The Storm God

Chapter 3451 It's all your fault!


Green light flourishes.

Alone and surrounded by Bai Xiaofei, he was completely engulfed by the various weapons transformed into green light almost instantly.

But even so.

Abin Suer and the others dared not be careless, they continued to fire rapidly and crazily there, because they all knew that Bai Xiaofei was not that easy to deal with.

as expected.


Suddenly, a loud bang came.

Before everyone figured out what was going on, they felt a terrifying force spread out in a circular impact.

Like a turbulent sea, the surrounding Green Lanterns were immediately shocked and had to retreat, and the center of the battlefield was focused on the target...

That is Bai Xiaofei.

At this moment, a figure finally emerged from the green smoke.


It was as if the person who was attacked just now was not him, but someone else. Not only that, Bai Xiaofei didn't even have a single scar on his body.


"How is that possible? That was an attack by dozens of Green Lanterns!"

"He's not hurt at all?"

"This unscientific!"


The Green Lanterns were all shocked.

Including Abin Sur and others who have mastered the new version of the green light ring, because of the attack just now, even if they were replaced, they would not dare to say that everything will be safe.

But Bai Xiaofei was safe and sound.

This meant that Bai Xiaofei's strength was far above theirs. With the current means alone, it is impossible to break through other people's defenses!

So far.

Everyone was a little shocked and unbelievable.

If it's an ordinary green light ring, it's fine. After all, the power is where it is. Although it has many functions and is fancy, its attack power is really not good.

But the new version of the green light ring is different.

Compared with the old version, it is definitely a huge improvement of a hundred times and a thousand times, but facing Bai Xiaofei, he is still like a child.

This makes many people feel hopeless and powerless.

Bai Xiaofei sneered.

Seeing that everyone knows that their attacks cannot be effective against them, they are still attacking stubbornly and subconsciously.

He couldn't help but said: "You really don't cry when you see the coffin."

"Forget it!"

"Before meeting Ion Shark, let's have fun with you guys. I was embarrassed before, but now that I'm tearing myself apart, I'll take this opportunity to experience the level of your Green Lantern Corps!"

"Be careful, I'm going to shoot!"


He kindly reminded.

Then, with a thought, the terrifying power of the mind instantly turned into something substantial, manifesting itself as a huge horizontal knife.

"Total Annihilation!"

No bells and whistles.

Bai Xiaofei swiped his sword horizontally, and it was a very simple and incomparable range attack. Everyone present was counted as one, and all of them were cut horizontally by him.

And Abin Sur and others did not dare to neglect.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was showing his sword, he followed closely and used the power of green light to manifest various defensive methods.


Most of them are shield power.

There are only a few who prefer to attack instead of defend, and they are weapons such as knives, guns, axes or hammers, intending to use offense instead of defense.


Whatever it is these Green Lanterns are embodying.

Or a new green light.

In short.

One counts as one.

All of their manifestations have only one end.

It crumbled to pieces!

As if the glass was hit by a meteor, without any exception, the defenses of these Green Lanterns all collapsed in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

Dozens of Green Lanterns flew out collectively in an instant.

One by one, they flew in different directions, spread out in a circular shape, some hit the ground, some hit the building, and some fell into a deep ditch...

In short.

No one can stand.

Even a leader like Abin Sur, who holds the title of the greatest Green Lantern, and a boss who has mastered the new version of the Green Lantern Ring, still can't stop Bai Xiaofei's move.


His results are obviously much better than others.

At the very least, Abin Sur didn't fall down completely, he just knelt on one knee. Compared with other people's misery, it was much more decent.

But that's all.

Seeing the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he knew that after this move, Abin Sur was already injured. Even if Bai Xiaofei didn't continue to pursue him, Abin Sur might not be able to stand up in a short time and continue fighting.

no way.

That's not to say Abin Sur Vegetable Chicken.

The main reason is that Bai Xiaofei is too strong, like a dinosaur trying to trample a group of ants to death, no matter how desperately the ants try to stop them, it is almost useless.

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.


This is the result of Bai Xiaofei keeping his hand.

Otherwise, this boss, even if he only used one percent of his strength, he could instantly turn these people, as well as the entire OA star, into ashes.

What does it mean to play with them?

This is!


at the same time.

Ganther's speed is not slow either.


He summoned the other nine guards, as well as some other little blue men with great authority and decision-making ability, and went to the central energy tower together.


"What happened, why are you so panicked?"

"Is there something wrong with the central battery?"


Someone kept asking.

This person is the representative of the radical faction among the little blue people. His name is Apa, and he is Ganser's strong enemy. He is usually very active. Apart from Ganser, he is the most prestigious guard among the guards. None of them .


Ganser's various performances made Appa very concerned.

At the same time, he didn't like the feeling of being kept in the dark, knowing nothing, and having to guess everything.

So in the process of going to the central battery energy, I have been chasing Ganser, what happened.

And Appa's attitude directly affected the surrounding guards.


Ganser was a little helpless.

Seeing that everyone is also looking at me eagerly, and it is impossible to hide this matter, so I can only tell the truth:

"It's like this..."

"There was a change in the energy of the central battery before, and Gus suspected that it might be Bai Cass who made a mess, but it turned out to be the case..."

"The most terrifying thing is that the ion shark seems to be bewitched by him."

"Now Baicus is here..."


Ganser succinctly stated what happened, and finally said: "In short, our top priority now is to quickly find out what's going on with the ion shark and why we invited White Cass to come to Star OA to take it away..."


"Once the central battery energy is no longer inhabited by ion sharks, its energy level and power will directly decay by dozens of levels..."

"Although it has no effect on the general green light, it is a very heavy blow to our entire OA star and overall strength."

"In short, we can't sit still, we have to find a way to prevent all this from happening, if it doesn't work, we will forcibly transfer the ion shark away..."


Gunther offered his opinion.

And the other little blue people, after listening to the ins and outs of the matter and figuring out the whole story, were all stunned and shocked.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many secrets in it..." Apa looked at Ganser with a solemn face, gritted his teeth, and said, "What's even more hateful is that you have always known it, but you didn't tell us anything... ..."

"It's dangerous now, you just told us that something is wrong..."

"Ganther, it's all your fault!"


In the end.

Appa was already roaring in anger.


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