The Storm God

Chapter 3449 The assimilation power of the ring!

Bai Xiaofei answered very simply.

Ion Shark has expressed himself so straightforwardly, it would be too disgraceful if he continued to babble, not to mention that the person who has benefited the most from this is himself!


Bai Xiaofei immediately gave up the work at hand.

He is going to OA star.

That's right.

Just myself.

Who told Sinestro to go out to do missions now.

And the other Lantern Corps fighters are all busy with their own affairs, and now only Bai Xiaofei, the boss, is relatively free.

not to mention……

He alone is completely enough.


at the same time.

OA Star, Gunther and others are holding a meeting, and the content of the meeting is whether to continue to mass-produce the new version of the green light ring?

on this...

Opinions vary.

Conservatives believe that this matter still needs to be discussed in the long term, and the overall situation is the most important. After all, the new ring has just been made, and there are no known drawbacks.

The radicals, on the other hand, put forward even more convincing proof.

For example, if the previous parallax demon struck, if it weren't for the help of the new version of the green light ring, what would the current OA star be like?

Moreover, the power of the new version of the green light ring is obvious to all. He didn't lose the chain against the parallax monster, but he was worse in other aspects?

Anyway, some people don't believe it.

not to mention……

Something new.

Some pioneers are needed to experiment.

If the parallax demon did not happen, the experiment process would take longer, so it doesn't matter. But the result is not a bit bad...


Radicals have no choice.

For the safety of OA planet and the safety of other intelligent life, they must take a risk, because only in this way can they have the power to continue chasing the parallax demon.

Otherwise, almost everyone will die!

By the time……

When the parallax demons are completely strong and have killed an unknown number of lives, if they don't stand up, the name of Green Lantern will completely lose credibility.

The neutral faction believes that the top priority is not to rush to manufacture new green light rings in large quantities. The key is to organize and be vigilant against the harm of parallax demons.

before that.

Without the new green light ring, everyone can beat each other, and it's exactly the same now.


Even if there is a new version of the green light ring, one cannot do nothing. On the one hand, use the traditional method to guard against the parallax demon, and at the same time, try the new version of the green light ring as soon as possible to see if it can find out the disadvantages.

If it is confirmed that there are no disadvantages and dangers, then mass production will be carried out.

In short.

Nine people, three factions.

In this meeting, it can be said that the debate is endless, and no one is willing to admit defeat. In the end result, naturally nothing was discussed.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei has already embarked on the journey to star OA.

After the meeting.

Ganser called Abin and several other Green Lanterns who believed in him, and wanted to ask them, is there anything wrong with using this new version of the Green Lantern ring?


Abin Sur shook his head.

Seriously said: "Lord Ganser, to be honest, don't care what others think, anyway, I didn't notice anything wrong..."

Gunther was silent.

Abin continued: "Not only that, after using the new version of the green light ring, I can still feel that my spiritual power has been greatly enhanced..."

"My lord, look..."


The voice did not fall.

Abin Sur used the energy of the ring to manifest a rather complicated thing, which looked like a sophisticated scientific instrument.


Seeing this, Ganser was taken aback immediately, not daring to know: "Abin, this is the latest interstellar engine developed by Star OA..."

"That's right!"

Abin Sur nodded and said: "Before I changed it, it was absolutely impossible for me to manifest such a complex and sophisticated high-tech instrument, but after having the new version of the green light ring, I found that I can do it, and it is very easy! "

"I can be sure that this is not only the power of the ring, but also my own power. I also made a test for this..."


As he said that, Abin actually took off the new version of the green light ring.

Afterwards, he put on the original green light ring again, and Abin instantly returned to his original appearance, with his strength greatly reduced and his aura weakened.


The interstellar engine was still realized by Abin using the energy of the old version of the green light ring. Although the overall feeling is not as rich and powerful as the new version of the green light ring, it was finally made out.


Gunther was shocked.

Because of this fact, it undoubtedly proves that the new version of the green light ring has indeed significantly enhanced Abin Sur's spiritual will power.


It is impossible for Abin to make it with the original ring.

This result was obviously beyond Ganser's expectations, and he said in his heart, fortunately, no one knew about this result at the meeting, otherwise what is going on now is not known.


This also gave Ganther some small ideas.


How about secretly developing it?


His idea is very simple, not to create more new green light rings in batches, but to let other qualified people wear the new green light rings in turn for a period of time.

In this way, even if the new version of the green light ring is taken off at that time, because of the power of the ring, the user's spiritual will will be strengthened to a certain extent.

Although it is a bit more troublesome, it is the safest way.

after all……

The total number of rings has not changed.

Even if there were any problems, the number of people who would be affected would still be that certain number of people, and it would not pose a greater threat.


This is just what Gunther thinks.

He didn't know at all that those people whose spiritual will had been strengthened by the new version of the green light ring had actually already been affected by Bai Xiaofei's power.

simply put.

Bai Xiaofei is like a huge magnet.

And the people who wear the new version of the green light ring are ordinary needles, no matter whether they believe in loyalty to Bai Xiaofei or not, as long as they wear the ring and borrow Bai Xiaofei's power...

At that time, these ordinary needles will be affected to a certain extent.

That is to say, being magnetized...

Concrete performance.

Nature is the strengthening of spiritual will.

If we go one step further, these ordinary needles will completely become magnetic needles over time, which is the so-called assimilation.

the same way.

Those who wear the new green light ring, if they keep using it, will sooner or later be assimilated by Bai Xiaofei's power and become their own people.

And because of this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't cancel the power supply for these new green light rings. Although the results didn't meet expectations, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat.

Earning a little bit is a little bit.

not to mention……

The days are still long, and in the future, those guys who don't believe in OA star will not use such a powerful force.

To know.

In the past, they even dared to take the risk of trying such a terrible power as the yellow light of fear. After confirming that the new version of the green light ring was harmless, the result can be imagined.

After all, such pure and easy-to-use power is not common.

The little blue man is not a fool, they know what they should choose between the power of the yellow light and the new green light ring.


Before Ganther started to implement his plan.

Bai Xiaofei had already killed the OA star, along the way, without the slightest cover-up, he directly landed on the OA star.

Just for a moment.

A large number of Green Lanterns surrounded Bai Xiaofei.


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