The Storm God

Chapter 3450 Ganther's shock!

"The reaction is very fast!"

Looking at the Green Lanterns rushing out of the surroundings quickly, Bai Xiaofei grinned, nodded and said, "Not bad! Compared to before, it has improved a lot..."


The Green Lanterns fell silent.

After Bai Xiaofei left, the guards issued a new order, declaring that Bai Cass was suspected of fraud before, and if he came to OA again, he must be careful.

Because this person is dangerous!


Bai Xiaofei became a well-known suspect.

Now that he came to Star OA so openly, the Green Lanterns naturally didn't dare to neglect, and all of them looked dignified, ready to fight.

The atmosphere is tense, and if there is any disagreement, they will open up a big posture.


There is also a familiar face.

When testing the new version of the Green Lantern ring, the elite Green Lantern was summoned by Abin Sur to participate in the experiment.

It is said that this person is a member of the Eagle clan among the extraterrestrial beings in the universe. He has a strong physique and is born with the ability to fly. Even without any technological equipment, he can survive in space with his own physical fitness, but his strength is a bit weak.


After becoming Green Lantern.

The weakness of the eagle tribe was perfectly overcome. His strong physical fitness and the ability to cooperate with the green light ring made him quickly become one of the elite.


But he stood opposite Bai Xiaofei.

"Mr. Bai..."

This eagle clan elite obviously knew some inside information, so he didn't glared at Bai Xiaofei like other ordinary Green Lanterns.

on the contrary.

His expression looked very helpless.

Standing there, he persuaded him: "You are no longer welcome in OA star, what are you still doing here? Listen to my advice, before things get worse, you should leave quickly..."

He has a good heart.

After all, regarding the new version of the green light ring, they had to think of Bai Xiaofei's affection, because without Bai Xiaofei, there would be no new version of the green light ring.


Bai Xiaofei obviously didn't care about these things.



Bai Xiaofei glanced at the elite Eagle Clan member indifferently, and then said: "Sorry, I'm here this time, but I have important things to do, and I can't leave before I finish."

"It doesn't matter if it's you, Abin Sur, or the guardian himself who is standing in front of us, the result will be the same!"

"I don't want to hurt you, if you are sensible, get out of the way!"


Although the tone is light.

But the undeniable arrogance displayed in it was unparalleled.

Some Green Lanterns, who were not courageous enough or determined enough, began to waver almost immediately, as if standing in front of them was not a person, but a giant dragon, which inexplicably made them a little scared and frightened.


After all, such people are a minority.

Most of them still stood very firmly in place, glaring at Bai Xiaofei, waiting for the battle, not relaxing at all.


See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "Why bother..."

He was about to start to remove these obstacles.

At this time...


Abin Sur suddenly rushed over.

He is dressed in a new version of the Green Lantern costume, and he is powerful. As one of the greatest Green Lanterns, he brought great encouragement and courage to the surrounding Green Lanterns as soon as he appeared on the stage, which changed the atmosphere of the entire team.

As if they had found their backbone, the people who were a little fearful and worried just now became at ease and calm in an instant.


Bai Xiaofei obviously sensed this change, and couldn't help thinking to himself: "Hehe, can't you tell that Abin is quite popular?"


"It's too foolish and loyal. Knowing that the guards did something wrong, they still don't have any reflection or remorse, and they still choose which side to stand on the other side..."

"In this regard, Sinestro is much better than him."


Bai Xiaofei made some comments in his heart.

However, his gaze and gaze never left behind Abin Sur, because behind him, there was also the guard Ganser who just came over.

"Mr. Bai..."

Ganser was also surprised by Bai Xiaofei's arrival, looked at Bai Xiaofei solemnly, and said, "The cooperation between us has terminated, not only you came to our OA star this time, but why?"

The little blue man is also very straightforward, without the slightest hint of smudges or beating around the bush, just straight to the point when he comes up.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was quite happy.

Because, he doesn't like to talk too much nonsense, since the master is here, he should simply open the skylight and speak brightly.


Bai Xiaofei said frankly: "Since you have asked so bluntly, then I am not afraid to tell you honestly, I am here for Ion Shark..."


As soon as he spoke.

Ganser's expression changed immediately, his eyes widened and he said, "It really is you! You really know about the existence of ion sharks, what do you want to do?"

His voice was a little excited.

Apparently remembering Gus' suspicion before, now that Bai Xiaofei admits it himself, this makes Ganser very uneasy, even fearful.


Bai Xiaofei's strength is too strong.

Even though this is the OA star, the territory of the guardians, and there are a large number of Green Lanterns sitting in it, he still has no confidence at all.

The key is that they know too little about Bai Xiaofei.

As the saying goes, the unknown is the scariest thing.

at the same time.

After asking, Ganser also immediately gave Abin Sur a wink, which means that if something goes wrong, don't hesitate to do it immediately.

after all……

The problem is all about ion sharks.

How could the guardians of the universe not care about it? After all, it is the most important existence in the green light energy, and absolutely nothing can happen.


Ganser's attitude towards Bai Xiaofei also became much colder in an instant.

His eyes were full of anger.


He has been deceived.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about Ganser's reaction at all, and said with a smile: "I don't want to do anything, Ganser, since you asked, I might as well tell you that if you do unrighteous actions, you will die yourself. I was invited, not on my own initiative, do you understand what I mean?"


Of course Gunther understood what he meant.

Therefore, upon hearing this, his eyes were filled with disbelief, and he exclaimed, "You were invited? This is impossible!"

To know.

The ion shark is a lantern beast that has lived in the central battery energy for an unknown number of years. It has no relationship with Green Lantern.

How could an outsider be invited to OA Star...


There must be something tricky in this!

I do not believe!

In short.

At this moment, Ganther received a huge shock and shock.

Immediately afterwards, he winked at Abin Sur, meaning, hurry up and do it, the purpose of this guy is so obvious, what are you still doing? !

And himself.

Or just turn around and leave, not wanting to stay here for a moment.

It's not because he's afraid of Bai Xiaofei, but because he's worried about the ion shark in the central battery energy source, something really went wrong.


He must go to the central energy tower to see.

Naturally, the Green Lanterns are responsible for restraining and blocking Bai Xiaofei's footsteps, so as to buy time for Ganser and others.


Abin Sur never expected that things would turn out like this. After receiving the signal from Ganser's eyes, he was slightly taken aback.

But keep on.

As the Green Lantern's duty and mission, Abin Sur immediately chose to obey the order, raised his arms, and was the first to attack Bai Xiaofei.


Green light flashed.

Abin Sur directly manifested a row of huge advanced technological weapon missiles, bombarding Bai Xiaofei indiscriminately.

The other Green Lanterns are not to be outdone either.

They all started to shoot.


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