The Storm God

Chapter 3447 Changes in Apocalypse!

"not bad!"

Bai Xiaofei is also very satisfied with the strength of the green and fat version of the Red Lantern Warrior. Although his sanity may be a bit lacking, he is born with full destructive power.


The fat green version of the Red Lantern Warrior is just a part of it.

In addition, Bai Xiaofei also wants to recruit other intelligent creatures to serve as red light fighters. They can't all be cannon fodder, right?

Red Lantern's ability is so special, if you don't make good use of it, it will be a waste of money.

Running for the mind of not letting the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders.

The rest of the Red Lantern Warriors were naturally all selected from the people of Keluga, but unfortunately the number was too small.

After working for a long time, there were only a few hundred people.


That's okay too.

After all, there are so many green and fat red light fighters.

Together with the Green Lantern Warriors and the Yellow Lantern Corps, the total number of Bai Xiaofei's Color Lantern Corps now exceeds 20,000.


The Red Lantern Corps has the largest number.

There are more than 10,000 people, most of whom are advanced clones of green fat. Even if they are used as cannon fodder, they can exert great combat power.

The second is the Yellow Lantern Corps.

no way.

Star Kruga had been living under the dictatorship of Sinestro before, and the power of fear spread, so the expansion of the Yellow Lantern Corps was very easy and fast.

And finally the Green Lantern Corps.

The number of people is about 3000. Although it is a little small, it is the most average and versatile type among the three armies.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei also gave these fighters certain authority and special abilities, so that they could fully display their strength.

With this three-color army, Bai Xiaofei's confidence is also much stronger.

He asked Sinestro: "What's going on with Star OA now? Parallax Demon should have gone to meet them, right?"


Sinestro nodded.

He replied: "The second person I placed there before said that the parallax demon was blocked by the new green light, and the two sides seemed to be tied..."


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

Asked: "Then what is the final result? Parallax Demon will not be caught again, and then suppressed, right? If this is really the case, it would be too useless!"


Sinestro shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "The new version of the green light ring that Mister gave them is too powerful. The 36 new green lights knocked the parallax demon away."

"After seeing the powerful power of the new green light ring, Star OA is very relieved. I heard that it is currently planning to carry out the second batch of manufacturing."


Bai Xiaofei understood what OA Xing did.

After all, the Parallax Demon is a big trouble, and even the new Green Light can't guarantee victory, so it's not easy to send someone to chase it alone.

But if you don't chase the parallax demon, it's not impossible.

Because it is the source of fear, it can continuously absorb and devour the fear power of other intelligent life to strengthen itself.

If you don't take advantage of this time to completely defeat the parallax demon, it will not be so easy to suppress the parallax demon when it accumulates enough powerful and terrifying power in the future.


Creating new green light rings is the only hope for Star OA.

Because ordinary Green Lanterns can't deal with parallax demons at all. Basically, whoever goes and who dies is completely delivering food to others.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately, and muttered: "Create it, make it, the more you make, the more benefits I can get, and at the critical moment, I will cut off your energy source directly, and all the green lights will be turned off at that time." You have to fall into the abyss..."

"Dare to plot against me, Bai Xiaofei? Hehe, this is the price you should pay!"


Sinestro remained silent.

At this moment, as Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, he naturally knew some inside information, so when he saw Bai Xiaofei's sinister smile, Sinestro sympathized with OA Star.


Just sympathy.

After all, Sinestro is also very aware of some of the bad habits of Star OA.

Bai Xiaofei can't be blamed for this incident, because if it weren't for Star OA's stubbornness, greed, and crossing rivers and destroying bridges, Sinestro wouldn't be where he is now.

Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, Sinestro is grateful to OA star.

As for whether to help them?


Is there even a question?

That depends on what Boss Bai Xiaofei wants.

Sinestro is well aware of his current status as a younger brother, so he never considered the existence and safety of OA star at all.

This moment.

He just wanted to become stronger and become the most useful assistant beside Bai Xiaofei's boss.

So, after seeing the anger in Bai Xiaofei's eyes subside a little bit, he reminded: "Sir, I sent some of the Yellow Lantern fighters to star field 0465, and now I think it should be a good harvest... "

"Star field 0465?"


Sinestro explained: "There is a chaotic star field ruled by Apocalypse. It is in a state of war all year round, terror breeds, bloody violence, and the power of fear that is most suitable for us has increased, so I..."

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei said clearly: "Good job, you can have this idea, but you must pay attention to safety, and you can't sacrifice the little brother under your command in vain."


Sinestro couldn't help being moved when he heard this.

Because he could tell that Bai Xiaofei wasn't putting on a show at all, but was really worried about the safety of his subordinates.

Let me ask, who wouldn't want to follow such a boss?


Sinestro is convinced.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei asked Sinestro about some things about Apocalypse, and when he learned that the other party was expanding its military force and launching aggression, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but tremble.

"Something's wrong!"

He secretly analyzed: "Although Apocalypse is the source of evil in the universe, it generally won't easily launch a war of aggression, unless it is certain of victory, or the timing is too suitable, such as the situation on the earth..."

"But the current situation in some star fields does not seem to be the case. There are even many planets with strong resistance..."

"Then why did they go to such lengths to launch a war of aggression?"

"Could it be because of Morpheus, the God of Dreams?"


Bai Xiaofei always felt that there was something tricky about it.

So he gave Sinestro an order to send some people to sneak into the vicinity of Apocalypse to investigate the specific situation inside it.

Things are pretending to be done, and the rewards are big.


Sinestro was instantly excited.

Although he also knew that this task was very dangerous, wealth and wealth are in danger, so Sinestro decided to take this task and lead the team himself.

Anyway, the things here are basically done, and there is no need for Sinestro to be busy, so there is no need to worry.

He expresses himself.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Satisfied with Sinestro's drive, he said with a smile: "I have a suggestion for you, if you encounter any danger, don't expose your yellow light power, but continue to pretend to be the original Green Lantern and test the other party's attitude... ..."


When Sinestro heard the words, his eyes lit up immediately, is this okay?

He had to admit that Bai Xiaofei's proposal was really great. Continuing to pretend to be Green Lantern would firstly make the other party relax their vigilance, and secondly, he could give the OA star a handsome job and divert the target's attention. It would kill two birds with one stone.


In this way, Sinestro went to perform the task.

Bai Xiaofei ordered the Green Lantern Corps and the Red Lantern Corps under his command to start centering on Kruga, slowly spread outward, continue to expand their scale, and recruit younger brothers.


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