The Storm God

Chapter 3454 Green light Hal!

Reply a little bit forward in time.

well known.

The earth in this world has been protected by Bai Xiaofei, and it has been brought into another special dimension.


The green light ring sent here by Gunther...

cough cough.

Unsurprisingly got lost.

It was in the original position of the earth, went around for a long time, but couldn't find the existence of the earth, so it couldn't help being a little confused and confused.

what's the situation?


Baicus discovered its existence.

After some scanning and analysis, it turned out that this green light ring seemed to be written by Bai Xiaofei, after all, the technical level is very similar...


Bai Cass contacted Bai Xiaofei.

After asking, of course Bai Xiaofei didn't know about this new version of the green light ring, but he could also imagine that the OA star should have adopted some plans.


He just doesn't care.

After all, all rings have back doors left by him.

Afraid of a ball.


In this way, with Bai Xiaofei's acquiescence, Bai Cass reluctantly opened a back door for the green light ring, and when it was not paying attention...


Just put it into the dimensional space where the earth is.


The new version of the green light ring did not think too much. After entering the earth, it began to search for a qualified successor according to Ganther's requirements.

It’s just that neither it nor Ganser know that the earth in this space has a much faster time flow than the outside world. Ganser may not feel that it’s been a long time, but in fact, this green light ring has passed several times on the earth. years long.

And it finally found its own successor.

An American pilot named Hal Jordan, in a test flight accident, finally made Hal the destined Green Lantern because of the power of fate.


compared to the original plot.

The current world has undergone too many changes due to the intrusion of Bai Xiaofei and others. At least on this earth, Green Lanterns are no longer uncommon, they can be seen almost everywhere.

But even so, Hal was also happy not to.

Because his biggest dream is to become a member of the League of Legends, and fight monsters with many heroes to defend the earth.

No idea.

One day he would become a Green Lantern.

But soon Hal discovered that his Green Lantern seemed to be a little different from the others. Because others are organized, disciplined, and led by others...

He himself is a loner.

Not only that.

Hal also tried to contact the person in charge of the League of Legends, but the other party told him that he was not under the jurisdiction of this article.


Brother, you may be a Green Lantern from another area, you should wait patiently for your person in charge to come to you, we have no authority to command you.


Hal just waited and waited.

Until two years later, today, when he was trying to sublimate his friendship with his girlfriend Carol, his green light ring suddenly received a signal from Gunther.

All this, of course, was specially permitted by Baikas.


In a special dimension space.

No matter how strong the signal of OA star is, it is impossible to send it to the earth through the dimension.

Not only that.

Bai Cass also unknowingly made a certain analysis, modification, and even location tracking of Hal's green light ring.

Without Hal's knowledge, his every move and all his communications with Gunther were all monitored by Baikas.


When Baikas learned that the person who called Hal was Ganser, the guardian of the green light, he immediately showed a meaningful smile, and said to himself, "Did you expect all this, sir?"


He decisively opened the door for Hal.

So, Hal, who didn't know it, turned into a Green Lantern, easily left the earth, and flew to the OA star.

at the same time.

OA star.

All the Green Lanterns who blocked Bai Xiaofei, after using all their strengths, were finally put down by Bai Xiaofei effortlessly.

no way.

Those who are familiar with Green Lantern should know a classic saying: "The green light is no more than five, otherwise the team will die!"

There are obviously more than five people here, so basically they are all rookies, not to mention that Bai Xiaofei is still an absolute powerhouse.


There is no suspense.

The green light group was successfully extinguished, and all of them were hit by Bai Xiaofei.


He didn't want the lives of these people.

After all, they may all become his younger brothers in the future, how could Bai Xiaofei hit hard, just make them unconscious and lose their combat effectiveness.


Bai Xiaofei's momentum was like a broken bamboo, and he went forward without hesitation.

It quickly rushed to the vicinity of the central battery energy source, but at this time, Ganser drove the most advanced spaceship of OA star to the battlefield.

follow closely.

A burst of blue light waves was released.

The Green Lanterns below suddenly found themselves as if they had been injected with chicken blood, their strength increased dramatically, and the ring's increase was also multiplied several times in an instant.

Especially those new green lights who have the new version of the green light ring, one by one, it seems that they have changed from Super Saiyan 1 to Super Saiyan 2. The green arrogance around them has become more powerful and terrifying, and even faintly turned into a storm dragon volume, and a little green arc...

In short.

The combat power of the Green Lantern Corps has skyrocketed.

The instigator was Ganther who was driving the spaceship, and this little blue man was very cunning, and left after releasing the blue wave.

He didn't give Bai Xiaofei a chance to pursue him.


"Can you boost all the green lights and double your combat power?"

"Could it be that thing?"


Bai Xiaofei was a little dazed.

Seeing the small white and green spaceship going away quickly, he always felt a little familiar, and couldn't help thinking of many plots about Green Lantern in his mind.

If you guessed right, it should be the product of the animation version, right?

Is this a string?


String or not is not important.

The most important thing is the impact of this thing on the plot!

If that spaceship is really the one that Bai Xiaofei thought of, then there is something to play with, because as it sets sail, other lights of several colors will also appear one by one. It could save Bai Xiaofei a lot of trouble.

at the same time……

In the plot related to it, in addition to the Lantern Corps, there is also a very popular special character, the artificial intelligence Aiya!

And the super villain who almost caused the destruction and restart of the universe-the anti-supervisor king.

Thinking of all the plots after that, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but froze in place, but what he got in return was a group of "chicken blood" Green Lanterns' crazy torrential attacks...


Feeling disturbed, Bai Xiaofei became a little impatient.

"Get out of here!"


A roar.

The terrifying power, engulfed by Bai Xiaofei's incomparably perverted mental power, instantly turned into an invisible shock wave, sweeping the audience.

follow closely.

On the battlefield, one counts as one, regardless of whether it is the old version of Green Lantern or the new version of Green Light, wherever the power of the mind goes, everyone will fall to the ground.

They were all distracted by the impact of Bai Xiaofei's thought power, and passed out on the spot. As far as the eye could see, none of them could stand still.

The road leading to the central battery energy tower is finally completely clear.


Bai Xiaofei was not happy about it.

Because, the ion shark in the central battery energy has already been transferred away by the guards, and what is left here is just an empty shell.

Not even much energy left!


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