The Storm God

Chapter 3455 Ganser loses power!

"You still have this hand?"

Bai Xiaofei said that he somewhat underestimated those little blue people, after all, they are the guardians of the universe, even if their own power is sealed, they can still stand on top of the universe.

before doing it instead.

Bai Xiaofei will definitely continue to chase until he finds the ion shark.

But now, the situation is a little special.


Bai Xiaofei was ready to give up.


Ion Shark was very puzzled by this, and wondered: "Why? With your strength, it should be easy to track my location, right?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He replied: "I can indeed track you down, but there is no need for that now, because the little blue man has already committed a big death..."


Ion Shark looked confused.

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to explain more to him, he just said: "Ion Shark, you just need to know that now is the best result."

"you sure?"


Bai Xiaofei said without any doubt: "As long as you follow what I said, I believe we will soon find other Lantern Beasts. We only need to follow someone in the dark, and we can easily catch fisherman..."


Ion Shark hesitated.

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's confident appearance, he didn't have much to say, so he could only agree: "Okay, since you've said that, then I'll trust you again, if there is any error in the plan, you must Come find me!"


The two sides ended the communication.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei made a dodge and left OA star directly.

Ion Shark is no longer here, and staying here is of no help. Instead of staying with Star OA and doing nothing, Bai Xiaofei would rather hide behind the scenes and be the shopkeeper.

And he just left.

The new green light Hal Jordan, who came all the way from the earth, followed the guidance of the ring and came directly to a hidden location on OA star.

The person responsible for approaching him was naturally Ganser.

"Hello, I am……"

Hal was still very polite, he didn't underestimate the little blue man because of his height, and introduced himself very solemnly.

"I know who you are!"

However, Ganser had already known Hal's identity through the ring, so naturally he would not listen to his rambunctious talk, so he went straight to the point:

"Hal, you are the heir chosen by the ring, so there must be some quality in you that is recognized by it..."


Hal smiled modestly.

Ganser didn't care about Hal's interruption, and continued: "Now, our planet OA is facing an unprecedented catastrophe. My instinct tells me that you are the one who can save us from danger... ..."


Hal was flattered.

Although he is quite a hero with all his heart, it's a bit unkind to have such a heavy burden on his shoulders when he first joined the job, right?

Aren't you afraid I'll accidentally screw it up?

He wants to say something.


Gunther never gave Hal a chance to say no.

He directly arranged a series of things for Hal on his own initiative, such as short-term quick training, guidance on the use of the green light ring, and various difficulties and enemies facing the OA star at this stage...

Etc., etc.

It doesn't matter whether Hal can bear it or not, he just lost him all at once.

And Hal is worthy of being the destined special protagonist. In just a few days, he completed all the training at a miraculous speed.

Not only that.

He has also achieved amazing results, broke many Green Lantern records, and became the fastest Green Lantern in history to complete training and graduate with honor.

at the same time……

Hal also met a good friend - Kilowog.

Kilowog is the Green Lantern of Sector 674. He was originally a scientist. After being recruited by the Guardian, he received the training of Green Lantern and became an excellent fighter.

In this version of the plot, Kilowog is also one of the new green lights.

It was Hal's training in Kilowog that he became a qualified and capable member of the new Green Light.

this day.

They were summoned by Gunther.

"Red Lantern?"

"What's that? How come I've never heard of it?"

"A new super soldier?"


For this task.

Hal expressed his surprise and surprise, because when he was on Earth, he knew the Green Lantern Corps and the Yellow Lantern Corps.

I've never heard of a red light...


Is this a traffic signal?

It's red, yellow and green!


Ganser saw Hal's distraction, so he quickly reminded him: "The red light is the embodiment of anger and resentment. Many of the Green Lanterns who went out to perform missions died because of it. The current situation is very special, so we can only It's up to the two of you to carry out the investigation..."


Hal was silent.

The burly man beside him, Kilowog, was also a little confused.

"Just me and him?"


Gunther nodded.

However, he continued, "Another state-of-the-art spaceship from Star OA is needed, because the place where the accident happened is relatively remote, and it can help you greatly reduce the consumption of power..."


He began to introduce the spaceship to the two of them.

Hal was a little reluctant to accept this task at first, but after seeing the small spaceship, he immediately agreed without moral integrity.

To know.

When he was on Earth, Hal was an aircraft test pilot, and he was very fascinated by all kinds of flying equipment. Now such an awesome spaceship is in front of him, and he is the captain...

How do you tell him to refuse?


Seeing that a spaceship bought this kid, Kilowog sighed and covered his face.

Without further ado.

After explaining everything.

Hal and Kilowog drove the spaceship away from star OA, went straight to a certain area on the edge of the universe, and began to investigate the matter of the Red Lantern.

As everyone knows.

It's all a huge game.

They were just pawns, and the people who played the game, besides Ganser, also included the chief scientist and director of OA Star, and Bai Xiaofei who hid deeper.

Regardless of what happened to Hal and his party.


Appa and other little blue men.

After confirming that Bai Xiaofei left OA star and would not come back in a short time, he returned directly from the light room.

Although the OA star did not suffer much damage from Bai Xiaofei, the impact was enormous.


They have to do something.

For example, find someone to take the blame, completely suppress this matter, and at the same time start building a stronger defense force.

prevent similar things from happening again.

And these things, no matter which one they are, are inseparable from Ganser.


He was always against Appa.

In view of this, Apa had to unite with the guards, listed Ganser's many mistakes and guilt, and finally succeeded in impeaching him out of the sequence of the nine guards.

If Said and others hadn't tried their best to persuade Ganser, and he saved OA in the end, I am afraid that Ganser would have to be expelled from OA now.

Although Ganser stayed on in the end, he lost all his rights and authority, and became the most ordinary low-level person in OA star.

And Appa...

But it changed suddenly and directly became the person with the highest status and authority in the House of Guardians, not one of them.

Without Ganser's obstruction, the radical faction headed by Apa immediately started various changes with great fanfare.

One of the most important points is to vigorously promote the new version of the green light ring.

This made Bai Xiaofei very comfortable.


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