The Storm God

Chapter 3453 Gunther's backhand!


Apa said coldly: "Of course I know this method, but the key question now is, how to solve that Bai?"


Ion Sharks have no entity.

It has been trapped in the energy of the central battery, so there is no need to worry too much. Even if it has already turned to others, it does not have enough ability to fight against the guardian.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

To know.

The opponent's strength is unfathomable.

Even if the guardians have strong confidence in their own power, they still dare not trust them at the moment. After all, they have an existence that can easily blow up even a black hole.

Who knows if the opponent has more powerful means?

If the source of this problem is not solved, everything will not end. After all, the opponent's purpose is to take the ion shark away.

And when Apa raised this question, he naturally intended to embarrass Ganser.

after all……

This series of things is too big.

Someone has to stand up and take the blame, and Ganser is undoubtedly the best candidate.

To this.

Gunther knew it too.

Therefore, he did not refute Appa, but said: "Now is not the time to worry about that, we can only take one step at a time."

"Let's do it together!"


The implication is.

Don't push me, or you won't be able to keep the ion shark in the end, and you won't be able to survive if I get away. Now you can only cooperate together.


Appa remained silent.

But the body is still very honest. Following Ganser's greeting, he and the other guards immediately exerted their power and began to tamper with the central battery energy.


Ion sharks seal off communication and perception.

But the guardians still have means and methods to remotely control the power inside and transfer it to other places together with the ion shark.

And one of the female guardians immediately took out the special model lantern that she had prepared in advance, and said that it was her most proud work.

Definitely can withstand the power of central battery energy and ion shark.


For this female guardian.

Everyone still trusts her very much. After all, she is the chief scientist of Star OA. If she can't do it, then no one can.

It turns out.

The other party did not brag.

That little lantern actually withstood the powerful energy of the ion shark and the central battery, like a small black hole, immediately devouring the power transferred by the guardians and absorbing it all. inside.

not only.

It also seems to have the effect of shielding energy.

Even if it absorbed almost all the power of the central battery, it didn't show the slightest abnormality, and it was almost no different from other ordinary lanterns.

"very good!"

Appa was very satisfied with the performance of the lantern.

He glanced at the chief scientist appreciatively, then looked at Ganser coldly, and ordered: "Now the problem of the ion shark is temporarily solved, and then we will transfer him to the light room ..."

The Light Room is a special area designed by OA Star.

There are countless planetary fragments around it for protection. Without a special password, no one can get in. It is a key fortress that guards the door to store special treasures and conduct final defense.


Gunther is one of the guards.

Naturally, he also knew the function of the light room. He didn't think there was anything wrong with putting the lantern in the light room, but it was obviously not that simple for Apa.

as expected.

He only heard Apa change the subject, and then said: "In order to ensure the smooth progress of our operation, the task of blocking the surnamed Bai here is left to you Ganser..."

"This can be regarded as letting you commit crimes and meritorious deeds!"

"Any comments?"


Everyone was speechless for a while.

Ganser felt even more bitter in his heart, and secretly said: "Let me take the blame and make meritorious service? Hehe, it sounds nice. I think you want to borrow a knife to kill someone. Let the surname Bai kill me?"

this moment.

Gunther was full of disappointment with Appa.

Especially the guards next to him, there were not many who stood up to speak for him. Ganser knew that the high-level officials of OA star had become corrupted.

Staying here will only make them more like them.

have to leave.


OA star will be destroyed!

Thinking of this, Ganser suddenly had an idea.

He nodded, and did not reject Apa's proposal, but made a request: "I want to use the highest technological achievement of OA star!"


Appa was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, he realized that Ganther was referring to the small interceptor spacecraft that the chief scientist had just successfully developed.

This thing is not his own. Although he has great rights, he still has to worry about the face of the chief scientist.


Apa looked at the chief scientist.

The little blue man, a female guardian scientist with a somewhat arrogant and cold face, didn't want to agree at first, but then he remembered something.

Immediately after she rolled her eyes, she smiled in agreement.

"very good!"

Appa is very satisfied with the other party's performance.

He gave her an appreciative look, then looked at Ganther again, and said, "Your request has been approved, so I hope you can complete the task!"

"let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, Apa led the crowd away.

As Ganser's friend, Seid did not leave immediately, but stayed where he was, silently staring at Ganser, as if he wanted to say something.

Ganther shook his head at Seid.

There is no deep meaning in the eyes.


Sid sighed slightly, then turned and left too.

Ganser, on the other hand, flew alone to a certain science and technology building on Star OA, and quickly boarded a state-of-the-art spacecraft built with green light energy as its core drive system.

Although the spaceship was designed and completed by the chief scientist, in fact, Ganser also invested and supported it.


He is very aware of the capabilities of this spaceship.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that there is also this special lantern on it.

Ganser's purpose, that is it.

As for blocking Bai Xiaofei?


Give me a break!

Gunther is not stupid!

If it was before there was no sealing power, the guardians of the universe, such as Ganser, might be able to swear to fight Bai Xiaofei.

but now……

The little blue man whose power has been sealed is still very self-aware.

Going up is purely looking for abuse!


Gunther will not run away either.

His idea was that he couldn't stop Bai Xiaofei, but he could let others do it. It’s like choosing a human who was also born on Earth and making him a Green Lantern...

It wasn't Gunther's brainstorm, or a whim of the idea.

But as early as when he doubted Bai Xiaofei, Ganser had already predicted and thought of a solution through the Oua Book.

The Book of Oa prophesied that a human Green Lantern from Earth would be the key to saving or destroying OA.

And this person.

Of course Ganser didn't think it would be Bai Xiaofei.

He felt that there should be someone else, so when making a new version of the green light ring, he secretly hid a copy and sent it to the earth a billion light-years away.


Gunther decided it was time to summon the new Green Lantern.

And this most advanced spacecraft on OA star has the ability to amplify the green light and signal, which can just meet Ganther's needs and send information to the green light ring sent to the earth.

at the same time.

Gunther's message was also quickly received.


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