The Storm God

Chapter 3458 I want you!

Astrade Prison.

Bai Xiaofei's mind returned to his body, and he was surprised to find that the time here had already passed for a long time.

at the same time……

The power of the mind is opened.

He also found that Green Lantern Hal and his good friend Kilowog had also returned here, and were captured by the spider tribe.

The poor two Green Lanterns, because their strength was completely suppressed by topaz, they could only rely on their own strength to fight.

to be honest.

The martial arts fighting skills of the two are still very strong.

But they are outnumbered, and the physiques of these spider clansmen are not generally strong, so after a short fight, Hal and Kilowog completely knelt down.


The two were sent to the recovery room.

In fact, they are not the first Green Lanterns to be imprisoned here. Even though Green Lantern claims to be a representative of the power of will, they are still unable to resist the torture of the mental device.

Poor Hull and Kilowog, just got caught.

And outside...

The spaceship controlled by Aya is docked in a hidden corner of the irregular meteorite, Estrade Prison.

After realizing that there might be an accident between Hal and Kilowogg, Aya took action, borrowing the hidden power of the green light of the spaceship, and invaded into the prison along the special route of the meteorite in Estrade Prison.

Aya wanted to use this method to rescue Hal and Kilowog.


In the end it failed.

Because the interior of the recovery room where Hal and Kilowog were held was covered with citrine, they were obviously imprisoned here deliberately because of their status as Green Lanterns.

This will not prevent Hal and the others from escaping by themselves, but it will also prevent other Green Lanterns from coming to rescue them, because the citrine will eliminate the power of the Green Lantern.

Just like Aya.

Although she is an artificial intelligence, she was also born by relying on the power of the green light, and her origin also belongs to the green light of will, so she will also be affected and suppressed by citrine.

Without any choice.

Aya could only turn back, and decided to seek help from Little Red Razer.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei has also mastered all the situation on the scene through the terrifying and powerful mental power. When he knew that Aiya was coming towards him, someone couldn't help showing a smile of success.


"Aya, Aya, are you still here..."

"Then I won't be polite!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

The next moment, he felt a special spiritual consciousness, mixed with the electronic circuit of Estherde Prison, directly entering the mind control device.

And using this as a key, he drilled into his own mind.


All of this was acquiesced by Bai Xiaofei.

Otherwise, with his spirit and the strength of his sea consciousness, if Bai Xiaofei is not willing, let alone the current Aya, even the blackened her would not be able to enter his mind so easily.

And at this moment.

In Bai Xiaofei's mind.


As soon as she came in, Aya realized something was wrong.

Because this spiritual world turned out to be a huge cosmic labyrinth, and the area at the center was a slightly familiar man.

"It's you!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's figure, Aiya was slightly taken aback for a moment, then immediately recognized Bai Xiaofei's identity.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei was once a guest of OA Star.

Later, it invaded the OA star, intending to take away the ion shark in the central battery energy, which can be said to be very famous.

Although Aiya is only an artificial intelligence, she still knows about Bai Xiaofei.

Although I don't know much information, there are many important explanations about Bai Xiaofei in the database.

And in these explanatory documents, there is almost one thing in common——

This person is extremely dangerous!


Isn't this the spiritual world of Razer?

How did he become him?

Could it be...

Aya suddenly realized that she might have been deceived.

Even Hal and others were involved in a terrifying and huge chess game, and they were just pawns in it.

So far.

Aya's face was filled with shock and horror.

It is worth mentioning that in this spiritual world, Aya is not invisible, but transformed into a very beautiful and lovely young woman.

And its appearance...

I don't know if it's the inertia of the plot, or some other reason, but it's somewhat similar to Little Red Razer's lover, Ilanna...

This made Bai Xiaofei very speechless.


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Looking at Aya with a terrified face, his eyes were full of smiles, and he grinned and said, "Welcome to my spiritual world, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"You knew I was coming?"

After all, Aya is an artificial intelligence. Although she has certain emotional abilities, she is different from ordinary people after all, so she quickly regained her calm and normalcy.

heard the words.

She was suddenly puzzled.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded with a smile, and explained: "In the long river of time, I spied that you will come here to look for Razer at a certain point, so I will wait for you here first."


Aya was silent.

With a cold expression, I don't know whether to believe it or not.

Anyway, I can't see any emotions and expressions.

After a while.

Aya finally spoke.

"Where's the real Razer?" she asked.

Bai Xiaofei replied with a smile: "It's in my small world, don't worry, he's safe, and I even gave him new powers to strengthen himself..."


Aiya was suddenly even more confused.

According to what you mean, is this directly recruiting Razer as his younger brother?

Then you said you came here specially to wait for me?

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Aya was silent for a while, and finally asked the question she wanted to know the most.

"I want you!"

Without hesitation, Bai Xiaofei immediately replied: "To be honest, I also have an artificial intelligence, his name is Baikas, I treat him like a brother..."


"After learning about your existence, I thought, how about we make a couple together? After all, the two of you are so good for each other!"

"It's a couple made in heaven!"


"If you're interested, I'll send you the relevant information about my brother Baicas, and I promise you won't be disappointed!"


Aya's eyes widened.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, he said in a daze, "You spent so much effort just to go on a blind date with me for your artificial intelligence brother?"

"Completely correct!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "I'm sorry, I'm more direct, I do what I think, I never ink, trust me, you will like my brother, he..."


Someone wants to continue to say something.

Aya directly said: "Before that, can you say something else first, for example, can you take a shot and help me rescue Hal and Kilowogg?"

As an artificial intelligence, Aya is very qualified.

Although he was taken aback by Bai Xiaofei, he never forgot the original intention of his action, which was to save people.

As for the blind date?

Feel sorry!

Anyway, Aya is not interested at all now.

There may be in the future, but right now there is absolutely no such thought, because Aya has not yet evolved to that level.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei also understood very well.

He just wanted to say hello to Aya first, and he didn't want to do it overnight, otherwise he would have brought Bai Cass here.

Seeing that Aya is still more concerned about Hal and Kilowog, Bai Xiaofei nodded with a smile and said: "No problem, I don't need to do such a small matter, my little brother Razer can handle it!"


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