered if something went wrong?

Is your own strength weakened?


So the Green Lanterns have become stronger?

Thinking of this, Parallax Demon was surprised to find that the rings in the hands of the Green Lanterns like Abin and the battle suits on their bodies seemed to be different from the previous ones.

Not only that.

Even the attribute of strength seems to be very different.

It is precisely because of this huge change that his own power cannot have the previous effect on the power of green light.


Parallax Demon was surprised: "What's going on? What kind of power is that? Why have I never seen it before? Could it be a variant of the power of green light?"

He is a little unbelieving.

Then, he immediately stepped up his attack.


Still useless.

No matter how powerful the parallax demon's attack is, Abin and the others will be stronger when they are strong, and they will also release a bigger attack to resolve it.

that's all.

The two sides fought for a moment.

Parallax Demon began to feel a little unsure. For some reason, he even suddenly remembered Sinestro, whom he had just met not long ago.

That guy's strength seems to have the same effect as these people.

Could it be...

This is a trap?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong with the parallax demon. At this moment, he no longer has the intention to kill the enemy, and wants to escape more...


He really did.

With a feint, taking advantage of the fact that the new green lights didn't dare to chase after them rashly, they hastily activated the wormhole and fled without any integrity.

As for face or something, this thing Parallax Demon doesn't care at all.

Anyway, this is not the first time.

Afraid of a ball!


Seeing that the parallax demon had been beaten away, the new green lights immediately cheered and rejoiced.

Only Abin was silent.

I don't know what to think.


the other side.

According to Bai Xiaofei's instructions, Sinestro has screened out more than 10,000 confidantes, ready to accept the selection test for the new green light.

He moves quickly.

And Bai Xiaofei's movements were faster, when Sinestro had assembled the people, he had already completed the creation of the new version of the central battery energy.

The energy avatar of the ion shark was also put in by Bai Xiaofei.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei used it to inform Ion Shark of the news, saying that he and the little blue people had completely broken up, and the parallax monster also ran out.

How to choose, you can figure it out yourself.

But there was no response for a long time.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

Then quickly, the ion shark is probably still sleeping, so it hasn't received the message it sent, but the power of green light can still be called.

In view of this.

Bai Xiaofei is not in a hurry to contact Ion Shark anymore.

Anyway, it is enough to continue to use the power of green light. At this stage, whether there is an ion shark or not, the effect and difference are not big. After all, Bai Xiaofei has not found a suitable ion man candidate.

And this new version of the central battery energy source is also a brand new version created by Bai Xiaofei after special modification and design.

In addition to the original power of the ion shark, there is also a little bit of Bai Xiaofei's will power mixed in.

That is.

The Green Lantern Warrior who gained power through it can not only get the willpower of the ion shark, but also get a little bit of Bai Xiaofei's power.

As for how much they can get, it depends on their loyalty and belief to Bai Xiaofei, the effects of both sides are completely proportional.

at the same time……

In view of the fact that most of the people here are citizens of Sinestro, and they are not very familiar with Bai Xiaofei, so the first batch of Green Lantern Warriors, Bai Xiaofei specially lowered the standard.

Give them strength first, and after they have tasted the sweetness, it is not too late to seduce them step by step.

In a word, let's get into the pit first and then talk.


Large-scale selection begins.

To Bai Xiaofei's surprise, the 10,000 people selected by Sinestro had a pass rate of more than 40%.

But think about it.

After all, Sinestro was once one of the greatest Green Lanterns in the Green Lantern Corps, so he naturally knows the selection criteria for Green Lanterns.

Although Bai Xiaofei's standards are not the same as those of OA Star, there is not much difference in certain basic qualities.

Therefore, most of the 10,000 people selected were above the passing line.

The natural pass rate is relatively high.

"very good!"

"In this way, the number of the Yellow Lantern Corps plus the new Green Lantern Corps will probably exceed ten thousand..."

"Next is the Red Lantern Corps!"


Bai Xiaofei said excitedly.

As long as the most powerful red light is built, the three colors of red, green and yellow traffic lights will be completely complete.

By then...

Whether it is the OA star or the Apocalypse star, they all have the power to fight.

If you continue to develop a wave regardless of the cost, Bai Xiaofei believes that it will not take long to make it become Zu Qiang's legion organization.

At that time, the power of feeding back that Bai Xiaofei will obtain may be beyond imagination.

Maybe he could even help him chop up another corpse.

Say something.

Generally speaking, the first ones to be beheaded by Da Luo are basically evil corpses, although not necessarily, but most of them are like this.

Bai Xiaofei was different.

What he chose was to kill the good corpse first, then the evil corpse, and finally the self corpse.

It happened to be more in line with Bai Xiaofei's situation. The choice of OA star made Bai Xiaofei very angry. If it is difficult for the good corpse to take revenge, he will replace it with the evil corpse.

Even if the evil corpse hadn't been cut out, Bai Xiaofei had already thought of a countermeasure.

And the power of anger of the red light is the violent power of Bai Xiaofei's fusion of various anger and evil thoughts, which is extremely powerful and terrifying.

Among the three-color lights created by Bai Xiaofei, the power of anger represented by red is excellent, but its flaws are also very obvious.

Because the influence of anger is too great, and it is no exception for ring bearers, most red light fighters will lose their self-control and be loyal to violence and blood.

They are generally unable to manifest the energy of colored lamps into plasticity, and they still use their own brute force more, which means that their power will be reduced by ten.

In view of this.

Most of the best qualities Bai Xiaofei selected for them were super fighters specially cloned from the fat green genes.

Lu Fat's ability is that the angrier he is, the stronger he is.


The same goes for the power of the red light.

Green and fat plus red lights can be said to be like a tiger with wings added to a higher level. At the same time, the energy of the red light will also flow in the body instead of blood, which makes the cloned super soldier not die even if the heart is destroyed.

Their only fatality is the red light ring.

But this is generally not easy to achieve.


The state of the Red Lantern Warrior after transformation is very special. After the red energy breath is sprayed out of the body, it will turn into a burning flame like fire.

And this kind of goods can burn in a vacuum, and burn up any combustible or non-combustible plants, even including the energy barriers created by other energy rings.

For those who use the power of the emotional spectrum as their weapon, the version of the power of the red light created by Bai Xiaofei, as well as the green and fat Red Lantern Corps, are simply the strongest murderous aura.

Even Sinestro, as the leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps, was terrified after seeing the terrifying fighting power of the green and red lights.

This is too unreasonable, right?


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