The Storm God

Chapter 3452 I won't accompany you anymore!


Gunther was speechless.

Because to a certain extent, most of this matter is indeed his responsibility. After all, he knows everything, but he didn't say anything.

It's fine if nothing happened, but now that something happened, and it's such a big deal, it's only natural for people to trouble him.


He didn't intend to deny it either.

Faced with Apa's responsibility and anger, Ganser just said calmly: "Apa, I admit that I am guilty, but now is not the time to talk about this, we should unite and tide over the difficulties together, when everything is over, how can I It doesn't matter!"


Another guard also stood up and helped to smooth things over: "Apa, things are so bad now, if we still fight among ourselves, there is no hope of saving the truth!"

This is a female guardian.

Although it is not within the scope of the nine people, it also has huge authority and responsibilities, otherwise it would not be invited.

The most important thing is that this female guardian has a very close relationship with Ganser, and she is usually very close to Ganser.

Her name is Seid.

Sid stood up.


The other guards also began to speak one after another, helping to persuade.

After all, that's what happened. Strictly speaking, although Ganser's actions were wrong, they were not unforgivable.

In all fairness.

If it were any one of them, they might not be as good as Ganser, so at this critical moment, there is no need to cling to it.

not to mention……

Like Gunther said.

The most important thing now is to solve the problem, not infighting!

If you want to be punished, you can.

talk about it later!


If the internal strife continues, OA star may have nothing to do. If this is the case, then Appa's crime will be serious.

Although Apa is more aggressive, he is not stupid.

Seeing that everyone pleaded for Ganser and helped persuade him, he naturally knew that it was not suitable to continue the internal strife, so he accepted it as soon as he saw it.

He said coldly: "Hmph, I'll let you go this time. When everything is over, I will definitely launch a vote to impeach you!"


He took the lead and flew directly towards the final energy tower.

The other guards followed suit.

Ganser remained silent.


Seid's expression was a little complicated and helpless.

Because he knew that Ganser did not have any selfishness in doing this, it was all for the OA star, but the development of the matter was not satisfactory.

In addition, Apa and Ganser were not at ease with each other, so it was more troublesome to deal with this matter.

Like Appa said.

After everything is over, the other party will inevitably impeach Ganser.

According to the rules and procedures of the OA star, Ganser's crimes cannot be offset by merit and demerit, and the final outcome may be quite bad.

As Ganser's old friend, almost like a confidant, Seid certainly doesn't want to see Ganser suffer such an ending.


This thing is too special.

Even though Seid wanted to help Ganther, he was powerless and helpless.

"I'm fine!"

Ganser grinned, and comforted Said in turn: "As long as everything is safe and sound on OA, I don't care what happens. It's just being impeached and expelled. It's not a big deal. It's not like we can't meet again..."

"You really think about it!"

Hearing this, Seide could only smile helplessly.


A group of people finally came to the central battery energy side.

A dozen or so little blue men, gathered around the huge central battery energy source, joined forces, exerted their special powers, and began to try to communicate with the ion shark inside.


They succeeded.

The spiritual combination of the little blue people successfully communicated and had a dialogue with Ion Shark. Apa asked directly: "Ion Shark, you invited an outsider to come to Star OA?"


Ion Shark is quite straightforward.

Facing the question from the little blue man, without any concealment, he said frankly: "I want to leave here, and he is the only one who can help me!"

The tone is firm and beyond doubt.


And a touch of anger.

After all, Ion Shark has expressed more than once that he wants to leave this cage and go outside to find a way to help the reformed octopus regain its sanity.

But what happened?

The little blue man simply ignored it.

It's completely as if I didn't hear it. Until so many years, Ion Shark has never left even a step, so I feel aggrieved.


Since Bai Xiaofei is willing to help, of course it will not refuse.

As for the little blue man's attitude?


fuck me?

After getting the answer from Ion Shark personally, the little blue people were all shocked, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Seid exclaimed, "Why?"


Ion Shark laughed and said: "You still have the nerve to ask me why? How did you agree to me at the beginning? The result? Once the goal is achieved, you will turn your face and deny anyone!"

"Tell you, I have endured you for a long time!"

"At first, I was hesitant to leave. After all, I have lived with you for so long, and I have some feelings..."

"In the end, you cheated Brother Bai again!"


Speaking of which.

The ion shark's tone was full of anger.

He shouted angrily: "It's fine to deal with me at the beginning. After all, I am an energy creature and have special requirements for the environment. I can understand some of your behaviors and thoughts..."

"But what about Brother Bai?"

"He was completely thinking of you. What did you do? Cross the river and demolish the bridge. After getting the benefits, you just kicked Brother Bai away!"

"Tell you, Brother Bai has been helping me all the time!"


The ion shark was furious.

He roared: "You are targeting him, you are targeting me. Since you are so despicable and don't fulfill your original promise, then don't blame me for being selfish!"

"That's right!"

"Brother Bai is the one who called me here, and I will leave you guys. As for what will happen after your green light, you can figure it out yourself!"

"Anyway, I won't accompany you!"



There was a sudden riot in the central battery energy.

A burst of powerful energy exploded in an instant, and directly sent the spiritual combination of more than a dozen little blue people flying.

The faces of Ganser and others suddenly became extremely ugly.

Apa wanted to try to communicate with the ion shark again, but ended in failure, because the current central battery energy is completely closed.

It was clear that he didn't want to deal with them.

on this...

The little blue people are very depressed.

Apa was even more furious, and then poured all his anger on Ganser, shouting: "Hmph! It's all right now, the ion shark doesn't listen to our explanation at all, what do you think?"


Ganser was speechless.

He also never expected that Ion Shark only had contact with Bai Xiaofei once, and the relationship between the two parties would become so strong...

The ion shark doesn't listen to our explanation at all, so it's going to be difficult.


If you really want to solve it, there is no way.


Before Bai Xiaofei arrived, they moved ahead of time, transferring the pure energy in the central battery energy, together with the ion shark.

It's just that because it was a temporary idea, I didn't make enough preparations, and ordinary things can't bear such a strong energy...


Ganser's eyes suddenly brightened.

He suddenly remembered the little green sun he had created before.

That thing swallows and absorbs the energy of countless stars. If you reduce the power of the central battery energy and put the ion shark in it, there should be no problem...

So far.

Ganser didn't dare to neglect, and quickly expressed his thoughts.


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