The Storm God

Chapter 3448 Don't take them to play!

All the boys started to work.

Now Bai Xiaofei has become a salted fish again, staying alone on this lonely planet, he can't help but feel desolate.


He uploaded all the latest data information to the main server of the Hongmeng Dark System, so as to facilitate the upgrading of Baikas.

after all.

There are also Green Lantern Corps and Yellow Lantern Corps on the other side of the earth.

It's just that the two major legions over there are only the most basic version. Although they can use the power from Bai Xiaofei to strengthen themselves, they lack the blessing of the original power of the local universe.

Now that Bai Xiaofei has acquired part of the original power, it is natural to upload and share it. In this way, the soldiers of the two major legions on the other side of the earth can also enjoy these special powers.

at the same time.

The situation on the other side of the earth also deserves Bai Xiaofei's attention.

But Cass' answer was that everything was going as usual, and the development was going smoothly. The demon-like army that participated had almost become the monster spawning and leveling boss of the earth warriors, and their lives were miserable.

On this basis, the strength of the earth warriors has been greatly improved.

Not only that.

The construction of the Great Wall of Earth Defense under the auspices of Baikas has now begun. With the help of countless super soldiers, the construction of the basic skeleton has been completed.

I believe that it will not take long before the Great Wall of the Earth will be completely built.

Then the next step is the Earth Dyson sphere.


The Dyson sphere project is relatively large.

Even if it is Baikas, it needs huge manpower, material and financial resources. Even if it has the support of the whole earth, it will take a considerable amount of time to complete.

Because there are too many factors involved.

But once it is completed, the earth will become a super fortress, which can block almost all external threats.

The premise is that the enemy is not an opponent like Uncle Da.

Otherwise it's still useless.

after all……

He is a super boss at the multiverse level.

The existence of starbursts and the destruction of galaxies with the flick of a finger, even if a small earth becomes a fortress with a Dyson sphere, it still cannot escape the essence of an asteroid.

For a big guy like the multiverse level, it's like a cookie.

It shatters when poked.

All the countermeasures are only aimed at ordinary combat forces, such as the demon-like army, the Green Lantern Corps, and even the Kryptonian clan, etc.

For such an enemy, the earth Dyson ball can still block it.


After listening to Bai Cass' report, Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You can do those plans as you see fit. I'm very assured of you."


"During the time I was away, the baby son and Xiao Bailei didn't cause any trouble, did they? And Xiaoqian and Diana, how have their strengths improved?"

"What stage has the earth developed in the current time period?"


You know, before leaving the earth, Bai Xiaofei deliberately accelerated the flow of time on the earth, because the earth at this stage is really far behind.

Many famous characters hanging on the wall, such as the master, the clown, Da Chao, Xiao Shan, etc., have not yet been born or grown up.


Bai Xiaofei accelerated the time flow of the earth.

This can also strengthen the earth's defenses to a certain extent, and when the things on his side are almost done, coupled with the help of those hanging people, Bai Xiaofei can save a lot of trouble.

It's just that after leaving for so long, Bai Xiaofei himself doesn't know what stage the earth has reached, so he can only ask Bai Cass.

after all.

For the development of the earth, neither of them interfered too much.

It is almost free to change.


Bai Cass replied with a smile: "The current Earth, the time has come to around 2010, and there are indeed some special characters who have emerged..."


He also showed some data information to Bai Xiaofei.

Among them, there is clearly a master in a black bat suit, a pale clown, a youth version of Super Clark, wearing a black T-shirt with an "S" logo on it; and a long-haired version of Lex Luthor... …

Etc., etc.

In short.

Even though many things have changed on the earth in this world, some inherent elements have not changed at all.

Bai Xiaofei even saw the boyish Barry Allen...

"very good!"

Looking at the data information sent by Bai Cass, Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled with satisfaction, and said hehe: "It seems that the plot inertia of this world is still quite large. Even though there have been so many changes, it still continues the story of several protagonists." fate unfolds..."

"However, they are still too tender now, just wait a little longer, as it happens that the matter on my side has not been dealt with yet."

"I believe that when it's almost done, the master and the others should also be mature, and then I will give them some tasks to do!"


After the communication is over.

Bai Xiaofei was so excited that he couldn't get up anymore.


He contacted the ion shark in the central battery energy again, wanting to get in touch with the other party and make further plans.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei's luck was very good, Ion Shark woke up very quickly, and responded to his contact and message: "What is it?"

"You finally woke up!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, and then hurriedly told Ion Shark what had happened recently, and said helplessly: "Anyway, that's the way it is now, I've left OA Star, and I'm currently creating and developing my own Emotional Lantern Group, which has been established separately Green light, yellow light, and red light..."


Ion Shark was stunned when he heard this.

"You said you founded the three-color lamp? How is this possible? The fear power of the yellow lamp is the parallax monster. Although that guy is timid, he is not so easy to deal with..."

"There is also the blood slaughter bull. Although I am a little hypocritical with it, but after many years, coupled with its power attribute, you have not been attacked?"


Don't wait for it to finish speaking.

Bai Xiaofei interrupted directly: "I'm sorry, Ion Shark, the Color Lantern Corps I founded was all based on my own power, only the power of Green Lantern, with the help of some of your original power... "

"in addition……"

"I agree with the fact that Parallax is relatively timid, because my little brother scared it away, and at the same time harvested part of the original power of fear."

"I came to you this time to ask, how can I find other Lantern Beasts? For example, blood of wrath butchering cattle, I need to use their power to further enhance my emotional power."

"Because I have a hunch that in the near future, an unprecedented crazy war will break out in the entire universe, so I must prepare in advance."


The ion shark fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, he replied to Bai Xiaofei with a sentence: "There are some things that I can't tell you clearly, so why don't you come to OA star and take me away directly, and I will help you find other things in person. Lantern beast!"


Bai Xiaofei was stunned when he heard this: "I'll go there in person? What do you mean, completely turn against OA stars and stop playing with them?"


Ion Shark replied very simply, and said: "Those little blue people are too hateful. They were imprisoned and used at the beginning. I didn't expect that even you were almost plotted by them. This tone is absolutely unbearable, so I won't take them to play." !"



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