The Storm God

Chapter 3456 Estrade Prison!

Near Kruga.

Bai Xiaofei lived in seclusion on a certain asteroid, secretly watching what happened around Hal, feeling infinitely moved in his heart.

"It's finally started!"

"The original version of the Red Lantern has also started its activities. The Green Lantern version's most powerful artificial intelligence system, Aya, has finally launched with the appearance of Hal..."

"This is one of the strongest villain bosses in the future!"


Recall the relevant plot.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help admiring Aya's ability, she was able to kill even a character as strong as the anti-supervision king and replace him.

It's awesome!


The plot of the original version is too bloody.

Unexplainably blackened because of Lei Snake's ignorance, and suddenly whitewashed because of Lei Snake's injury, it can be said that giving Bai Xiaofei to Lei is not light.

He just hopes.

This version of Aya, won't be like that.

By the way...

Aya's figure and appearance after materialization are still quite good-looking, and I don't know if Baikas has any needs for the opposite sex?

If anything, Aya would be a good fit for him.

Although Aya is not a complete artificial intelligence, because of her existence, some life substances of ion sharks are mixed...

But Bai Cass is not an ordinary artificial intelligence.

The two are a perfect match!

All right……

bored him.

At this moment, they actually started to click on the mandarin duck book, but there was no one else.

You know, at this time, the artificial intelligence system beside Hal, Aya, has not yet emerged from the physical body.

Are you too impatient?



Bai Xiaofei switched his perspective.

The special device left on star OA allows him to silently monitor every move of the little blue man, so that he can take action at any time and control the overall situation.

And at this moment...

Apa and others are holding a meeting.

The content of the meeting is related to the new version of the green light ring. After all, the materials required for these new rings are not ordinary things.

The last time the black hole was blown up, the super matter obtained was almost used up.

That is.

If they want to expand the scale of the new green light ring, they must find another black hole to blow up, perhaps more super matter, in order to create more new rings.


That was blocked by the conservative Ganser and others.

Now that Ganser has lost power, Apa has almost 90% of the power, so he can do whatever he wants.


Meetings are just a formality.

In fact, it is Apa's one-word hall, which is used to inform everyone what you should do and how to do it. Almost no one opposes Apa.

after all……

Appa is no fool either.

His proposal is indeed of great help to the current OA star.


Some little blue people started to act.

They took some new green light directly, went to the vicinity of the previous star field, and found a brand new black hole.

This black hole is bigger than the previous one.

Naturally speaking, after blowing up, the super substance that can be obtained may also be more than the previous one.


The relative energy required will also be stronger.

But fortunately, the current little green light sun is no better than before. The Lantern Beast Ion Shark lives in it, which directly improves it by several levels.


Didn't have long to wait.

The little green light sun absorbed enough power, followed the steps that Bai Xiaofei taught them before, and soon successfully blew up the black hole.

follow closely.

A group of people began to harvest super matter.

It has to be said that their luck this time was quite good, and they actually obtained several times the supermatter of the previous black hole.

It is conservatively estimated that if these super substances are used to make a new version of the green light ring, at least hundreds of them can be made.

Not to mention those little blue men.

Even Bai Xiaofei had to admire their luck.


They are happy.

Bai Xiaofei is happier, because these are tool people, and when it comes to the final showdown, all the gains of these little blue people will belong to Bai Xiaofei.

So the more they harvest, the stronger Bai Xiaofei's income will be.

Someone is naturally happy.

And at this time...

Sinestro, who had been away for a long time, suddenly sent a message to Bai Xiaofei, saying that a guy named Atoxitas wanted to get in touch with him.


Hearing the familiar name, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and asked in confusion: "Ato? Isn't that the founder of Red Lantern? How did he find Sinestro? Could it be because of the power of Yellow Lantern?"

In the original plot.

A Tuo was full of hatred and anger towards Star OA, wishing to destroy everything there, to take revenge on the brutal actions of the previous guardians.

It's just a pity that at the last juncture, Atuo was defeated by the will-exploding Hal, and then became a prisoner.

According to the development of the plot.

Ato should still be at the edge of the universe, hunting Green Lanterns everywhere, in order to reduce the overall strength of OA star, so as to improve the chances of winning the final battle in the future.

How did he find Sinestro?


Sinestro explained: "I think it should be related to the battlefield environment near me. After all, this kind of place is most likely to breed fear, anger and resentment..."

"Ato's strength seems to be very strong. It's not surprising that he can sense my existence. It's his cooperation. Should I agree?"


Bai Xiaofei was silent for a while.

Thoughts turned in my mind, and I finally recovered: "Don't talk to him yet, this is a grievance between Red Lantern Man and OA Star, let them go by themselves and kill you, we just sit back and reap the benefits!"


When Sinestro got the exact answer, he knew what to do.

The newsletter is over.

Bai Xiaofei grinned, and muttered to himself: "Of course, the biggest reason for rejecting you is to ensure the continuity of the plot. At least until you see what I want, your fate cannot be changed!"

He actually has another purpose.


Time flies.

Hal and Kilowog are soon attacked by the Red Lantern.

The two sides fought fiercely and hurt each other.


A Green Lantern dies.

In order to protect his planet and his compatriots, he was killed in the explosion of the interstellar bomb left by Ato...

And the behavior of this Green Lantern finally made one of the Red Lantern Razers realize that his behavior was wrong.


He was caught.

Then Hal and Kilowogg sent him to Estrade Prison.

A naturally formed huge meteorite-shaped planet, surrounded by countless searchlights, and a dark prison guarded by a group of spiders.

Although this prison is nominally under the jurisdiction of Star OA, in fact, none of the people who are actually in charge of the prison is from Star OA.

And these spider clansmen may have been quite honest at the beginning, but as time went by, they began to become more and more evil and cruel. Many mortals in the prison have basically become the targets of their abuse, as well as their full rations...


None of this is critical.

The most important thing is that there are countless citrines in this prison, and the radiation effect of this crystal can invalidate the green light ability of Green Lantern!

Basically equivalent to the Yellow Light Ring.


Ordinary Green Lanterns came to this prison, except for basic clothing and breathing, the rest of their abilities could not be displayed.

Other color lights are not affected.

Like a red light.


As the Red Lantern, Thunder Snake has not yet fully joined Hal's team. Now he is just a criminal. Not only was he deprived of his ring, but he was also sent to this terrifying place by Hal who didn't know it.

Then he was imprisoned in a special cell by a group of spider people, and began to experience what he least wanted to recall... the tragic scene of the death of his beloved.


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