The Storm God

Chapter 3457 Subdue Razer!

"Is it finally here..."

Seeing Little Red Razer being imprisoned in a special cell by a group of spidermen, wearing a special mind control device on his head, and experiencing the scene of his beloved's death over and over again, Lu Wuxie's eyes also became serious.

If there is no accident, if the original plot continues to develop, the two of Hal will find out that there is a problem with this prison later.


Their green light rings are restrained by the citrine that is almost everywhere in the prison. How can they make these spider clan opponents?

Then, Hal and Kilowog failed to save people, but put themselves in it. Finally, the AI ​​on the spaceship, that is, Aya, sensed something was wrong, so they borrowed the power of the green light to go out to investigate...

It was also because of this investigation that Aya's consciousness entered Xiaohong's spirit, and she appeared in front of Razer as Xiaohong's lover.


When Aya uses the materials of the spaceship to create her own entity, its appearance is almost exactly the same as that of Little Red Razer's lover Ai Lanna.

It was from here that Little Red Razer was destined to have an indissoluble bond with Aiya.

Bai Xiaofei was thinking, should he break them up?

after all……

Their solution is not very good.

Xiaohong is very arrogant, and after Aya has feelings, she is even more arrogant. In the end, love turned into hatred, and even almost destroyed the entire universe...

Since they are destined not to be happy, it is better to separate from the beginning!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had an idea in his mind.

The next moment, with a big wave of his hand, he tore apart the space directly, and set the target directly near the Estride Prison, and then crossed away.

For Bai Xiaofei, the monitoring system of Estrand Prison is useless. He doesn't even need to use his abilities, just relying on the fluctuation of his power breath, he can interfere with the normal operation of those devices.

Inside the prison.

A member of the spider tribe, Megram discovered the abnormality of the equipment.

So he immediately ordered his men to check.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei had already sneaked into the Estrade Prison without anyone noticing, and directly broke into the recovery room where Little Red Razer was held.


Little Red Razer is still being tortured.

But even though he was tortured, he was willing because it was the only way for him to see his lover again.


Even though he knew all of this was false, he didn't want to wake up.

Looking at the affectionate Xiaohong, Bai Xiaofei was also full of emotion, good luck tricks people, but since you met me, then you are lucky!

"Razer, don't worry!"

"I, Bai Xiaofei, pay attention to convincing others with virtue. Since I robbed you of the opportunity, I will naturally compensate you. Your lover Yilanna, I will help you resurrect..."

"Because Aya can only belong to my Baikas!"


He muttered to himself.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei started to do something, and as soon as the power of his mind came out, he immediately trapped Razer's spiritual consciousness in the illusion he was obsessed with.

As for the mind control device on his head, Bai Xiaofei had already removed it, but he didn't destroy it.

Because it is still useful to keep Bai Xiaofei.


The door of space opens.

Bai Xiaofei put the Little Red Thunder Snake who had fallen into the illusion into his own small world, and then transformed himself into the appearance of a Thunder Snake.


Bai Xiaofei lay on the humanoid device in the recovery room.

The mind control device was also worn on his head. Of course, this thing is just a decoration for Bai Xiaofei.

But in order to act realistically, Bai Xiaofei started to open it.

After all, Aya is no fool.

If you want to hide your secrets and attract Aya, you have to do a full set of dramas so that Aya can't find the slightest flaw.

And in fact.

Although Bai Xiaofei's physical body is waiting in the recovery room, his spiritual consciousness has actually come to the small world.

Little Red Razer is an equally pivotal and important figure.

Bai Xiaofei wanted to see if he could be turned against him and be used by me, like helping him become the leader of the Red Lantern Corps or something.

Although Razer is a bit arrogant, his strength, means, and technical ability are still very good.

Anyway, it is much stronger than the big head in the original plot!

Don't the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders!


The premise is to be able to convince him.


Bai Xiaofei's spiritual consciousness directly entered Little Red Razer's mind, and he let out a soft drink. Little Red Razer, who was embracing his lover Yilanna just now, was shocked to find that everything around him was changed.

Surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, it was extremely strange.


And a stranger.

Although this person looked very ordinary (compared to the green light and red light, he didn't have any special attire), but he gave Razer a very scary feeling.

"Who are you?"

Razer suddenly became vigilant, looked at Bai Xiaofei who was smiling calmly, frowned and said: "This should be my consciousness world, how did you get in? What did you do to me?"

"You can call me Mr. Bai."

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "I only came to you for one thing, that is to join my camp, and in return, I can help you revive your lover..."


Razer was stunned.

With a face full of fear, he said, "What did you just say? Can you... revive my lover? How is this possible..."

Although his tone was full of suspicion, his expression was full of hope.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled confidently, saying that when his strength reaches a certain level, he can do many things that ordinary people can't understand. "For example, traveling through time, bringing people back from the dead, etc. "

"It just so happens that I am such an existence."


Razer was silent.

He has calmed down a little now, looked at Bai Xiaofei who was talking to himself, and asked the key point directly, saying: "If it is true that you are omnipotent as you said, then you will fall in love with a small person like me?"

"Forget it!"

"I don't care who you are or what your purpose is. If you can really revive my lover Yilanna, then I'm willing to pay any price!"

"Even if it's my life!"


Razer is categorical.

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, he admired this point of Razer very much, he is unsophisticated, action is the first, he is a good boy!

"rest assured!"

"I won't take your life, I just need you to offer your loyalty and faith. I have always been generous to my little brother!"

"This is a greeting gift for you..."


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei's figure quickly disappeared, replaced by a red light ring that exudes blood-like scarlet light.

The current Razer, because it broke away from Atuo's notice, the red light ring on its hand has not been charged, so the power that can be exerted and used is very poor.

It operates entirely on the stored power, and uses a little less.

But the completely different red light ring in front of him made Razer feel a completely different power of red light.

Compared to his own red light, which is the kind of severe pain he endured to absorb power, the red light in front of him is relatively gentle.

But in terms of strength, it is even worse!

Under curiosity and surprise.


Little Red Razer still chose to try on the red light ring given by Bai Xiaofei, and instantly transformed into a brand new version of Red Lantern Man.


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